
  • 网络Spectral position;Nominal spectral location
  1. 基于导数光谱位置变量的干叶片生化组分反演

    Dry-leaf Biochemistry Retrieval by the Position Variables of Derivative Spectra

  2. 当入射光斜入射光栅表面时,通过改变入射光的斜入射角度,在衍射光一侧存在着一个最小衍射光谱线位置,并分析了斜入射光下的光栅特性。

    As slanting ray the diffraction spectrum exist least angle and research the character of the light railing .

  3. 针对植物所具有的,不同于其他地物的特性,提取了光谱特征位置点和特征参数,基于这些光谱特征位置点和特征参数进行了不同树种的分类。

    According to the characteristic of vegetation spectrum , which is different from other ground object , we extracted the spectral characteristic positions and parameters , then classified the tree species based on them .

  4. 通过比较理论计算的能态密度分布和椭圆偏振吸收光谱的峰值位置,发现β-FeSi2的载流子输运性质主要由Si的3p层电子及Fe的3d层电子决定。

    By comparing the distribution of the densities of states with the absorption spectra of spectroscopic ellipsometry , the results show that the charge carrier transport properties of β - FeSi_2 films depend on Si 3p and Fe 3d electrons .

  5. 冠层光谱红边位置λred、红边幅值Dλred和红边面积Sred孕穗前呈红移,抽穗后呈蓝移现象;

    There were ` red shift ' phenomena before booting and ` blue shift ' after heading for the position of red edge λ red , slope of red edge D λ red and area of red edge S red of the canopy spectra .

  6. 因此,中性滤光片和光谱片的位置控制就显的尤为重要。

    So the control of their position seems very important especially .

  7. 测定了此化合物的红外与拉曼光谱,由位置群分析对低频振动光谱进行了归属。

    Low frequency vibrational spectra have been assigned by the site group analysis .

  8. 水稻高光谱红边位置与叶层氮浓度的关系

    Quantitative Relationship between Hyper-Spectral Red Edge Position and Canopy Leaf Nitrogen Concentration in Rice

  9. 用微机校准光谱仪器波长位置

    Calibration of Wavelengths Spectrometers by Using a Microcomputer

  10. 研究了多碱光电阴极光谱响应峰值位置移动技术。

    The peak value position shifting technology for spectral response of multialkali photocathodes is studied .

  11. 不同产地的琥珀虽具有同样的地质年代,但由于聚合化程度不同,其红外吸收光谱峰的位置和强度存有差异。

    The ambers from the different localities may be of the same geological age , but exit the different FTIR absorption bands and strength according to the different polymeric grade .

  12. Cockburn描述了敏捷并把它放在了光谱值的其他位置。

    Cockburn describes Agility and puts it in perspective to other places in the spectrum of values .

  13. 通过对光谱结构、能级位置的分析,讨论了相关的发光机理。

    The mechanism was discussed by analyzing the spectra and the corresponding energy level structures .

  14. 随叶绿素浓度的增加,浮游植物反射光谱荧光峰的位置向红光方向移动。

    The position of phytoplankton 's fluorescence peak was shifted to the red light of spectrum .

  15. 抽穗后,冠层、叶片和穗光谱的红边位置存在蓝移现象;

    There existed blue shift phenomena for the position of red edge of the spectra of canopies , leaves and panicles after heading stage .

  16. 在极性溶剂中,随着极性的增加,无论是吸收光谱还是荧光光谱,峰值位置都向长波长方向移动,表现出了明显的溶剂化变色现象。

    And with the increase of polarity of the solvents , the absorption and fluorescence band tend to move to the long wavelength .

  17. 再之多光谱成像产生单光谱图像像素位置互相之间的不一致,需要对图像数据进行图像配准。

    In muti-spectral imaging single-spectral image pixels have a position inconsistent each other , it is asked for image data for image registration .

  18. 通过分析多光谱遥感图像学习样本在光谱空间不同位置对BP神经网络分类器分类精度的影响,提出基于x2分布的学习样本选取方法,并应用于TM图像分类。

    Through analyzing the influence of the learning samples ' location in the spectral space on the accuracy of multi spectral remote sensing image classification using BP neural network , a method for learning samples selection based on x 2 distribution was presented and used in TM image classification .

  19. 利用本装置可获得单晶光纤的吸收光谱,透过率谱,散射光谱以及散射位置谱。

    The SCF absorption loss spectra , scattering loss spectra , and scattering position spectra can be measured .

  20. 一个光谱矢量点的特性不仅取决于自身在光谱空间中的位置,在某种程度上更重要的是取决于周围光谱矢量点对该矢量点的辐射强度。

    The property of a vector point would not only been determined by the position in the spectral space , to some extent more importantly , by the radiation intensity of its surrounding vector points .

  21. 采用光电探测阵列获取光谱信号时,由于光电探测阵列的离散性导致了无法准确地确定光谱峰值位置。

    In micro-spectrometer , photoelectronic detecting array is employed to obtain spectrum signal , while the discrete arrangement of its elements makes it impossible to detect the correct spectrum position .

  22. 基于荧光激发光谱和发射光谱对波长呈高斯分布的设定,本文推导出固定波长同步荧光光谱峰峰值位置、相对强度和半峰宽度等3个主要光谱参数的理论计算式。

    On the assumption that the fluorescence excitation and emission spectra can be represented by Gaussian distributions versus wavelength .

  23. 结果表明,部分空间和部分光谱相干高斯-谢尔模型脉冲光束在自由空间传输中发生了光谱移动,光谱移动与场点位置、空间相关长度和时间相干长度有关。

    It is shown that the spectral shift takes place , which depends on the position of the field point , spatial correlation length and the temporal coherence length , as GSMP beams propagate in free space .