
  • 网络Liu Cheng;Sean Lau
  1. 刘诚说,他之所以投资这个房地产开发项目,是因为价格似乎比较合理。

    Mr. Liu said he invested in the property development because the price seemed reasonable .

  2. 刘诚,原名刘树之,律师,中国作协会员。

    Liu Cheng , originally Liu Shuzhi , a lawyer and a member of Chinese Writers Association .

  3. 上海师范大学劳动法教授刘诚(音)则有不同解释。

    Liu Cheng , a professor of labor law at Shanghai Normal University , had a different explanation .

  4. 刘诚说,由于薪资被长期压低,最后终于发生了这次爆炸。

    After wages had been held down for long periods , he said , finally there is this explosion .

  5. 这是一种新形式的罢工,一个极具象征性的事件,上海师范大学教授刘诚表示,他曾在2008年《劳动法》起草过程中担任外部顾问。

    It is a new form of strike – a very symbolic event , said Liu Cheng , a professor at Shanghai Normal University and an outside adviser in the drafting of the 2008 labour law .