
  1. NPR新闻,希哈姆·格劳伊利诺利州斯普林菲尔德报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Amanda Vinicky in Springfield , Illinois .

  2. 加州雇佣的H1B签证持有者多于其他州,紧随其后的是得克萨斯州、纽约州、新泽西州和伊利诺利州。那这些员工会去哪里工作?

    California more H-1B workers than any other state , followed by Texas , New York , New Jersey and Illinois . And where are they going ?

  3. 辽、金、元时期的利州

    Li Zhou of Liao , Jin , Yuan

  4. 伊利诺利州要求持枪者在丢失枪支的72个小时内进行报告。

    Illinois now requires gun owners to report a loss of stolen gun within 72 hours .

  5. 伊利诺利州出台一项新法律,要求持枪者在丢失枪支的72个小时内进行报告。

    Illinois now requires gun owners to report a loss of stolen gun within 72 hours under a new law .

  6. 凯文·宾克利(KevinBinkley),Binkley’s,亚利桑纳州洞溪

    Kevin Binkley , Binkley 's , Cave Creek , Ariz.

  7. 这电影的外景将在亚利桑纳州拍摄。

    Exteriors for the movie will be filmed in Arizona .

  8. 离开堪萨斯后,我搬到美丽的亚利桑纳州,

    From Kansas , I moved on to lovely Arizona ,

  9. 移居亚利桑纳州治好了她的气喘病。

    Moving to Arizona cured her of her asthma .

  10. 一种兰花,花黄褐色、带有暗色条纹;产自亚利桑纳州东南到美国东部一带。

    Orchid with yellowish-brown flowers with dark veins ; southeastern Arizona to the eastern United States .

  11. 但加利福尼州的死亡之谷令人惊异的正是在那里存在着许多生物。

    But what 's amazing about California 's Death Valley is that there 's lots of life around .

  12. 据14名人质说,他们在塔茅利巴斯州三个不同城市的郊区遭到绑架。

    The fourteen hostages said they had been abducted in the outskirts of three different cities in Tamaulipas .

  13. 墨西哥海军解救了14名被绑架到东北部塔茅利巴斯州的中美洲移民。

    The Mexican navy has rescued fourteen Central American migrants who were kidnapped in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas .

  14. 她从来没当过法官,但曾经当过亚利桑纳州州长和检察长。

    She has never been a judge , but has served as governor and attorney general of the state of Arizona .

  15. 因此,杰里决定把自己拥有公司一半的股权卖掉,跟随女朋友到亚利桑纳州。

    As a result , Jerry decided he would sell his half of the business and follow his girlfriend to Arizona .

  16. 亚利桑纳州历史遗迹维护官员詹姆斯。加里森表示,官员们要求墓碑镇改正类似的违规行为,这已经不是第一次了。

    James garrison , arizona 's State Historic Preservation officer , says this is not the first time officials have demanded that tombstone correct violations .

  17. 共和党预期推选的总统候选人、来自亚利桑纳州的麦凯恩参议员星期二在路易斯安纳州对支持者的演说中,将目光放在了总统大选上面。

    The presumed Republican candidate , Arizona Senator John McCain , set his sights on the general election in remarks to his supporters Tuesday in Louisiana .

  18. 参议员麦凯恩来自亚利桑纳州,被一些保守的共和党人认为是坚持独立见解的人。麦凯恩星期三在白宫接受布什总统的正式表态支持。

    The senator from Arizona , considered a maverick by some conservative Republicans , will shortly receive a formal endorsement from President Bush at the White House .

  19. 在美国亚利桑纳州,有一个称为迷信山的山区,这里荒草丛生,怪石峥嵘,猛兽出没,到处是凶狠的响尾蛇。

    In Arizona , the United States , there is a mountain known as the superstition mountains . Grassland and wild beasts were haunted , teeming with vicious rattlesnake .

  20. 一路上经过克萨斯州、新墨西哥州、亚利桑纳州、加利福尼亚州、内华达州、犹他州、科罗拉多州、内部拉斯加州一直到明尼苏达州,我们照了很多相片。

    We took lots of pictures as we drove through Texas , new Mexico , Arizona , California , Nevada , Utah , Colorado , Nebraska , and all the way into Minnesota .

  21. “哦,我有肺病,”惊里森登先说他从亚利桑纳州来,接着便顺带宣布说,“我到那儿过了两年,靠那儿的气候养病。”

    " Oh , I 'm a lunger ," Brissenden announced , offhand , a little later , having already stated that he came from Arizona . " I 've been down there a couple of years living on the climate . "

  22. 职场友谊总体利大于弊新罕布什尔州汉诺威市达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)的心理学和脑科学副教授塔利亚•惠特利(ThaliaWheatley)对职场友谊进行了研究。他说,研究表明,发生这种情况时,你的大脑有一种应对方式。

    Thalia Wheatley , associate professor of psychological and brain sciences at Dartmouth College in Hanover , New Hampshire , who has done research on work friendships , says that studies suggest your brain has a way of coping when this happens .