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  1. 基于ANSYS的发动机药柱有限元应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor 's Grain Based on ANSYS

  2. SD附着体固位远中游离端可摘局部义齿三维有限元应力分析

    Three-dimensional finite element analysis of SD attachment retained distal - extension removable partial denture

  3. Si3N4陶瓷瞬间液相连接三维有限元应力分析

    Three-dimensional Residual Analysis of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding in Si_3N_4 Ceramic by FEM

  4. 采用Ti/Ag/Ti中间层连接SiC陶瓷的有限元应力分析

    Analysis of the residual thermal stresses of SiC joint with Ti / Ag / Ti interlayer by FEM

  5. 采用了ANSYS的Shell93单元对筒体结构进行离散处理;煤斗筒体有限元应力计算与结构稳定性分析


  6. 300m级心墙堆石坝三维有限元应力变形分析

    Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Stress Deformation of 300 m Level Core Rockfill Dam

  7. 利用ANSYS软件及其分析设计方法,对阀体中腔安装四合环的位置进行了有限元应力分析。

    This article uses the ANSYS software and analysis design method to make a detailed finite element stress analysis of the head of valve body where placed the quarter rings .

  8. 梅钢150t转炉新炉壳有限元应力分析

    Stress analysis on the shell of meishan 's 150 t reformed converter by finite element method

  9. 本文还对储药药囊受到的扭转力矩做了理论推导,最后利用ansys分析软件对机器人永磁体和药囊做了有限元应力分析。

    The paper also conducted a theoretical derivation about the torsional moment applied on drugs storage containers . Finally , we analyzed the stress in permanent magnets and drug containers with the finite element analysis software-Ansys .

  10. 采用ANSYS结构分析软件,对某混凝土重力坝进行有限元应力分析,研究了地基弹性模量及地基不均匀性对坝体应力的影响,由此得出一些有益的结论,可供设计参考。

    This paper makes FEM studies on stress of gravity dam with ANSYS software for structure analysis . It analyzed the influence of base 's elastic modulus and heterogeneity on dam stress and educes some useful conclusion for designers .

  11. 依据我国JB4732-95《钢制压力容器&分析设计标准》,运用ANSYS软件对高压焊接试验舱封头斜管进行有限元应力分析设计。

    In this paper , finite element stress analytical design of end socket chute on high pressure welding tester is carried out using ANSYS software according to Analytical Design Standards for Steel Pressure Vessels ( JB4732 - 95 ) .

  12. 介绍了60t/h增压流化床锅炉压力壳的设计结构、锅炉本体的悬吊方法、壳体上局部载荷区的加强、有限元应力计算以及制造工艺特点。

    The design structure of pressure vessel , suspension of boiler proper . strengthen of local load area on shell , FEA calculation and manufacture of 60 t / h PFBC are described in the paper .

  13. 本文通过一艘LPC实船侧斜桨的设计论述了螺旋桨理论(包括水动力设计、结构有限元应力分布计算及脉动压力预报)如何支撑了整个设计过程。

    In this paper , it is reported , how the propeller theories ( including hydrodynamics design , stress distribution analysis by FEM and fluctuating pressure prediction ) and computer code are supporting the propeller design for a LPC ship .

  14. 通过对10000m3天然气球罐的b型和c型支柱及不同的支柱帽厚度和不同的连接板厚度的球罐结构进行有限元应力分析和研究,最后得到最佳的支柱与球罐的连接结构。

    By means of finite element stress analysis and research on spherical tank with different cap thickness of b type and c type support , and with different connection plat thickness , the optimum connection structure between support and spherical tank was obtained lastly .

  15. 在上述闸门有限元应力分析的基础上,应用概率断裂力学建立了裂纹的极限状态方程,并用JC法求出裂纹的失效概率,以此对闸门焊接缺陷的可靠度作出安全评估。

    On the basis of the finite element stress analysis of the gate , the paper establishes the limit state equations of cracks by probability rupture mechanics , and obtains the failure probability of the cracks . Finally , the failure probability of the cracks is elementary estimated .

  16. Ce-Y-Mg复合稳定TZP韧性好,较其它TZP高,有可能成为牙科桩钉材料。不同牙桩修复材料的三维有限元应力分析

    As a result , the TZP stabilized by mult-component stabilizer of CeO 2 / Y 2O 3 / MgO is more likely suitable for the dental post application . Three dimensional finite element stress analysis on different dental post materials

  17. 对某发动机DZ4定向凝固高温合金涡轮叶片进行了有限元应力分析,应力分析中考虑了发动机实际工作过程中的离心载荷和不均匀温度场引起的热负荷。

    Finite element stress analysis is performed on the directionally solidified superalloy turbine blade of an engine . Centrifugal loading and thermal loading due to non uniform temperature field are considered in the stress analysis .

  18. 反应釜局部结构的有限元应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Part of Reaction Vessel with Finite Element Program

  19. 不同模量材料结构的有限元应力分析&主应力法

    Finite Element Analysis of structure for Different Modulus Material-Main Stress Method

  20. 有限元应力计算结果改善处理的一种实用方法

    A practical method to improve the stress calculating results of FEM

  21. 烘缸有限元应力分析及其设计规定的探讨

    Finite Element Analysis and Study on the Design Code of Dryers

  22. 偏心及同心异径管的三维有限元应力分析

    Stress analyses of eccentric and concentric reducers by tridimensional finite element method

  23. 双套管废热锅炉集流管的有限元应力分析

    Stress Analysis for Oval Header of Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

  24. 汽轮机叶根轮缘弹塑性接触有限元应力分析

    Stresses Analysis of Turbine Roots and Rims with a Contact Elasto-plastic FEM

  25. 高压瓷瓶支柱绝缘子有限元应力分析及安全性评定

    Finite Element Stress Analysis and Security Assessment of HV Porcelain Post Insulator

  26. 下颌骨缺损腓骨重建的三维有限元应力分析

    Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the mandible reconstruction with fibula

  27. 基于有限元应力分析的转鼓设计的研究

    Investigation of rotary drum design based on the finite element stress analysis

  28. 利用零件有限元应力计算对接触网设计指导作用的探讨

    The Guiding Action of Parts Finite Element Stress Calculation to Catenary Design

  29. 大型卧式容器有限元应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Large Horizontal Pressure Vessels With Finite Element

  30. 对瓷贴面粘结层的有限元应力分析

    Two dimensional finite element analysis of ceramic veneer bonding layer