
  • 网络Internal Quantum Efficiency;Iqe;Internal Quantum Efficiency, IQE
  1. 因此探索提高LED芯片内量子效率和取光效率的方法得到了广大学者的关注。

    Consequently , more and more researchers are exploring to improve internal quantum efficiency and light extraction efficiency of LED chip .

  2. 目前LED技术的一大技术难题是,芯片在大电流注入或升温过程中会有出现内量子效率的急剧下降。

    One of the major technical problems is that the internal quantum efficiency will drop sharply when the chip is under large current injection or high temperature .

  3. 提出了利用及消除极化电场的方法,为GaN基LED工艺优化提供理论基础,并通过实验降低p型GaN欧姆接触电阻,提高LED的内量子效率。

    Both utilization and elimination of the polarization field are proposed . Experimentally , specific contact resistance to p-GaN is reduced and internal quantum efficiency of LED is improved .

  4. 内量子效率则取决于LED的内部多量子阱微观结构及晶体材料特性和质量,内量子效率的研究是目前LED发光效率研究的切实而有效的突破点。

    The internal quantum efficiency is depending on the micro-structure characteristics of the internal MQW crystal materials . The internal quantum efficiency is one of the most important points to have breakthrough in the research of the solid state lighting technology .

  5. 文章首先介绍了发光二极管(LED)的内量子效率、外量子效率的基本概念和提高量子效率的基本方法,接着对LED外延的结构和方法做了简要介绍。

    The concept of internal and external quantum efficiency of light emitting diodes ( LEDs ) and the basic ways to improve this are first introduced . The epitaxial structure and growth of LED wafers are then briefly described , with emphasis on the techniques to enhance the quantum efficiency .

  6. 发光效率由内量子效率和外量子效率两部分共同决定。

    LED efficiency consists of the internal quantum efficiency and light extract efficiency .

  7. 发光二极管内量子效率高而亮度不高的原因是外量子效率低。

    The reason for higher internal efficiency but lower brightness is its poor external efficiency .

  8. 半导体激光器微分外量子效率及内量子效率的测量

    The measurements of the internal quantum efficiency and the external differential quantum efficiency of semiconductor lasers

  9. 根据本模型给出的内量子效率与场强的关系,能很好地解释聚合物中激子被强电场直接解离和电致发光被湖南大学博士学位论文强电场淬灭的实验现象。

    This theoretical model could explain satisfactorily exciton direct fission and electroluminescence quenching at high applied electric field .

  10. 从发光机制考虑,一般常用外量子效率和内量子效率来评价。

    Under electroluminescent mechanism , external quantum efficiency and internal quantum efficiency are used to evaluate the organic electroluminescent properties .

  11. 结果表明,这种结构器件的内量子效率可达88%。

    The results show that the internal quantum efficiency of such structure devices can be as higher as 88 % .

  12. 磷光材料在发光过程中可以利用单线态和三线态激子,理论上内量子效率达到100%,这类材料的使用成为提高器件效率的主要途径之一。

    The advantage of phosphorescent materials is that they can utilize both singlet and triplet exciton states which can reach 100 % internal quantum efficiency theoretically .

  13. 结果表明InP/GaP光二极管具有很好的光谱响应和抗辐射特性,特别是在短波方向有高于80%的内量子效率。

    The results show the InP / GaP photodiode has very good spectro-response and strong radiation resistance . Particularly it has the inner quantum efficiency over 80 % .

  14. 因为重金属的引入可以有效的提高自旋耦合作用从而提高发光效率,甚至内量子效率可达100%。

    The heavy metals can effectively enhance the spin coupling to improve the luminous efficiency of the complex and the high internal quantum efficiency can reach 100 % .

  15. 就有机电致发光材料而言,磷光材料与传统的荧光材料相比,它在理论上可以达到100%的内量子效率,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Among the various electroluminescent materials , phosphorescent material is much more promising than the fluorescent material owing to its propability to realize a theoretical internal quantum efficiency of100 % .

  16. 其中,使用磷光材料的平板显示器件内量子效率理论上可以达到100%,比仅利用荧光材料的器件的效率高很多。

    Among , take advantage of phosphorescent materials , the interior quanta efficiency of is up to 100 % , In theory , which is much higher than fluorescence materials .

  17. 分析了新型器件的内量子效率,斜率效率,功率转化效率以及阈值电流密度等特性。

    Though analyzed the characteristics such as : inner quantum efficiency , slope efficiency , power conversion efficiency and threshold current , we summarize the main advantages of the novel type lasers .

  18. 变腔长实验得到器件的腔损耗仅为2cm-1,内量子效率达90%。

    By fitting the external quantum efficiency and the cavity length , a cavity loss of ( 2 cm ~ ( - 1 )) and internal quantum efficiency of 90 % are obtained .

  19. 目前的研究发现紫外发光二极管效率都很低,原因是低内量子效率,低载流子注入效率,低光输出效率,或者是这三种原因的结合。

    The recently reports indicate that such devices are lowly efficient , a reason can be the low internal quantum efficiency , the low carrier injection efficiency , the low light extraction efficiency , or there are three factors together .

  20. 由于以铱配合物为代表的重金属有机配合物作为磷光材料,能够同时利用单线态激子和三线态激子混合发光,所以其内量子效率理论上可以达到100%,从而成为人们研究的重点。

    Due to metal organic complex represented by the iridium complexes as phosphorescent materials that can simultaneously use singlet exactions and triplet exactions in mixed light , so its internal quantum efficiency can reach 100 % theoretically , thus becoming the focus of study .

  21. 在650&950nm波长范围内,量子效率接近1。

    It is also found that in the range of wavelength , from 660 nm to 950 nm , the quantum efficiency approximately approaches to 1 .

  22. 不同腔长器件的特性显示器件的内损耗为4.27/cm,内量子效率达45%.对不同腔长的器件进行了变温测试,得到器件的特征温度为120~190K。

    The characteristic temperature is between 120-190 K for the device of different cavity length . The total internal losses of those devices arc 4.27/ cm , the internal quantum efficiency is 45 % .