
  • 网络Washed up
  1. 尸体被潮水冲上了海滩。

    The body was washed up on the beach by the tide .

  2. 去年8月一块波音777机翼碎片(确定为襟副翼)冲上了印度洋法属留尼汪岛(LaRéunion),随后获马来西亚总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak)确认属于MH370。

    In August a piece of a Boeing 777 wing known as a flaperon washed up on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion and was subsequently confirmed by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak as belonging to MH370 .

  3. 她跑进门厅,冲上楼梯。

    She ran into the hall and up the stairs .

  4. 她气得涨红了脸,大摇大摆地经过她的上司,冲上了楼。

    Scarlet with rage , she swept past her employer and stormed up the stairs

  5. 他转弯有点急,差一点就撞倒那个冲上马路拦他车的男孩。

    He turned the corner a little too fast , narrowly missing the boy who ran into the road to wave him down .

  6. 巨浪冲上沙滩。

    Huge rollers broke on the beach .

  7. 海浪把油冲上沙滩。

    The waves washed the oil up onto the sand .

  8. 那条帆船被冲上了岸。

    The schooner was driven ashore .

  9. 拓广DAA法用于预报水中一次冲上波对悬浮体的动响应;

    An improved DAA method is developed to predict the dynamic response of suspending shell to underwater shock .

  10. 就当大卫·尼文公布伊丽莎白·泰勒荣获奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名时,34岁的罗伯特·欧贝尔肆无忌惮地裸奔冲上颁奖台,炫耀起他的小胡须和男子气概,还大胆地比着V字形手势。毫无疑问,这一举动进一步加固了欧贝尔的历史地位。

    As David Niven introduced Elizabeth Taylor to present the award for Best Picture , 34-year old Robert Opel cemented his place in history as he streaked across the stage flaunting his moustache , manly bits , and a very daring peace sign .

  11. 更多的钟声鸣响在宾夕法尼亚的shanksville,在那里,93名美国人冲上当场,杀死了40多名乘客和工作人员。

    More bells tolled in Shanksville , Pennsylvania , where United 93 crashed into a field killing 40 passengers and crew .

  12. 一夜之间海水把许多垃圾冲上了岸。

    Overnight the sea had washed up a lot of rubbish .

  13. 切勿冲上楼梯和走道,须慢走。

    Do not rush on stairs and walkways , walk carefully .

  14. 这时,一罐豆子冲上了沙滩。

    A can of beans washes up on the beach .

  15. 鸟儿们仔细挑啄着被冲上沙滩的垃圾。

    Birds were picking over the rubbish washed up on the beach .

  16. 他一听到大的响动就冲上了楼梯。

    He rushed upstairs immediately he heard a loud noise .

  17. 他们被冲上荒岛的海岸。

    They were cast up on the shore of a desert island .

  18. 图蒂唱歌般地说道,冲上楼梯取书。

    Tutti sang , and hurtled up the stairs to get them .

  19. 冲上船头的浪花溅到照片上。

    The spray coming over the bow sprinkled the photograph .

  20. 涨潮把许多垃圾冲上了岸。

    A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide .

  21. 录像显示,当时许多震惊的宾客纷纷冲上前来抢救派特尔。

    The footage shows shocked revelers rushing in vain to his aid .

  22. 这位战士置明显的危险而不顾,冲上前线。

    The soldier ignored the obvious danger and ran through the front lines .

  23. 鱼被冲上了岸,她离开了她深爱的水。

    Fish were rushed to shore , she left her love of water .

  24. 他突然冲上山顶。

    He spurted to the top of the hill .

  25. 他冲上门廊用力捶起门来。

    He dashed into the porch and began to hammer on the door .

  26. 一些不寻常的东西飘过太平洋,冲上华盛顿州。

    something unusual drifted across the Pacific and washed up in Washington State .

  27. 勇敢的战士冲上了战场。

    The brave soldiers rushed onto the battlefield .

  28. 这幢房子有两层楼。很快拉泽娜就冲上了楼梯。

    The building had two floors , and soon Razeena was charging up the stairs .

  29. 他欣喜若狂,冲上街道恣意亲吻遇见的每一个陌生路人。

    He was ecstatic , running around kissing strangers on the street with reckless abandon .

  30. 冲上滩头的全营战士已经越过了胸墙(玛格丽特阿特伍德)

    A whole battalion , onto the beachhead , over the top ( Margaret Atwood )