
  • 网络gate;ingate
  1. 同时,内浇道充型速度和内浇道尺寸对压铸件充填过程影响很大,合理的设置可以减少涡流和卷气,得到高质量的压铸件。

    At the same time , gate entry velocity and gate dimension have great influence on the mold filling process , and high quality metal castings could be obtained through proper setting of these parameters .

  2. 直浇道、横浇道和内浇道截面比为1∶3∶5,并配合带缓冲结构的合理缝隙,可保证型腔内液面上升平稳,减少铸件内部二次氧化夹杂和混入性气体;

    The 1 ∶ 3 ∶ 5 cross sectional area ratio of the sprue , runner and gate and the rational fissure with cushion structure make the molten metal fill stably in the mould cavity , that reduce the secondary oxide inclusion and the invading gas ;

  3. 使用二次开发的ANSYS有限元软件,对铝合金半固态压铸复杂件的充型过程与模具内浇道形貌之间关系进行详细的计算机仿真。

    In this paper , the relationship between the gate shape and the filling procedure of complex cavity during semi-solid die casting has been simulated in detail by modified finite element software of ANSYS .

  4. 在保证铸型充满的前提下,内浇道的充型速度最好限制在0.5m/s以内。

    The filling velocity of the ingate should be limited to 0.5 m / s under the condition of full mold filling .

  5. 精密铸件大平面上内浇道设置方法的改进

    Improvement of Ingate Design for Large Plain Parts in Investment Castings

  6. 阶梯式浇注系统内浇道面积的水力计算

    The Hydraulic Calculation of Ingate Areas for Step Gating System

  7. 通过计算机模拟分析,发现了易发生缺陷的位置,采用相应措施加厚内浇道;

    The easily presented position of the defects was observed by computer simulation .

  8. 弧形内浇道在精铸件工艺设计中的应用

    Application of Arc Ingate in Investment Casting

  9. 适当减少内浇道数量;

    Reducing properly numbers of ingates ;

  10. 铸件内浇道数理统计优化设计及浇注工艺微机辅助设计

    The Optimization Design of the Ingate of Casting by Mathematical Statistics and Computer Aided Design of Pouring Process

  11. 铸件内浇道根部易出现过热,裂纹一般产生在靠近内浇道处。

    The crack in investment castings is commonly created around ingate due to easily forming superheating at root of ingate .

  12. 内浇道应使液态金属从制件厚壁处开始充填,以利压力的传递,消除缩孔,保证制件的质量。

    As a result , the applied pressure could be transmitted fluently to avoid shrinkage cavity and to ensure castings quality .

  13. 采用短、薄、宽的内浇道和冷铁工艺,消除球铁飞轮铸件的缩孔缺陷,铸造工艺出品率提高3%;

    Using short , thin , wide ingate and chill to prevent the shrinkage defects , casting yield was improved by 3 % .

  14. 消失模铸造充型过程中,金属液是从内浇道处为中心扩散式向前充填,充型较为平稳。

    The filling style of the liquid metal is the center spread type in the EPC process , and the filling is relatively stable .

  15. 采用水模拟方法对阶梯式浇注系统的结构进行了研究,提出了合理的连接浇道位置及内浇道的分布形式。

    The structure of step gating system has been studied by means of water simulating method . The optimum position of connecting gate and the distribution pattern of ingates are presented .

  16. 合理设计铸模的内浇道、出气道,正确选择离心浇注旋转速度和硅橡胶盘片的夹紧力,是获得高质量铸件的保证。

    It is guarantee to get high quality casting that inner casting path and air outlet path are reasonably designed , the rotary speed and clamping force of silicon rubber plats are correctly celebrated .

  17. 本文描述了消失模铸钢件表面增碳过程中,由内浇道沿充型流线方向钢液与涂层界面间碳的浓度分布模型;

    The distribution model of carbon concentration between coating and molten steel bled off ingate along the flow direction of mold filling during the surface carburizing of steel casting in EPC process has been presented .

  18. 新工艺利用均衡凝固理论,采用短、薄、宽内浇道分散引入,配合冷铁和保温冒口,加大激冷度,强化补缩;

    Based on the new equilibrium solidification theory , the dispersed gate with flat 、 thin and wide rise neck , coupled with cold iron and warming riser , was adopted in the new gating system .

  19. 为了防止铸件产生铸造缺陷,运用均衡凝固理论,采用顶注、内浇道分散引入、浇注系统和冒口联合补缩工艺。

    In order to prevent casting defects , the combined feeding technology is designed using the proportional solidification theory , in which the top pouring , dispersed ingate intake , combined feeding of gating system and riser are adopted .

  20. 通过分析实型铸件分层缺陷的特征及其形成机理,认为在各种因素中,阶梯式浇注系统底层内浇道截面积小于直浇道截面积是分层缺陷形成的关键。

    This paper analyzes the characteristic of layer defect in the full mold casting and its forming mechanism , of all above factors the key of forming layer defect is section area of the internal gate in the bottom of the step gating system smaller than the down gate .