
  • 网络meta-cognitive strategies;metacognitive strategy;Meta-cognitive;metacognitive
  1. 以任务为基础的元认知策略研究

    The Assessment of Metacognitive Strategies in a Task - based Approach

  2. 训练课外阅读元认知策略提高英语专业学生阅读能力

    Raising Reading Ability by Training Metacognitive Strategies in After-class Reading

  3. 元认知策略在EFL阅读教学中的可教性研究

    An Empirical Study on the Teachability of Metacognitive Strategies in EFL Reading Class

  4. Oxford也在其学习策略的间接策略中提到了元认知策略。

    Oxford also mentions MCS in his indirect learning strategies .

  5. EFL学习者元认知策略的使用情况和阅读理解能力正向相关。

    The awareness of using metacognitive strategies is positively related to EFL learners ' reading proficiency .

  6. 二语阅读中的猜词策略(GuessingStrategy)是外语学习者在进行外语阅读时为了达到更好的阅读理解效果常常使用的一种元认知策略。

    The guessing strategy in second language reading is one of the meta-cognitive strategies , which foreign language learners often use for better reading comprehension effects .

  7. 幼师中专班和幼师3+2分段大专班的学生在生物学习策略总体水平、生物学认知策略、元认知策略、资源管理策略方面都没有显著差异(P值>0.05)。

    The students between the vocational class and the " 3 + 2 " college class show no obvious differences in their overall levels of biological learning strategies , Biology cognitive strategies , metacognitive strategies and resource management strategies ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  8. 测试结果经过SPSS(12.0)统计分析表明女生在第2,6,9类元认知策略上显著高于男生,而在其他7类策略上没有显著性差异。

    The statistical analysis results by SPSS ( 12.0 ) show that females have an obviously higher frequency in category 2 , 6 and 9 . No obvious gender differences are found in the rest categories .

  9. 大家普遍认同学习策略能够帮助学习者更有效地学习,而作为学习策略组成部分的元认知策略被看作对成功的语言学习不可或缺(Oxford,1990a:136)。

    It is believed that learning strategies can help learners learn more effectively and efficiently . As component items of learning strategies , metacognitive strategy is regarded as " essential for successful language learning " ( Oxford , 1990a : 136 ) .

  10. 此项调查研究采用Oxford编制的语言学习策略(SILL)作为调查英语学习者使用元认知策略的工具,又以英语专业四级考试成绩作为衡量学习水平的标准。

    Oxford 's ( 1990 ) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ( SILL ) was utilized to measure metacognitive strategy preferences , while the results of Test for English Majors ( TEM 4 ) were adopted as a measurement of English proficiency .

  11. 本研究建立在O'MalleyandChamot对学习策略的分类之上,即将学习策略分为元认知策略,认知策略和社会情感策略三大类。

    The study was based on the classification of learning strategies proposed by O'Malley and Chamot , with metacognitive strategies , cognitive strategies and social / affective strategies as the three categories of learning strategies .

  12. Wenden(1985)认为促进学生自主学习的关键是培养学生的学习策略,而学习策略的关键是元认知策略。

    While students focusing on metacognitive strategy training are not too much . Wenden ( 1985 ) considers that learning strategy is the key to foster learners ' autonomy while metacognition is the key to learning strategy .

  13. Vandergrift针对二语听力水平与听力策略之间的联系进行了实验研究,发现元认知策略、认知策略在二语听力者建立概念构架及深层理解方面起到重要作用。

    In terms of the link between second language listening level and listening strategies , Vandergrift carried out some experiments , which discovered the significance of metacognitive strategy and cognitive strategy in the establishment of conceptual framework and profound comprehension .

  14. 第三部分探讨元认知策略教学与训练。

    Part Three concerns issues on the training of metacognitive strategies .

  15. 元认知策略在高中英语词汇教学中应用的行动研究

    Action Research of Applying Metacognitive Strategy in High School Vocabulary Teaching

  16. 基于元认知策略的大学英语口语教学实践研究

    Practical research on college oral English teaching based on metacognitive strategies

  17. 三类学生所使用的元认知策略主要为自我监控。

    The main meta-cognitive strategy used by all the students was self-monitoring .

  18. 第一章介绍外语学习焦虑与元认知策略相关性研究的背景及意义。

    Chapter One introduces the background and significance of the present study .

  19. 在三大策略中,元认知策略和社会策略与词汇成绩呈显著性正相关。

    Metacognitive strategy and social strategy are positively correlated with V-test scores .

  20. 高职英语专业听力教学元认知策略培训研究

    Empirical Study on Metacognitive Listening Strategy Instruction for English Majors in HVTC

  21. 学生使用元认知策略的频率高于认知策略,他们在使用扩展,总结和练习等认知策略上的频率非常低。

    Students use metacognitive strategies more frequently than cognitive strategies .

  22. 高一学业不良学生元认知策略的补救训练

    The Meta-cognitive Strategy Intervention Study on Learning Disability Students of Senior One

  23. 大学英语写作中的元认知策略训练研究

    A Study of Metacognitive Strategy Training in College English Writing

  24. 运用元认知策略训练促进英语阅读自主性研究

    Promote English Reading Autonomy by Means of Metacognitive Strategic Training

  25. 基于元认知策略下问题探究评估教学模式构建

    On Metacognitive Strategies to Construct the Teaching Model of " Question-Explore-Evaluation "

  26. 认知论认为阅读是一个复杂的过程,元认知策略是关于认知过程的知识。

    Metacognition is the knowledge regarding the process of cognition .

  27. 元认知策略培训是否有助于促进学生写作水平的提高?

    Will the metacognitive strategy training contribute to improve students ' writing performance ?

  28. 高中英语词汇学习策略运用水平在元认知策略及社交/情感策略上存在着非常显著的性别差异。

    Significant gender difference is shown in Metacognitive Strategies and Social Affective Strategies .

  29. 学习策略可以分为元认知策略,认知策略及情感策略。

    English learning strategy is classified into metacognitive , cognitive and affective strategies .

  30. 但是将元认知策略运用课外阅读中的研究还不多。

    However , the research of the application in metacognitive strategies is seldom .