
  • Memory Module;memory-chip;RAM
  1. 熟悉电子行业海外市场,特别是内存条和优盘;

    Familiar with the overseas market of electronic industry , especially Memory Module and USB Disk ;

  2. 本处理板中还加入了一个DDRSDRAM内存条,主要是考虑到实际应用中可能需要大容量缓存。

    DDR SDRAM memory bank is used as the mass buffer in some applications .

  3. 为使用该内存条,不得不在BIOS的内存设置项中设置异步工作模式。

    For the use of the memory , the memory had to set up in the BIOS setup item asynchronous mode .

  4. 当这名消费者想要升级计算机内的EMS内存条时,他发现该笔记本计算机内安装的是T2300ECPU,而不是Dell在订单表格上所标示的T2300。

    When the consumer tried to upgrade the EMS memory within the computer , he found that the laptop was fixed with a T2300E CPU , not the T2300 CPU Dell marked on the order form .

  5. 这款内存条的主要用途将是用于小型服务器机型。

    It is intended for use in small server computer .

  6. 黑柱部分显示的是内存条的销售额。

    The black columns show sales of memory chips .

  7. 内存条的结构与应用研究

    The Structure and Research of the DRAM

  8. 目前,它在服务领域的大多数工作仅限于简单维修或安装廉价的内存条。

    Most of the work is limited to simple fixes and installation of inexpensive memory chips .

  9. 在内存条市场上方面。

    On the memory-chip market .

  10. 如今微处理器和内存条在截然不同的生产线上生产,但也许不必如此。

    Today microprocessors and memories are made on distinct manufacturing lines , but it need not be so .

  11. 上个月,核实索尼在内存条市场的价格垄断问题,美国监管对该公司了调查。

    American regulators began investigating the company last month as part of an inquiry into allegations of price-fixing in the memory-chip market .

  12. 硬件木马包含某种变种,蓄意或者偶然破坏电脑核心区域、微处理器、内存条或者电路板。

    It comprises some kind of alteration-by sabotage or accident-to the very heart of a computer : its microprocessors , memory chips or circuit boards .

  13. 另外,当进行这项复制操作时,所有指针都必须被更新为指向每个内存条目的新位置。

    Also , when this copying occurs , all of the pointers have to be updated to point to the new location of each memory item .

  14. 或许不久的将来,就像最初微处理器将处理器的不同构件并人一块单独的芯片一样,微处理器和内存条将会并人同一块芯片。

    Perhaps in the near future , processors and memory will be merged onto a single chip , just as the micro-processor first merged the separate components of a processor onto a single chip .

  15. 内存条,轮流地,激活电子电路,关闭窗子,打开门,希望猫进来,自动电话开始行动,对不?

    The memory bank , in turn , activates the electronic circuits ; the window closes , the door opens , hopefully the cat comes in , and the automatic telephone goes into action ; right ?

  16. 举例来说,如果你是一位正儿八经的多人游戏爱好者,那么合乎情理的选择,是购买一台能升级显卡或换装速度更快内存条的台式电脑,而不是购买一台难以升级的笔记本电脑。

    If you are a serious multiplayer games enthusiast , for example , it makes sense to buy a desktop PC that can be upgraded with a new graphics card or faster ram modules , rather than a laptop that is difficult to upgrade .

  17. 提出了用可编程逻辑器件作为逻辑控制芯片对内存条进行控制,从而使在工程项目中使用计算机内存条成为可能,为需要大容量高速存储器的电子设计提供了一种新的思路。

    The paper also suggests to use programmable logic device ( PLD ) as logic control chip to control SDRAM , and so makes it possible to use SDRAM in projects , thus offers a new way to electronic design in which high speed and huge storage memory is needed .

  18. 工程场地内存在若干条印支&燕山期逆断层。

    These thrusts occurred in the Yinzhi-Yanshan epoch .

  19. 中国的短吻鳄已经濒危,只在长江谷内存活着几十条。

    The Chinese alligator is extremely threatened with only a few dozen inhibiting the Yangtze River valley .

  20. 该矿点矿化特征及有关资料表明,在中祁连地背斜范围内存在一条层控萤石矿化带。

    Bearing is the same with country rock Mineralized feature of this deposit and other fluo-rite deposits in the area demonstrate that there is a strata-bound fluorite mineralized zone in the middle Qinlian geanticlinal extent .

  21. 只有256字节内存除非花钱再买个1K的内存条

    Unless you paid extra fora 1K memory board , you got 256 bytes .