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  1. 深深的壕堑,单吊桥,厚重的石壁,八座巨大的塔楼。大炮、毛瑟枪、火焰与烟雾

    Deep ditch , single drawbridge , massive stone walls , eight at towers , cannon , muskets , fire and smoke .

  2. 迈克尔·杰克逊1984年创纪录的八座格莱美(Grammy)奖杯中,有两座是《BillieJean》为他赢来的。

    The single also earned Jackson two of his record eight Grammys at the 1984 awards .

  3. 联合国环境计划和亚洲理工学院(AsianInstituteofTechnology)的一份报告警告说,中国在湄公河上游建八座梯级水坝的计划可能对河流及其自然资源构成相当大的威胁。

    United Nations Environment Programme and the Asian Institute of the Asian Institute of Technology , a report warned that China eight cascade of dams being built in the upper Mekong plans could pose a considerable threat to River and its natural resources .

  4. 中国有八座工厂可生产5代或技术水平更低的LCD平板显示器,但没有先进产能,无法满足大屏幕电视的需求,因而在平板电视的价值链中错失利润最丰厚的一环。

    China has eight plants for fifth generation or below LCD panels , but no advanced capacity able to meet the demand for large-size TV panels . It is thus missing out on the most profitable link in the flat-screen TV value chain .

  5. 本文写的是一辆八座电动观光汽车的总体设计。

    This article writes an eight tourism electric automobile design .

  6. 他们访问了八座城市,例如伦敦、黎。

    They visited eight cities , for example , London and Paris .

  7. 多数游客只能匆匆忙忙地花75分钟参观八座石窟。

    Most of these tourists are limited to the hustle of a 75-minute visit that covers eight caves .

  8. 该公司目前在全球共拥有八座工厂,它在中国和巴西还有三座工厂正在建设中。

    It is one of eight company-owned factories around the world with three more to be built in China and Brazil .

  9. 福岛核电站事故发生后,德国立即关闭了八座最老旧的核电站,并计划到2022年关闭余下九座核电站。

    Germany closed eight of its oldest nuclear plants immediately following the disaster and plans to close the other nine by 2022 .

  10. 大众自20世纪80年代已进入中国,目前拥有八座生产汽车的工厂和九家制作零部件的公司。

    VW has been present in China since the 1980s and currently operates eight facilities that produce cars and nine that make components .

  11. 结果表明:阜新市八座水库均处于中富营养状态,总磷是主要污染因子。

    The results have shown that all the eight reservoirs were in moderate eutrophication , the major pollutant was total phosphorus ( TP ) .

  12. 这就是问题所在,因为目前只有八座,而且没有一座装置是联接发电厂的。

    Which is a problem , because at the moment there are only eight , none of which is attached to a power station .

  13. 喜马拉雅山麓的尼泊尔共和国是全球高山运动的大本营,全世界最高的十座山峰这里有八座(包括珠峰)。

    This Himalayan republic is the mother lode of alpinism , home to eight of the world 's 10 highest summits ( including Everest ) .

  14. 几年前英国曾谈论要建造八座新的反应堆来替换其老化的核能设施,但是现在只有两座可能在近期建造。

    Whereas a few years ago Britain was talking of building eight new reactors to replace its ageing fleet , only two are likely to make it in the near term .

  15. 根据延长油田所属八座集输站能耗各项指标,应用此方进行现状能耗评价,给出了其能耗排序结果。

    According to the eight seat of Yanchang oilfield gathering station energy consumption indicators , the application of this method is the status of energy consumption evaluation , given its energy sort results .

  16. 报道称,该辆八座巴士用于校园通勤的班车服务,是由上海交通大学智能车辆研究院与一家专门从事自动驾驶系统研究生产的企业联合研发的。

    The service , for on-campus commuting , uses an eight-seat vehicle developed jointly by the university 's Research Institute of Intelligence Vehicles and a company specializing in automatic driving systems research and production , the newspaper said .

  17. 尽管它们的名字是十二门徒石,但在命名之初,只有九座大石块——后来又倒下了一座,现在只剩下八座,而它们的根基正以每年两厘米的速度受到侵蚀。

    In spite of being named the Twelve Apostles , there were only nine when they were named - but after a recent fall , there are now eight . Their base erodes at a rate of 2 centimeters a year .