- 网络dose equivalent rate

Portable neutron dose equivalent rate meter
Collective effective dose equivalent rate
The dose equivalent rates in tunnel of the maze are less than 10-6 of the absorbed dose rate from the useful beam at the isocenter .
The concepts of ambient dose equivalent rate constant Γ δ, H and directional dose equivalent rate constant Γ δ, H ′ for isotropic point source of radionuclides emitting photons were presented in this paper .
In the paper the neutron and γ photon yields are estimated based on the measurement of neutron and γ dose equivalent retes from the Ta target bombarded by the 5.2 MeV / u 32 S.
Portable neutron ambient dose equivalent ratemeters for use in radiation protection
There was a linear fit between the radiation dose rate and the target current .
Collective effective dose equivalent rate The organization of the group be too centralized to be efficient .
Estimation of Neutron and γ - photon Yields of the 5.2 MeV / u ~ ( 32 ) S + Ta Reaction by Measuring Dose Equivalent Rate
Two types of multi-sphere spectrometers , based on active and passive detectors respectively , were established by the Division of Radiation Metrology of China Institute of Atomic Energy for measuring the neutron energy spectra and dose equivalent rates in radiation workplaces .
" Direct reading , personal dose equivalent and / or dose equivalent rate monitors for X and gamma radiation "
Two-dimensional dose field distribution and the axial distribution were calculated . Meanwhile , an optimal shielding model was obtained from the calculation . The model ensured that the received doses of the hall staff members below the required standard limit .
Dose equivalent rates for X rays in mazes of 7 medical electron accelerator facilities producing X rays of 6 , 8 or 18 MV were measured using the 2570 / 1 A FARMER dosimeter and FJ - 347A X-Y dosimeter , which were calibrated at National Bureau of Standards .
During normal operation of the reactor , the n - γ dose equivalent rates in working areas were measured as well .