
  • Chelsea;Chelsea Football Club;Chelsea Clinton;Chelsea FC
  1. 这是他从切尔西队转会过来之后的第一记入球。

    It was the first goal he had scored since his transfer from Chelsea .

  2. 本星期六切尔西队要在客场比赛。

    Chelsea are playing away this Saturday .

  3. 不过,与切尔西的交易或许还有戏。

    The deal with Chelsea may not , however , be dead .

  4. 切尔西队领先让我们十分震惊。

    We were shell-shocked when Chelsea took the lead .

  5. 他属于媒体所称的“切尔西圈子”里的人。

    He belonged to what the press called ' The Chelsea Set ' .

  6. 切尔西港以高档餐馆闻名。

    Chelsea Harbour is renowned for its fashionable restaurants .

  7. 只有切尔西队在四分之一决赛的重赛中击败桑德兰队,双方才会交锋。

    The two sides will clash there only if Chelsea beat Sunderland in their quarter-final replay .

  8. 斯卡伯勒队想要像3年前击败切尔西队那样再度上演以弱胜强的好戏。

    Scarborough are aiming to pull off a repeat of their giant-killing act against Chelsea three years ago .

  9. 切尔西队与阿斯顿维拉队昨夜上演了一场夺人大战,争购利物浦的雷·霍顿。

    Chelsea and Aston Villa were involved in a tug of war for Liverpool 's Ray Houghton last night .

  10. 离比赛结束只有两分钟时,切尔西队已领先3分,而且也基本上大功告成。

    With only two minutes to go before the end of the game , chelsea had a three-goal lead and was virtually home and dry .

  11. 分–切尔西换人:赖特.菲利普斯入替罗本。小赖特在主场球迷混杂的欢迎下,重返他的老地方

    Chelsea substitution Wright-Phillips for Robben . Wrighty back on his old stomping to a mixed reception . 77

  12. 他们在1984年和2005年的欧冠决赛中分别点杀罗马和AC米兰,2007年在半决赛淘汰切尔西。

    They beat Roma and AC Milan in the Finals of1984 and2005 respectively and beat Chelsea in that Semi-Final in2007 .

  13. 切尔西码头有限合伙公司(ChelseaPiersLP)总裁兼联合创始人汤姆•伯恩斯坦及和妻子安德莉亚。

    President and co-founder of Chelsea piers LP Tom Bernstein and wife Andrea .

  14. 那时的前锋是JackCock,在那个时代他是切尔西富有魅力的男孩。

    Centre-forward that day was Jack Cock , the Chelsea glamour boy of that era .

  15. 于此同时,ac米兰将加入切尔西争夺巴萨球星罗纳尔迪尼奥的行列。

    Meanwhile , AC Milan are ready to battle it out with Chelsea for Ronaldinho if Barcelona put the striker up for sale .

  16. 9月24日,在切尔西(Chelsea),一座名为Chamber的独特画廊将在一栋毗邻高线(HighLine)的前卫共管公寓楼内开业。

    On Sept. 24 , in an avant-garde condo tower that butts up against the High Line , an unusual gallery called Chamber will open in Chelsea .

  17. 他还说:过去两年,在自己位于切尔西(Chelsea)的私人诊所,要求去纹身者增加了50%。

    In the past two years , Mayou says , he has seen a 50 per cent increase in patients for tattoo removal at his Chelsea practice .

  18. W当我与其他俱乐部,或者是一个我很尊敬的教练联系在一起的时候,头条是免不了的,但是我从未想过离开切尔西。

    When you are linked with any club , or with a manager who I have huge respect for , it will always make headlines but me leaving Chelsea was never a possibility .

  19. 菲德尔估计,书店每天上门的顾客约有1500人,比波兹曼旗下生意第二红火的切尔西(Chelsea)门店多出将近一倍(波兹曼书店还在洛克菲勒中心[RockefellerCenter]经营着第三家门店)。

    Mr. Fader estimated that roughly 1500 people stream through the door each day , nearly double Posman 's second-busiest location in Chelsea ( Posman operates a third store in Rockefeller Center ) .

  20. NBA在中国的高调的运作路线与欧洲的超级俱乐部如巴塞罗那,曼联和切尔西,他们每年夏天都制定年度计划希望快速得到现金和收入。

    The way the NBA operates in China is in sharp contrast to Europe 's top soccer clubs like Barcelona , Manchester United and Chelsea , which make an annual summer blitz hoping for quick cash and exposure .

  21. 还有艾丽西亚•凯斯(AliciaKeys),她的婚礼也是同一天,不过比切尔西早六个小时。我中午就看着表说:我猜艾丽西亚现在就在法国南部举行婚礼。

    Alicia Keys ─ same night , 6 hours before , in fact I looked at my watch at noon and said , ' Alicia 's getting married right now ' in the south of France , I believe .

  22. 切尔西足球俱乐部前任经理詹卢卡•维亚利(GianlucaVialli)也支持长袖。

    Gianluca Vialli , ex-manager of Chelsea football club , also bats ( or should that be shoots ) for the long sleeve .

  23. 布朗承认曼联的防守在周日对阵切尔西的时候要有更好的表现,周二曼联被莫斯科CSKA进了3个球。

    Wes Brown admits United will need to make a dramatic improvement defensively for Sunday 's trip to Chelsea after being caught out three times at the back by CSKA Moscow .

  24. 去年特里勾引这位作为时装设计师的金发女郎的时候,她正和Sugababe组合的AmelleBerrabah在WhiskyMist夜店参加派对。讽刺的是,当时是一月的一个晚上,布里奇正要离开切尔西。

    The blonde fashion designer had been partying with the Sugababe Amelle Berrabah in Whisky Mist when Terry approached her last year , ironically on the night of Wayne Bridge 's leaving do in January .

  25. 切尔西俱乐部就阿什利。科尔发表了以下声明。

    Chelsea Football Club has the following statement on Ashley cole .

  26. 现在我很高兴成为切尔西球员。

    Now I am very happy to be a Chelsea player .

  27. 阿森纳球星托马斯?罗西基认为切尔西是一支没劲的球队。

    Arsenal star Tomas Rosicky has labelled Chelsea a boring team .

  28. 看样子要到切尔西进球的时候了。

    Then it was back to Chelsea to look like scoring .

  29. 特里,切尔西的队长,处理一次长传。

    Terry , the Chelsea captain , controls a long ball .

  30. 穆里尼奥很高兴切尔西能面对特殊问题。

    Mourinho appreciates they are team that can pose special problems .