
  1. 当中国导演刁亦男开始拍摄他的第三部作品——《白日焰火》(BlackCoal,ThinIce)时,他的目标是拍出一部讲述普通人故事的侦探悬疑片。

    When Chinese director Diao Yinan began shooting his third feature film , his goal was to make a detective story involving ordinary people .

  2. 刁亦男毕业于中央戏剧学院,他的另外两部电影《制服》(Uniform)和《夜车》(NightTrain)也很有名。

    Mr. Diao , a graduate of China 's Central Academy of Drama , is also known for his two other films , ' Uniform ' and ' Night Train . '

  3. ChinaMagicFilm刁亦男说,希望为观众呈现一部与众不同、富有新意的电影。刁亦男在北京接受了《华尔街日报》的专访,谈到自己如何为了吸引投资而修改剧本、在国际上拿奖对中国观众的影响以及他对阅读的热爱。

    Mr. Diao sat down with the Journal in Beijing to talk about reworking his script in order to secure investment , the impact of international awards on Chinese audiences and his love of reading .

  4. 刁亦男:会的,因为中国艺术片导演的能力很强。

    Yes , because Chinese directors of art-house films are very capable .

  5. 刁亦男:发呆、和朋友打牌、读书。

    Stare in a daze , play poker with friends and reading .

  6. 刁亦男:在向审查人员提交电影之前,我并没有考虑这个问题。

    I did not think about censorship until I submitted the film to the censors .

  7. 刁亦男:起初,我想写一个精神状态不正常的男人。

    At first , I wanted to write about a man in an irrational mental state .

  8. 刁亦男:很多国内观众看这部电影只是因为它得了大奖。

    Many of the local audiences are watching the film simply because it won big awards .

  9. 刁亦男:超出我的预期。

    It went beyond my expectations .

  10. 刁亦男:对艺术的追求。

    The pursuit of art .

  11. 凭藉《白日焰火》,刁亦男取得了迄今为止事业上的最大成功。

    With ' Black Coal , Thin Ice , ' Mr. Diao has found his greatest success yet .

  12. 刁亦男:这部电影刚刚在柏林获奖时,我没有想到票房会这么高。

    Right after the film won in Berlin , I did not expect it would earn so much .

  13. 导演刁亦男上周六领取了这一奖项。他花了差不多10年的时间写剧本。

    Director Diao Yinan , who accepted the award for the film on Saturday , spent nearly a decade writing the screenplay .

  14. 刁亦男:爱情包含许多东西,不仅仅是说我爱你,约会,然后结婚。

    Love encompasses a lot & it is not only about saying ' I love you , ' dating and getting married .

  15. 刁亦男:当人们在现实生活中挣扎或者在孤独时被情感所折磨,他们就会犯罪。

    Crime is what people carry out when they struggle in life or are tortured by their feelings when they are lonely .

  16. 刁亦男:爱情包含许多东西,不仅仅是说“我爱你”,约会,然后结婚。

    Love encompasses a lot -- it is not only about saying ' I love you , ' dating and getting married .

  17. 刁亦男上世纪80年代末毕业于北京中央戏剧学院文学系。毕业后他从事编剧工作,后来开始自己当导演。

    Mr. Diao graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in Beijing in the late 1980s with a major in literature , and he worked as a screenwriter before turning his attention to directing .

  18. 在该片摘夺柏林电影奖之前,刁亦男说:如今中国的变化很大,我当时就想拍一部描绘当代中国生活的侦探悬疑片,创作一部真正代表新现实的影片。

    ' China today is greatly changing , ' Mr. Diao noted prior to Berlin . ' I wanted to make a detective film depicting life in contemporary China ' and to ' create a true representation of our new reality . '