
  • 网络Agricultural product circulation system;farm products distribution
  1. 农产品流通体系现状分析&以江西为例

    Analysis of the Circulatory System of Agricultural Production in Jiangxi Province

  2. 城市圈农产品流通体系发展思路探讨&以武汉城市圈为例

    The research of the mentality developing city circle agricultural product circulation system

  3. 这两点都需要快速、高效、完备的农产品流通体系。

    These need fast , efficient and complete circulation system of agricultural products .

  4. 武汉城市圈农产品流通体系协调发展问题研究

    Research on Coordinated Development of Agricultural Product Circulation System in Wuhan City Group

  5. 政府呼吁改善农产品流通体系。

    China urges improved distribution system for agricutural products .

  6. 其发展好坏影响农产品流通体系的发展状态。

    Its state of development quality affects the development of the agricultural circulation system .

  7. 建设新农村背景下的农产品流通体系优化

    Optimization of Agriculture Product Distribution System under the Background of New Socialist Rural Areas

  8. 德国和日本有机农产品流通体系的比较及其启示

    Comparison of Organic Agriculture Product Circulating System Between Germany and Japan and Its Implications

  9. 加快建立健全农产品流通体系,解决销售难问题;

    Building and strengthening the system of agriculture products circulation , overcoming the difficulty on sales ;

  10. 现代农产品流通体系的建立,必须依赖农产品现代物流。

    It must be relied on the modern agricultural products logistics to establish modern circulation system of agricultural products .

  11. 我国农产品流通体系建设的现状、问题和新思路

    Current Situation , Question and New Train of Thought of System Construction That Agriculture Products of Our Country Circulate

  12. 在当前农产品流通体系存在缺陷的情况下,通过商业贷款的形式促进流通领域的发展有利于农产品价格的稳定,降低农业风险,从而促进农业发展。

    In time of defective circulation system , commercial loans will help stabilize agricultural product price , decrease risk and promote development .

  13. 并给出了优化长株潭农产品流通体系的保障措施,从政府、高校教育等层面,分别给出其在优化长株潭现代农产品流通体系过程中的建议和对策。

    At last , some suggestions are provided for optimizing CZT agricultural products circulation system from the government , universities and educational levels .

  14. 针对这些主要问题,本文以多种经济理论为指导,建立了实行商物分离的黑龙江省现代农产品流通体系,并对该农产品流通体系中的商流、物流和信息流进行了规划。

    To solve these problems , the paper establishes modern agricultural products circulation system with the implementation of " business objects " separation in Heilongjiang Province .

  15. 本文通过对中国生鲜农产品流通体系变迁的主要阶段和超市在中国的发展的定性分析,系统地研究中国连锁超市经营生鲜农产品的趋势。

    Finally , this study mainly focuses on the tendencies of fresh food dealing of chain-store-supermarket based on qualitative analysis of the main stages in fresh food product marketing system evolvement and supermarket development in China .

  16. 建构现代农产品流通体系成为连结小生产与大市场、大流通的枢纽,成为促进农产品双向流通,加快农业现代化发展的关键。

    Constructing the modern agricultural products ' circulation system become the hub of connecting smallholder production with big market and circulation , the key of promoting the two-way flow of agricultural products and the development of agricultural modernization .

  17. 目前我国生鲜农产品流通体系已经基本形成,但与发达国家相比,还有较大的差距,流通成本高,流通效率低等境况仍然没有得到根本性的改变。

    Although circulation system on fresh agricultural products has been formed basically , compared with developed countries , there is a large gap in the system of china . Such as high cost , low efficiency , and the other situation still have not been changed fundamentally .

  18. 我国农产品现代流通体系架构

    Modern circulating system 's structure of china 's agricultural products

  19. 按照这一总体思路,在现有的交易费用理论、供应链链状模型、供应链网状模型的基础上,将现有农产品流通组织体系的理论框架进行创新,提出了创新的组织框架。

    According to transaction cost theory and supply chain model theory , this paper puts forward it 's own theoretical framework .

  20. 通过现状及问题分析,认为有必要对河北省农产品现代流通体系的模式进行探索。

    Through the analysis of the current situation and problems , we think it is necessary to explore new mode of modern circulation system in Hebei province .

  21. 我国农产品现代流通服务体系的协同优化设计

    The Collaborative Optimization Design of Modern Circulation Service System for China 's Agricultural Products

  22. 农产品现代流通服务体系的优化:广东柑桔产业证据

    Optimization of Service System in Farm-produce Modem Circulation : A Demonstration Based on Deqing Orange Circulation in Guangdong

  23. 这一制度运作的基础是日本三段式的农产品流通、金融体系。

    The operation of this system is based on its three-phase marketing system of agricultural products and the corresponding financial system in Japan .

  24. 山西农业大学图书馆图书流通服务存在的问题及对策农产品现代流通服务体系的优化:广东柑桔产业证据

    On the Problems Existing in the Books Circulation Service During the New Period ; Optimization of Service System in Farm-produce Modem Circulation : A Demonstration Based on Deqing Orange Circulation in Guangdong

  25. 热带农产品贸易与市场流通体系建设

    Construction of Tropical Agricultural Product Trade and Market Circulation System

  26. 在此基础上,回顾了我国农产品流通的演变历程,介绍了国外农产品流通体系构建与优化的成功经验,为我国对现有农产品流通体系进行优化选择提供了相关实践经验。

    Based on the above mentioned points , the circulation evolution of agricultural products in China is reviewed and the construction of the agricultural products circulation system and the successful experiences in optimization both at home and abroad are introduce .

  27. 文章运用产业经济学和市场经济理论,分析了产地农产品批发市场在我国存在和发展的社会经济条件及其在农产品市场流通体系中的重要地位;

    This paper wielded industrial economy and market economy theories analyzed about the social economic condition that the whole sale market of producing area production to exist in our country and to develop , and about its significant position in the circulating system of the productive market ;

  28. 农产品卖难的问题制约着农民收入的增长,农产品流通就成为农业产业发展的瓶颈,如何加强农产品流通体系的建设就成为当前经济发展的主要问题。

    The difficulty to sell agricultural products restricts the growth of peasants ' income and the circulation of agricultural products becomes the bottleneck of agricultural development , so it is the major concern of the economic development how to strengthen the construction of the circulating system for agricultural products .