
  • 网络Medial geniculate body;MGB;medial geniculate body,MGB
  1. 结果:①观察15例内侧膝状体神经元对皮层刺激的反应,其平均膜静息电位为(49±13.5)mV,膜输入阻抗为(432±109)MΩ。

    RESULTS : ① The reactions of medial geniculate body neurons to cortical stimulation in 15 cases were observed , and the resting membrane potential and input resistance were ( 49 ± 13.5 ) mV and ( 432 ± 109 ) M Ω respectively .

  2. 胎鼠内侧膝状体植入成年大鼠听皮质区的形态学研究

    Morphological study of fetal medial geniculate body transplanted into auditory cortex area of adult rats

  3. P物质免疫反应在豚鼠内侧膝状体的分布及超微定位

    Distribution and Fine Localization of Substance P Immunoreactivity in Medical Geniculate Body of Guinea Pigs

  4. E15胎鼠内侧膝状体超微结构观察

    Observation on the Ultrastructure of the Medial Geniculate Body of E_ ( 15 ) Fetal Rat

  5. 豚鼠脑干听觉中枢和内侧膝状体GABAA受体β亚单位的分布

    Distribution of P subunit of GABA_A receptor in the brain stem auditory centre and medial geniculate body of guinea pigs

  6. 目的研究大鼠听皮层(AC)-内侧膝状体(MGB)突触传递的长时程增强(long-termpotentiation,LTP)及其突触前机制。

    Objective To study the long-term potentiation ( LTP ) of synaptic transmission in the corticothalamic pathway to medial geniculate body ( MGB ) and the mechanism underlying this synaptic potentiation .

  7. 植入大鼠听皮质的胎鼠内侧膝状体分化发育的研究

    Morphological Study on the Differentiation and Development of Medial Geniculate Body Grafts

  8. 内侧膝状体营养动脉的形态学研究及其临床意义

    Morphology of medial geniculate body arteries and its clinical significance

  9. 大鼠内侧膝状体腹侧部神经元形态和电生理特征研究

    Electrophysiological and morphological properties of the ventral neurons in medial geniculate body in rats

  10. 听皮层-内侧膝状体突触传递的长时程增强及其突触前机制的研究

    Pre synaptic long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission in the pathway from auditory cortex to medial geniculate body

  11. 基于三维建模的猫内侧膝状体与听皮层的投射研究

    Research on the Projections of Medial Geniculate Body and Auditory Cortex in Cat Based on Three-dimensional Reconstruction

  12. 大鼠出生后内侧膝状体腹侧部神经元电生理和形态学特性的发育变化

    Changes in electrophysiological and morphological properties of neuron in the ventral partition of medial geniculate body during the postnatal development of rats

  13. 听皮质-内侧膝状体突触的兴奋性传递以谷氨酸为神经递质,主要由α-氨基羟甲基恶唑丙酸和N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体两种受体介导。

    Excitatory synaptic transmission from auditory cortex to medial geniculate body takes glutamic acid as the neurotransmitter andis mediated predominantly by NDMA and AMPA receptors .

  14. 结果显示移植物神经元的形态结构与正常内侧膝状体基本一致,但在发育过程上有一定的延迟。

    The experimental results indicated neuronic morphology and structure of grafts were as same as normal medial geniculate body 's on the whole , but neuronic development of grafts had certain delay .