
  • 网络Phoenix culture
  1. 楚巫地域文化(特别是凤凰文化)的集体无意识形成了他爱幻想、追求美的个体意识。

    Chu Wu regional culture ( especially the Phoenix culture ) the formation of the collective unconscious of his love of fantasy , the pursuit of individual consciousness of beauty .

  2. 近代凤凰城市文化探析

    The Exploration and Analysic of Modern Urban Culture of Fenghuang

  3. 南方长城与凤凰民族文化旅游资源的形成与开发研究

    Study on the South Great Wall and the Formation Development of Ethnic Cultural Tourism Resource in Fenghuang

  4. 第二部分,着重分析南方长城对凤凰民族文化的影响。

    The second part lays stress on analyzing the effect which the South Great Wall had on the ethnic cultures of FengHuang .

  5. 鸡的一部分,象征龙和凤凰在中国文化。

    Chicken forms part of the symbolism of the dragon and phoenix in Chinese culture .

  6. 笔者针对凤凰县历史文化古城传统民居保护工作中的不足,对传统民居的保护发表了自己的见解。

    This paper points out the dissatisfactions of the vernacular architecture preservation work in Fenghuang County , and submits the authors opinion on them .

  7. 第二章是本文的重点。着重探讨了不同历史时期,其中主要是近现代以来凤凰县民族传统文化变迁的主要内容。

    This chapter focuses on the main changes in ethnic cultural changes in Fenghuang County in different periods , especially since moden times .

  8. 本研究以作为凤凰古城原汁原味文化表征物的旅游景观为感知单元,应用头脑风暴法抽取对凤凰古城风貌具有代表性的景观作为凤凰居民与旅游者的感知测量要素。

    This study takes landscapes which represent the ancient culture of Fenghuang as perceived units , applies the brainstorming method to extract representative landscapes as survey items .

  9. 文章论述了人们崇拜凤凰的缘由,以及凤凰作为吉祥文化的组成部分在民俗中的展现。

    The article discussed the reason why people adore Phenix and Phenix in folk-custom as part of propitious culture .