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  1. 早在大一、大二的时候,刘敦就已经开始为创业做准备。

    In his first two years of college , Liu already started preparing for his start-up business .

  2. 这位小伙儿就是刘敦(音译),毕业于中南财经政法大学金融专业。他自己创办了一家网络公司,并且因此发家致富。

    Liu Dun , a finance major at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law , has started up an Internet company and made a fortune .

  3. 在大四的时候,刘敦觉得自己终于做好了准备,于是决定自立门户,从事自己热爱同时擅长的事业。

    In his senior year , Liu thought he was finally ready and decided to launch a business doing what he loves and is good at .