
nónɡ yè zī yuán
  • agricultural resource
  1. 基于GIS的宁波市农业资源管理信息系统构建

    Development of the Agricultural Resource Management Information System of Ningbo Based on GIS Technology

  2. 此外,中国国有企业还设立了规模为30亿美元的京澳农业资源合作开发基金(BeijingAustraliaAgriculturalResourceCooperativeDevelopmentFund),以抓住农业方面的投资机遇。

    Chinese state companies have also set up the Beijing Australia Agricultural Resource Cooperative Development Fund , a $ 3bn fund to invest in agricultural opportunities .

  3. 山东省以其丰富的农业资源而闻名遐迩。

    Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources .

  4. 利用GIS技术对县级农业资源进行调查,筛选出有机水稻生产区和抑制水稻病虫害发生、发展的最佳综合防治方法。

    Using GIS techniques to investigate the agricultural resources in county level , screening out the regions for organic rice production and the best comprehensive methods for controlling the emergence and development of diseases and insects in paddy fields .

  5. 深入讨论了GIS在农业资源调查与管理、农业区划、农业土地适宜性评价、农业生态环境研究、农业灾害预防、农作物估产及精确农业等方面的应用现状。

    The present situation of GIS application in agriculture , including agricultural resource research and management , cropland regionalization , assessment of land suitability , agro-environment investigation , prediction of plant diseases , estimation of crop yield and precision agriculture were reviewed .

  6. G8集团表示:我们支持公私合作,充分重视基础设施的发展,目标是增加农业资源和提高投资效率。各国领导人承诺未来3年内向农业投资200亿美元。

    We support public-private partnerships , with adequate emphasis on the development of infrastructure , aimed at increasing resources for agriculture and improving investment effectiveness , the G8 said as leaders pleaded for $ 20bn for farm investment over the next three years .

  7. 采用RUSLE模型,从建立的河北省农业资源环境数据库中提取相关数据,对河北省土壤侵蚀风险进行定量化评价。

    The correlative data was selected from the established database of agricultural resources and environment , and the soil erosion risk was quantified by using RUSLE model .

  8. 农业资源综合开发利用若干问题探讨

    Approach some subjects of comprehensive development and utilization of agricultural resource

  9. 我国农业资源环境现状及其保障措施

    The actual state and safeguards about agricultural resources environment in China

  10. 河池市农业资源及粮食综合生产能力评价

    Evaluation of agricultural resources and comprehensive food productivity in Hechi City

  11. 市场经济体制下农业资源综合开发的长期性

    The Endurance of the Agricultural Resource Development under the Market Economy

  12. 认真执法促进农业资源持续利用

    Strictly enforcing the law , promoting sustainable utilization of agricultural resources

  13. 贵州省农业资源竞争力评价研究

    A Study of the Evaluation of Agricultural Resource Competitiveness in Guizhou

  14. 农业资源评价&资源丰度指数评价法

    Agricultural Resources Assessment & Assessment of Resources Richness Rate Index

  15. 国家级农业资源数据库的设计和实施

    The Design and Implementation of the National Agricultural Resources Database

  16. 黄土丘陵区农业资源合理利用机制的探讨

    Discussion on the Mechanisms of Rational Utilization for Agricultural Resources

  17. 钢铁渣的农业资源化利用

    Utilization of Ferrous Metallurgical Slags as Resource Materials in Agriculture

  18. 农业资源地理信息系统平台设计与开发

    Design and Development of a Geographical Information System for Agricultural Natural Resources

  19. 农业资源的现代化管理与可持续利用研究

    Study on Agriculture Resource ' Modernized Management and Sustainable Use

  20. 大丰县农业资源综合开发问题与对策研究

    On Comprehensive Exploitation Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Resources in Dafeng County

  21. 大中型猪场冲洗水厌氧发酵后农业资源化途径

    Agricultural utilization methods for anaerobic fermentation slurry of large or medium hogpen

  22. 农业资源经济学几个基本问题的探讨

    An approach to some fundamental problems of Agricultural Resource Economics

  23. 浅谈农业资源利用问题与对策

    On the Problems Concerning the Utilization of Agricultural Resources and the Solutions

  24. 开发农业资源拓展亚洲市场

    Developing the Agricultural Source , Expanding the Asia Markets

  25. 农业资源数据库建设的基本思路

    Basic thinking on establishing information database of agricultural resources

  26. 长白山区农业资源立体开发模式

    A Model of Tapping Agriculture Resource in Changbaishan Area

  27. 可拓集合与农业资源的可拓利用

    Extension Set and the Extended Utilization of Agricultural Resources

  28. 论农业资源环境问题的科技策略

    Discussing on the Sci-tech Tactics of Agricultural Resource Environment

  29. 河北省曲周县设施农业资源利用程度评价

    Evaluating resources utilization degree of protected agriculture in Quzhou County in Hebei Province

  30. 中国农业资源可持续利用的途径研究

    Research on the Ways of the Sustainable Utilization of Agricultural Resources of China