
  • 网络Optical observation;optical inspection
  1. 地面光学观测CCD终端图像的采集

    Collecting of the Terminal Image for the Optical CCD Observation on the Ground

  2. 2012年9月,俄罗斯天文学家涅夫斯基(VitaliNevski)和诺维切诺克(ArtyomNovichonok)利用国际科学光学观测网(InternationalScientificOpticalNetwork,ISON)的数据发现了这颗彗星,并以观测网的英文缩写命名了这颗彗星。

    The comet was discovered in September 2012 by Russian astronomers Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok using data from the International Scientific Optical Network , whose initials provided the name .

  3. 介质加载表面等离激元的近场光学观测

    Dielectric-loaded surface plasmon polariton studied by using scanning near-field optical microscopy

  4. 1983年6月11日日全食光学观测

    Optical Observation During the Total Solar Eclipse of June 11 , 1983

  5. 1987年9月23日昆明日偏食光学观测

    The Optical Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse in Kunming

  6. 空间目标天基光学观测模式分析

    Analysis on the space-based optic observation mode for space object

  7. 苏梅克-利维9号彗星撞击木星事件的光学观测

    The Optical Observations of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Impacts with Jupiter

  8. 光学观测与微波辐射模拟对月壤厚度的反演

    Inversion of lunar regolith layer thickness using optical data and microwave emission simulation

  9. γ射线爆发的光学观测

    Optical Observation of γ - ray Burs - ter

  10. 光学观测小波方法的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Technique for Observation of Short Wave Using Optical Means

  11. 本文主要描述依巴谷卫星的光学观测原理,资料处理方法。

    In this paper , the observation principle and data reduction method of HIPPARCOS are described .

  12. 人工触发闪电的光学观测

    Optical Observation of Triggered Lightning Flashes

  13. 人造卫星的精确轨道参数将由无线电和光学观测站测量得出。

    Accurate measurement of the orbit parameters of the artificial satellite was provided by radio and optical stations .

  14. 由于不可能进行光学观测,所以关于暗云中恒星数目的推算长期以来不受重视。

    Because optical observations are impossible , speculation on the stellar content in dark clouds long received little attention .

  15. 随着天文望远镜及终端设备的设计与制造技术的不断提高,天文观测能力大大增强,天文学已从古老的光学观测变为全波段的天文学,并正在进入一个数据雪崩时代。

    With the technological advances in design and manufacture of telescopes and instruments , the capability of astronomical observation is enhanced greatly .

  16. 沙河、兴隆、怀柔太阳光学观测候选台址的比较(二)&近地面层大气温度脉动观测

    A comparison of the solar optical observatory testing sites at shahe , xinglong and Huairou ⅱ . observation of atmospheric temperature fluctuation close to ground

  17. 光学观测瞄准是大中型轰炸机主要的对地攻击瞄准方式,其光学系统一般采用望远式光学系统,这就要求光学系统能满足可见光和近红外光两个光谱波段。

    Optical observation sight is a dominating air-ground attack method to a large or medium bomber , which its optical systems are usually chosen telescope . The telescope should demand two bands spectrum of visible light and near infrared .

  18. 1986年旅行者2号飞越天王星期间,由空间无线电和光学观测获得的卫星资料首次给出天王星5颗主要卫星质量的可靠估计,从而推动了现代天王星卫星运动定量理论的建立。

    The data of the satellites acquired by spacecraft-centered radio and optical observations during the Voyager 2 encountering Uranus provide the first reliable estimation of the masses of all five major satellites . Contemporary quantitative theories on the motion of the Uranian satellites have been promoted .

  19. Berry相的光学实验观测

    Optical Experimental Observation of Berry 's Phase

  20. 本文采用光学法观测了NdP5O(14)晶体的铁弹性质。

    Ferroelastic properties of NdP_5O_ ( 14 ) crystal have been determined by optical method .

  21. 1984年开始,天文计算中采用FK5基本星表和新天文常数,这些变动直接影响了经典光学仪器观测确定的地极坐标。

    The FK5 fundamental catalogue and the new astronomical constants have been used in the astronomical calculation since 1984 . These changes will directly effect the results of the polar coordinates with classical optical instruments .

  22. 南海北部气溶胶光学厚度观测研究

    Measurement and study of aerosol optical depth over northern South China Sea

  23. 该软件对于地面光学自动观测具有实用意义,并具备继续扩充的特点,以便同行进行二次开发。

    This software has practical value for automatic optical observation on the ground .

  24. 纳米颗粒铜膜的制备和光学性能观测

    Preparation of nanometer particle copper thin film and abservation on it 's optical property

  25. 中国北黄海海区大气气溶胶光学特性观测研究

    Observations and Analysis of Aerosol Optical Properties over the Northern Yellow Sea of China

  26. 几种用于光学显微镜观测的桑叶表皮整体制片方法比较双目显微镜,双筒显微镜

    A Comparison of Several Specimen Preparation Methods for Light Microscopic Observation of Mulberry Leaf Epidermis

  27. 用光学显微镜观测和分析电火花线切割硅表面沿纵向分层择优腐蚀后的形貌;

    The surface morphology after preferential corrosion along the vertical orientation was observed via an optical microscope .

  28. 对腾格里沙漠4~9月份的整层大气气溶胶的光学遥感观测结果进行了分析。

    The optical remote sensing observation of the atmosphere aerosol over Tengger Desert from April to September are analyzed .

  29. 荧光共振能量转移是与距离相关的,可以直接提供生物大分子在构型变化过程中的距离变化规律,使人们能运用光学手段观测分子在运动或其在发挥生物调控功能时构型的变化过程。

    FRET is related to the distance between the fluorophores which can provide structural information of different domains of biomacromolecules , so that scientists are able to monitor conformational changes during the motion or regulation of molecules using optical methods .

  30. 在观测上,无论在射电波段,或者X射线和光学波段的观测都提供了一些可靠的证据,说明耀斑冕环的相互作用可能导致耀斑的产生。

    Observational data in the radio , X-ray and optical wavebands provide the reliable evidences that the interaction between flare coronal loops can lead to the onset of solar flares .