
  • 网络tariff level
  1. 中国纺织品关税水平的国际比较

    Tariff level on Chinese textiles

  2. 特别是在世贸组织的推动下,其成员国的关税水平都大幅下降,这也进一步促进了经济全球化的进程。

    Especially in the help of the WTO , the members have decreased their tariff level , which are further promoting the economic globalization .

  3. 中国加入WTO后,税负的主要变化是:由于履行我国加入WTO的有关承诺,关税水平会有所下降;

    After China entering WTO , according to the promise we had taken to WTO , we think that the burden of customs duty will decrease .

  4. 随着经济全球化进程和WTO的成立,全球关税水平逐步降低,传统非关税壁垒也日益减少。

    With the establishment of WTO and process of economic globalization the general global tariff rates have been getting down and traditional non-tariff trade barriers becoming less .

  5. 随着WTO框架的最终实现和各国关税水平的不断下降,各国开始强化非关税贸易壁垒措施,反倾销措施作为其中的重要手段得到了充分的重视。

    With the final realization of WTO frame and continuously decreasing of tariffs level , all countries begin to strengthen Non-Tariffs Barriers measures . Anti-dumping measures have been given more and more attention .

  6. 自从我国加入WTO以来,关税水平逐年下降,与各国的贸易往来也日趋紧密,商标平行进口对我国的影响也日益显现出来。

    Import tariff has been decreasing year after year since Chinese accession to the WTO , on the other hand , our ties in trade with other countries in the world is increasingly close .

  7. 如果所有国家将他们的关税水平提高至约束税率(与wto协定中规定的最高水平一致),中高收入国家的出口商可能面临两倍于目前水平的关税。

    If all nations put up tariffs to their bound rate ( the highest rate consistent with their WTO commitments ) , exporters from middle and high income countries could face tariffs twice as high as current levels .

  8. 实证分析结果表明,中国的关税水平、汇率和政策变量对中国吸引FDI具有正的显著影响,而中国的开放度和知识产权保护程度对中国吸引FDI具有负的显著影响。

    The empirical result shows that the tariff , exchange rate and policy have positive and significant effects on inward FDI , whereas the openness and intellectual property protection have considerably negative effects on inward FDI in China .

  9. 从上世纪后半期以来,经过GATT/WTO等国际组织的多年努力,到目前各国关税水平己大大降低,同时非关税措施也大量削减。

    Since 1950 's , by GATT and WTO 's hard working for many years , the member states have adjusted their tariff rates to a very low level , at the same time abolished many non-tariff measures .

  10. GATT成立的初衷是通过消除各种贸易壁垒促进贸易的发展,在实际的运行中GATT也充分发挥了作用,世界平均的关税水平大幅度下降,世界福利增加了。

    The aim of GATT is to eliminate every kind of trade barriers in order to promote trade . In real world , the level of world average tariff decline and the world welfare boom in the function of GATT .

  11. 自1992年开始,我国进口关税水平开始大幅度减让,贸易和外国直接投资的全方位开放格局逐渐形成。

    The tariffs have been cutting down from 1992 , and countrywide open structure is forming simultaneously .

  12. 我们恪守入世承诺,有步骤地扩大开放领域,降低关税水平,取消非关税堡垒。

    We will honor our WTO commitments , opening more areas in a phased manner , lowering our tariffs and removing non-tariff barriers .

  13. 此外,该规划还为政府政策提供预算支持,如弥补食品关税水平降低造成的损失和其它非预期损失。

    The GFRP is also providing budget support for government policies , such as offsetting tariff reductions for food and other unexpected costs .

  14. 然而,两国相似的出口结构、政治上的干扰、两国的频繁贸易摩擦,以及印度居高不下的关税水平,这些又构成了两国建立自由贸易区的障碍。

    However , the similar export structure , political factors , frequent trade friction and high tariff level of India prevent the two countries from establishing FTA .

  15. 2008年上半年反倾销案数量上升了40%,关税水平一直在逐步爬升。

    The number of anti-dumping cases rose by 40 per cent in the first half of 2008 and there has been a gradual creeping up of tariffs .

  16. 实际上,不管美元汇率或保护主义关税水平如何,流向中国的就业都不会再回来。

    In reality , the jobs that have gone to China are not coming back , no matter what the dollar exchange rate or level of protectionist tariffs .

