
  • 网络six depressions
  1. 基于六郁理论对代谢综合征的病机探讨与临床调研

    Yu-based Theory of the Six Metabolic Syndrome Pathogenesis and Clinical Research

  2. 文章以朱丹溪的六郁理论为基础,对温病郁证的理、证、治三大方面作一阐释。

    This article based on Zhu Danxi 's six kinds of stasis theory , explained the pathology , syndrome and therapy of stasis syndromes in warm diseases .

  3. 目的通过采用表里双解法对急性湿疹患者的治疗,以及对治疗前后血清IgE变化的观察,探讨刘完素六气怫郁化热理论在急性湿疹治疗中的运用。治疗婴儿湿疹223例疗效观察

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of exterior-interior-releasing therapy on IgE in patients with acute eczema . Clinical Observation of Infantile Eczema Treated by Combined Therapy of Chinese and Western Medicine : A Report of 223 Cases