
bā fāng
  • all directions;the eight points of the compass
八方 [bā fāng]
  • [all directions;the eight points of the compass] 东、西、南、北、东南、西南、西北、东北八个方向

八方[bā fāng]
  1. 驱赶着受惊人群&来自八方。

    Drove the astonished herds of men from every side .

  2. 五彩纷呈的语言,灿烂的民族文化吸引着八方来客。

    Numerous visitors are attracted by its diversified languages and splendid national culture .

  3. 杯子世界集杯子之精品,汇八方之友情。

    " World cup " set of quality glass , the friendship of Hippos .

  4. 笑脸迎进八方客,举手投足好印象。

    Smile face is good to visitors and any behavior should not be neglected .

  5. 我虽然四处流浪,八方漂泊。

    Wherever I wander , wherever I rove .

  6. 欢迎八方贵友前来商谈!

    Welcome you come to talk !

  7. 在早期,一切物质都处于炽热且弥漫八方的气体状态。

    At early times , all matter took the form of a hot and all-pervading gas .

  8. 目前,它正以崭新的面貌迎接着八方来客。

    At present , it hails the guests from various parts of the world with a new appearance .

  9. 他们模模糊糊地眼观八方,耳听各音,毫无重点,不会鉴赏。

    Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily , without concentration and with little appreciation .

  10. 运用坐标变换和群论在自定义的八方坐标系中,推导出八方晶系点群所有对称操作的矩阵。

    In octagonal coordinate system defined by us , the matrixes of the point groups symmetry operation are derived .

  11. 12月29日,第14届中国海南岛欢乐节开幕。海南正以丰富多样的活动笑迎八方客。

    Hainan province started its fourteenth annual carnival on Dec 29 with various activities for tourists from across the world .

  12. 我们期待着2008年在北京张开双臂,迎接八方来宾。

    We look forward to receiving guests from all over the world ( with open arms ) in Beijing in2008 .

  13. 群星璀璨戛纳夜盛事狂欢电影节游艇擦洗一新,红地毯铺开迎八方来客,海边公路上的巨幅电影海报争相辉映。

    The yachts are scrubbed , the red carpet is unraveled and giant movie posters vie for attention on the seafront .

  14. 与永乐青花八方烛台相比,宣德时期作品在画法上表现出诸多不同。

    When the candlesticks were produced again in the Xuande period , the painted designs show quite a number of differences .

  15. 我们愿诚交四方宾朋、八方友好,共同开发文县大地的丰富宝藏。

    We would like to pay sincere friends Quartet P Plus friendly , County jointly develop the rich treasure of the earth .

  16. 建构网站的开发者来自四方八方不同背景,大部分可以分成两类

    People come to building websites in various ways and from different backgrounds , but most of them fall into one of two categories

  17. 瑞利以开阔的胸怀,热烈拥抱八方来宾,同广大客户精诚合作,共谋大业,共创辉煌!

    Riley with open mind , warmly embraced eight party guests , with customers to cooperate sincerely and develop side by side , create brilliant !

  18. 俺们那时呆的地方挺背,前后八方的树林子说不出的最漂亮,屋顶尽是蔷薇花儿

    We was living then in a solitary place , but among the beautifullest trees , and with the roses a-covering our Bein to the roof

  19. 他们上青天,下黄泉,游走八方,不论遇见什么状况,都能气定神闲地从容应付。

    He goes around to the heaven , or under the earth , no matter what conditions , he can handle everything at ease and leisure .

  20. 肥东是一帧前程似锦的巨幅画卷,期盼与八方客商携手挥毫、共书辉煌!

    Feidong is a giant roll of magnificent painting , we look for jointed efforts with businessmen and investors in China and beyond to make it more brilliant !

  21. 无锡千禧大酒店专业的服务团队已经准备好款待八方宾客,为商务及休闲客人营造一处宁静的港湾。

    With it 's team of dedicated professionals ready to cater to guests'every requirement , Millennium Wuxi is a haven of serenity for corporate and leisure guests alike .

  22. 西安各行各业有情,们实际行动又次诠释“方有难,八方援手”华传统美德。

    Xi'an love in all walks of life , their real actions , another interpretation of " a difficult one , P Plus assistance ," the traditional Chinese virtues .

  23. 值此新的一年里,我们公司将以全新的经营模式、专业的服务标准、精彩的旅游线路迎接旅游同仁和八方来客。

    On the occasion of the new year , our company will be a new business model , providing professional service standards , exciting tours to meet colleagues and guests .

  24. 在经历了多年在多个城市展览后,自由钟又回到了费城,在国家独立公园内静静地迎接八方来客。

    After many years at a number of cities in the exhibition , the Liberty Bell returned to Philadelphia , an independent country at the park visitor Happo meet quietly .

  25. 我们还邀请了几千个家庭来到白宫,共同欢度节日,因为,没有什么传统比敞开家门迎接八方来客这个传统更悠久了。

    And we 've invited thousands of families here to the White House to enjoy the festivities-because there 's no holiday tradition more timeless than opening our doors to others .

  26. 由此推论,这件青花八方烛台器很可能也是为了适应国外订货的产品。

    It might be expected that the blue and white in Islamic metalwork shapes would have been made for this purpose , to the taste of its intended foreign recipients .

  27. 因此,这两件青花八方烛台很可能是明代御器厂款识书写制度定型前的宣德早期作品。

    Thus it seems very probable that these two candlesticks belong to the earlier part of the Xuande reign , before the general introduction of the reign mark on imperial wares .

  28. 他们的如意算盘是:投入巨资更新设备,迎接八方来客,借世界杯的一月精彩赛事,向创下历史之最的全球电视观众展示日韩两国风采。

    Their plan : inject billions of dollars into new facilities , welcome throngs of tourists and for one glorious month showcase their countries to the biggest television audience in world history .

  29. 景德镇珠山遗址出土过相同器形的永乐甜白八方烛台,但尚未见有类似的永乐青花八方烛台出土。

    No Yongle blue and white example seems to be recorded from the excavations of the imperial kiln-site at Jingdezhen though a plain white-glazed candlestick of the same shape has been found there .

  30. 它四面环水、视野广阔、八方佳景一览无余,是昆明湖中最佳的观景游览场所。

    Surrounded by water on four sides and with a wide field of vision , it is the best place to enjoy the charming scenery of the Summer Palace in the Kunming Lake .