
  • 网络optical switching;optical switch;FROG
  1. 原子相干中交叉Kerr效应的实验研究及全光学开关的实现

    Investigation for Cross-kerr Effect Via Atomic Coherence and All Optical Switching A Study on Cross Effect

  2. 本文理论研究了内含等离子体的Fabry-Perot干涉仪的光学开关和双稳现象。

    In this paper , the optical switching and bistability of a Fabry-Perot interferometer filled with plasma are studied theoretically .

  3. VO2相变前后的光学开关特性可以应用在智能窗上,如何实现这一应用具有重要研究价值。

    Vanadium dioxide ( VO_2 ) has MIT property of phase transition . This property can be applied in optical-switching devices and products .

  4. 目前,人们常用的测量与诊断紫外脉冲的方法有自相关法、频率分辨光学开关法(FROG)和光谱位相相干电场重构法(SPIDER)等。

    So far , the autocorrelation , frequency-resolved optical gating ( FROG ) and spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction ( SPIDER ) are the general methods for the measurement of optical pulse duration .

  5. 为了准确研究超短脉冲,长期以来,人们已经形成了二阶自相关法、频率分辨光学开关法(FROG)、自参考光谱位相相干电场重建法(SPIDER)等测量方法,并各具特点。

    In order to study on ultra short pulse precisely , some measurement methods are established , such as second order autocorrelation , frequency-resolved optical gating ( FROG ), self & referencing spectral phase interferometry for direct electric reconstruction ( SPIDER ) .

  6. 最近,金属微纳结构中的Fano共振由于在非线性、增强透射、光学开关与调制等方面具有重要应用,因而引起了人们的广泛兴趣。

    Recently , because of their important applications in nonlinear optics , enhanced optical transmission , and optical switching and modulating , Fano resonances in metallic micro / nano-structures have attracted wide attention .

  7. 飞秒激光脉冲的谐波频率分辨光学开关法测量研究

    Measurement of femtosecond laser pulses using SHG frequency-resolved optical gating technique

  8. 频率分辨光学开关法行迹相位还原的时频分析

    Time-frequency analysis for phase retrieval from traces of frequency resolved optical gating

  9. 讨论了将这种系统应用于光学开关、中继及分路器件的可能性。

    Potential application in optical switches , repeaters or splitters is discussed .

  10. 二次谐波频率分辨光学开关法测量双脉冲的振幅和相位

    Measurement of the Intensity and Phase of Double Laser Pulses Using Shg-frog

  11. 频率分辨光学开关法测量飞秒脉冲

    Measurement of Femtosecond Laser Pulse with Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating

  12. 这种特性可能被用于实现微波或光学开关器件。

    This phenomenon may be used to realize the micro-wave or optical switching devices .

  13. 其结果有助于设计光学开关等光学器件。

    The results may be useful for the design of optical switch . 3 .

  14. 对光学开关的这种研究,可能使我们把完整的光路制成微型的光路板。

    The research on optical switches may lend to complete optical circuits on miniature circuit boards .

  15. 多模光纤维系统的光学开关

    Optical switch for multimode optical-fiber systems

  16. 这种在非相干辐照控制下折射率的迅速改变有望应用于全光学开关器件。

    The change of the refractive index controlled by the incoherent irradiation can be applied in the all optical switch .

  17. 光纤陀螺中的一些器件如相位调制器和光学开关、消光器甚至光波导谐振腔都可以集成在一个多功能集成光学芯片上。

    Devices such as phase modulators , optic switches and even optic waveguide resonators can be integrated on a multi functional integrated optic chip .

  18. 分析了空间滤波、相干时间选通和非相干时间选通的机制,着重论述了几种非线性光学开关的工作原理。

    The mechanism of spatial filtering , coherent and incoherent time gating are analysed . The principles of several nonlinear optical switchs are explained . 4 .

  19. 近年以来,光致变色化合物在信息储存、电子显示、光学开关等领域有着巨大的潜在应用,有机小分子凝胶也已成为化学、物理和材料学等交叉学科研究的新领域之一。

    In recent years , photochromic compounds have shown great potential applications in the area of information storage , electronic display , optical switch , etc. Low-molecular mass organogelators ( LMOGs ) research has also become a new field in the area of chemistry , physics and materials science .

  20. 这个结果可以用来实现光学控制开关。

    This result can be used to realize optical control switches .

  21. 本文描叙了各种测量微微秒光脉冲的方法及其原理。诸如条纹照相机、光学克尔开关、双光子光学滞后(包括双光子荧光)等。

    This papar depicted various method and principle on measurment and application to Picosecond pulse , such as streak camera , the optical kerr shutter 、 two photo delay etc.

  22. 光学双稳开关参数的理论计算

    The Theoretical Calculation of the Switch Parameter of the Optical Bistability

  23. 集成光学声光光开关的研究

    Integrated Optical Acousto-Optic Optical Switch

  24. 因此液晶光栅的这种光电特性在衍射光学、光电开关、光束偏转控制等许多领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    So liquid crystal grating is used in extensive field such as diffraction optics , photoelectric switch , deflexion controlling of light beam .

  25. 文中详细地阐述了用液晶空间光调制方法实现光学四功能交换开关、和Omega互连网络的原理。

    The principle of the optical implementation of exchange-switch with four functions and Omega network by liquid crystal spatial light modulator are described in detail .

  26. 激发脉冲对光学双稳器件开关特性的影响

    Switching Dynamics of the Optical Bistable Devices under Holding Pulsed Light Excitation

  27. 有机光致变色材料可应用于太阳镜、保密印刷、光学记录、光学开关、太阳能贮存、非线性光学及生物学系统。

    Organic photochromic materials are used most widely in ophthalmic sun-screening applications , and also find applications in security printing , optical recording and switching , solar energy storage , nonlinear optics and biological systems .

  28. 手性液晶材料因其独特的光电性能及其在非线性光学、快速光开关、微电子等领域具有潜在的应用前景而受到人们越来越多的重视。

    In recent year , chiral liquid crystalline polymers ( LCPs ) have attracted more and more attention due to their unique optical-electrical property and the potential application in the fields of nonlinear optics , fast light switch , microelectronics .

  29. 在光电器件的实现(诸如光学偏振器,光学补偿器,光学开关)以及非线性光学现象的产生和应用中,晶体元件起到了重要作用。

    Crystal elements ( such as optical polarizer , optical compensation and optical switch ) played an important role in the realization of optoelectronic devices and the generation and applications of nonlinear optical phenomena .

  30. 利用可变光栅模液晶光学传感器设计了一种光学十字开关互联网络系统,该系统可实时地重新组合光学十字开关互联,液晶光学传感器执行强度-空间频率转换。

    A system for an optical crossbar interconnection network utilizing variable grating mode crystal optical transducers capable of performing intensity-to-spatial-frequency conversion is designed . The proposed system performs real-time and reconfigurable optical crossbar interconnections .