  17. 南南关税水平仍然很高,资本流动受到重重限制,而伦理、宗教、文化以及领土划分更是经常成为阻碍经济进步的障碍。

    South-South tariff levels are still very high , there are heavy restrictions on capital flows while ethnic , religious , cultural and territorial divisions are too often obstacles to sustained economic progress .

  18. 随着世界关税水平不断下降,反倾销作为保护本国产业的一种手段,为越来越多的国家所运用。

    Along with the continual decline in global tariff and the reduction in non-tariff barriers , antidumping gradually evolves to an important instrument adopted by more and more countries to protect their domestic industry .

  19. 建议通过降低关税水平、优化关税的有效保护结构及加工贸易的保税政策、取消不合理减免等方面的调整,促进对外贸易的健康发展。

    So unreasonable deductions and exemptions should be died out by cutting down tariff , optimizing the effective protective structures of tariff and the protective policy for improvement trade to promote the sound development of foreign trade .

  20. 美国是世界上最为开放的市场之一,美国的平均关税水平为3.8%,而发达国家的平均关税为5%,发展中国家为14%;

    To some extent , American market is more free for everybody than other countries in the world , which average tariff level is about 3.8 % comparing with 5 % of else Developed countries and 14 % of Developing countries ;

  21. 对自由贸易区来说,各国将自行选择本国的外部关税水平,由于关税减让的溢出效应,将导致各国外部关税水平的降低,从而使得自由贸易区的外部关税水平低于纳什均衡水平。

    Countries in a FTA will choose the optimal tariff based on their own welfare . Because of the spillover effect of tariff reduction , the external tariff level of FTA 's member country is lower than its Nash equilibrium tariff level .

  22. 保障措施实施国的关税水平取决于其国内产业界的游说能力,游说能力越强,其实施保障措施的动机越强、保护力度(关税水平)就越高。

    The custom duty level of the country applying the safeguard measure is decided by the lobby ability of its domestic industrial field . The stronger its lobby ability , the stronger the motive of applying safeguard measure , and customs duty level higher .

  23. 同是农产品出口大国的美国和凯恩斯集团的策略基本都围绕着农产品贸易自由化展开,大幅降低各国现行关税水平,并且对所有关税规定一个最高上限&不得超过25%,减少关税升级;

    As major agricultural exporters , the United States and Cairns Group exert to liberalize trade of agriculture products : reduce by great margin tariffs of each member , binding by a max limit of no higher than 25 % and rid off tariff escalation ;

  24. 2005年中国关税总水平将降至9.9%(英文)

    General level of tariffs to be reduced to 9.9 %

  25. 如果中国能够降低捐税和关税的水平,这一领域的收益实际上会增加。

    If China were able to reduce tax and duty levels , this is one area where revenue would actually rise as a result .

  26. 调整后,2007年关税总水平将由2006年的9.9%降低到9.8%,其中工业品平均税率为8.95%。

    After the adjustment , the customs tariff rate in China will be reduced from 9.9 % in 2006 to 9.8 % in 2007 , of which , the industrial product average tariff rate is 8.95 % .

  27. 我国工农业生产和固定资产投资都将持续增长,商品贸易继续发展,服务贸易逐步对外开放,关税总水平将进一步下调。

    China 's industrial and agricultural production as well as capital investment will stably grow , china 's trade will continue to develop , the service trade will gradually open up and the general tariff level will be further lowered .

  28. 中国关税总水平由15.3%降至9.8%,远远低于发展中国家的平均水平;中国服务贸易开放部门达到100个,接近发达国家的水平。

    China 's overall tariff rate has gone down from 15.3 % to 9.8 % , far lower than the average of developing countries . One hundred service trade sectors have been opened , which is the level close to the developed countries .

  29. 乌拉圭回合后,降低关税保护水平成为各国贸易政策的改革方向,国际贸易保护手段逐渐转移,非关税壁垒逐渐成为各国贸易保护的重要手段。

    After Uruguay Round , the reformation direction of every country 's international trade policy is to reduce tariff protection level . The international trade protection measures shift gradually and the non-tariff bulwark has become different countries ' important international trade protection measure .

  30. 关贸总协定组织的多边贸易谈判成功地促使关税总体水平大幅度下降,使贸易壁垒的重点由关税壁垒转向非关税壁垒。

    The multilateral trade negotiations , which were organized in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) has made the overall level of the customs duties descended successfully at the meantime the key point of trade barriers shifted accordingly from customs barriers in to the non-tariff barriers .