
  1. 近年来,国与国之间的竞争,不仅体现在经济力、科技力和军事力的竞争,而且更重要的是文化力的竞争。

    In recent years , the competition among nations is not only embodied in economy , technology and military , but more important , embodied in culture .

  2. 长期以来,文化力量未被看作是测定国家实力的重要因素,相比军事力和经济力未能得到重视。

    Over the years , the cultural power was not seen as an important factor to measure the power of countries , military force and economic power had been much more valued .

  3. 打造航母是在构建军事威慑力平台,构筑全球攻防体系。

    Carriers are power projection platforms , global power projection ATTACK platforms .

  4. 单纯从军队的角度来看,他们的军事战斗力实际上比一些阿拉伯周边的国家要强。

    And that kind of from a purely military perspective , they 're actually much more capable than some of the other surrounding Arab countries .

  5. 但是武汉会战后日本军事动员力逐渐接近极限,因此推进以后的战争越发困难。

    But after the Wuhan Battle , the ability of Japanese military mobilization gradually reached its limit and that make promoting the further war more difficult .

  6. 这一调整将加强美国在亚太地区的军事控制力,对地区和国际安全形势产生深远影响。

    The readjustment will further strengthen the U.S. military control ability in the Asia-Pacific region and exert a profound influence on the region and the international security environment as well .

  7. 和平崛起要求崛起国有更强的自主创新发展能力、更强的军事威慑力和更强的国际协调力来化解国际矛盾与危机,实现本国国家利益与战略需求。

    To rise in peace , it demands strong autonomous innovation ability , strong military deterrent force and strong international coordinate strength what can dissolve or reduce international contradiction and crisis .

  8. 军事后勤保障力的几个因素分析

    An Analysis of the Factors of Logistics Support Capabilities

  9. 文章尝试从军事文化对战斗力的影响入手,对其影响战斗力的途径与方式进行分析,并简要总结其意义与启示。

    This article attempts to briefly analyze the form of our military spirit culture , on the basis of the influence of military culture on fighting capacity .

  10. 但是,经济力量并不等于就是军事力量和战斗力,要把经济力量变为军队的战斗力还要经过一系列的转化过程。

    But , economic power is not military power and fighting power . It must pass through a series of process to transform economic power into fighting power of army .

  11. 它不仅与国内供求矛盾及其对外依存度相联系,同时它还与该国对世界资源丰富地区的外交、军事影响和控制力相联系。

    It is closely affected by supply and demand and the external dependence of the country , as well as by the diplomatic relations between the affected country and those countries with rich resources , the country 's military influence and its potential for control .

  12. 明初东北和平统一战略的实施依托于明朝强大军事的实力和军事威慑力,并在总的和平统一战略的前提下实施局部的军事打击。

    The application of the unifying strategy existed in the military mighty force of Ming Dynasty and the local military attacks under the condition of overall integration .

  13. 为此,必须探讨军事文化的内涵与分类、产生与发展、特征与功能,军事文化对战斗力的影响以及当代中国先进军事文化的基本要求。

    Therefore we should discuss content and category , origin and development , characteristic and function of military culture , the influence of military culture on battle effectiveness and the basic requirement of Chinese advanced military culture in contemporary era .