
  1. 对于“交战”的夫妇来说,离婚律师以烧钱著称。

    Divorce lawyers have a reputation for burning through warring couples " finances .

  2. 或许它们甚至会请教那些离婚律师。

    And perhaps even talk to those divorce lawyers .

  3. 马萨诸塞州律所InfinityLawGroupLLC离婚律师GabrielCheong说,由于上述原因,婴儿潮一代更加急于保住一切留下来的东西。

    As a result , boomers have become more anxious to hold on to whatever they have left , says Gabriel Cheong , a divorce attorney with Infinity Law Group LLC in Quincy , Mass .

  4. 至于配偶们为何同意签署这种协议,曼哈顿著名的离婚律师伯恩克莱尔(bernclair)认为,是因为他们想要保住自己的婚姻和生活方式。

    As for why spouses go along with such agreements , it is because they want to preserve their marriage and their lifestyle , according to Bern Clair , a prominent Manhattan divorce attorney .

  5. 他是这个城市里最能干的离婚律师。

    He 's the most high-powered divorce attorney in this city .

  6. 我要是你就报警,再找个好离婚律师。

    I would call the police and a good divorce lawyer .

  7. 身为离婚律师,是不是每个人都给你打电话咨询他们的婚姻危机?

    Are you the divorce attorney everyone calls with their marital woes ?

  8. 上个月她致电了一个离婚律师六次。

    She called a divorce attorney six times in the last month .

  9. 棒级了,你有没有什么好的离婚律师认识?

    Super * Do you know a good divorce lawyer ?

  10. 我的离婚律师叫我用不着担心;

    My divorce lawyer told me not to worry ;

  11. 瑞秋:呃,我猜我们得去找个离婚律师。

    Rachel : Well , I guess we just find a divorce lawyer ?

  12. 离婚律师们很快便表示这是一个明智之举。

    Divorce lawyers were quick to comment on what they considered a smart move .

  13. 这有助于解释离婚律师的存在等繁杂的细节问题。

    This helped to explain Rococo details such as the existence of divorce lawyers .

  14. 几十年来,这里为淘廉价货的外国人提供了牙医、餐饮、离婚律师的服务。

    Drinks , dentistry and divorces have been served up to bargain-seeking gringos for decades .

  15. 比如说一个离婚律师必须通晓所有的与婚姻相关的法律和婚前协议。

    For example a divorce lawyer must know all about marriage law and prenuptial contracts .

  16. 下一个该轮到离婚律师顾问。

    The divorce attorney 's up next .

  17. 我是离婚律师。

    I 'm a divorce lawyer .

  18. 中国东部安徽省的刘敏多年来一直从事离婚律师职业。

    Liu Min in East China 's Anhui province has been a divorce attorney for years .

  19. “有好消息,也有坏消息,”离婚律师告诉他的当事人。

    " There 's good news and bad news ," the divorce lawyer told his client .

  20. 离婚律师卢博夫·斯塔克说:女儿是整个离婚事件的中心。

    Divorce lawyer Lubov Stark said : The daughter is in the middle of this whole divorce .

  21. 我有一些问题,星期一我要见我的离婚律师

    Actually , I have a few questions ... because I 'm meeting with the divorce lawyer on Monday .

  22. 你应该猜到那不是我的离婚律师了吧我也有负责离婚事宜的律师

    I guess you may have gathered that wasn 't my divorce lawyer . I 've got one of those .

  23. 我要聘请最好斗、最卑鄙的离婚律师,让你过得很惨。

    I am going to hire the most aggressive , meanest divorce lawyer I can find and make your life miserable .

  24. 无论是诗人还是离婚律师,都可以证明,人类本质上是一个介于中间地带的深奥复杂的物种。

    As everyone from poets to divorce attorneys can attest , we are by nature a profoundly confused species-somewhere in between .

  25. 谢天谢地,无法进行自动化的高触悟、高技能职业(比如优秀的离婚律师)安全无虞。

    High-touch , high-skill professions that cannot be automated ( think fancy divorce lawyers ) are doing nicely , thank you .

  26. 几位离婚律师和数据分析师周一接受采访时表示,此类事件时有发生,只不过没那么吸引公众注意。

    Divorce lawyers and data analysts interviewed on Monday said less public versions of this story play out all the time .

  27. 或者又是离婚律师降低收费的声音?毕竟总会有好消息吧。

    Or is it the sound of divorce lawyers lowering their fees ? Maybe some good can come of this after all .

  28. 口头宣判等细节事宜完毕之后,由于纸质文件尚未完成、法院要求两人及其离婚律师静候数分钟。

    After the verbal niceties were done , the Murdochs and their divorce lawyers were required to sit for several minutes as the paperwork was prepared .

  29. 伦敦布罗斯•贝奈特律师事务所的资深离婚律师亚当•维特考佛说,许多女性在离开丈夫后感受到了涌动的激情。

    Leading divorce lawyer , Adam Witkover , of Bross Bennett Solicitors in London , says many women feel the rush of excitement after leaving their husbands .

  30. 艾尔巴克,梅兰妮和哈斯凯尔离婚律师,联系了《每日邮报》网站透露说,哈斯凯尔的前妻认为在11年的苦难婚姻后的分手是悲剧的罪魁祸首。

    Al Barker , the lawyer who represented Melanie Lyon in her divorce from Haskell , has revealed to MailOnline that Haskell 's ex-wife believes their split after 11 torturous years of marriage was to blame for the tragedy .