- 名dipole moment

An explanation of the magnitude of such a dipole moment must seal explicity with two contributing factors .
Synthesis and Determination of Transition Dipole Moment for Nonlinear Optical Azo Chromophores
Improving the negative charge at position 3 ′ and molecular dipole moment can increase the anticancer activity .
It is shown that the moments of dipole change decrease with Al content non-linearly .
Theoretical Studies on Dipole Moment Surface and Ro-vibrational Transition Intensities of He-N_2O
Study on the Infrared Molecular Spectroscopy of XH_n Type Molecules
In chapter 2 , the dynamics of the information entropy squeezing of the atomic dipoles in Raman transition model is investigated .
A quasi PD control algorithm is designed , and the energy-optimal magnetic dipole moments are generated by the expected magnetic control torques .
Results show that the molecules whether or not have a plane configuration and conjugated system , the net charge at position 3 ′ and molecular dipole moment are the main factors to affect activity .
These descriptors include the octanol / water partition coefficient , the molecular area , relative molecular mass and molecular dipole .
In air , ion relaxation polarization strongly affects the dielectric loss , whereas in vacuum , the dielectric loss depends heavily on electric conductance .
COX inhibitory activity was related negatively with electronic total energy , but positively with molecular total energy and molecule dipole moment .
The existence of color-electric dipole moment will provide another source of CP-violation , which is crucial in explaining the disparity between matter and antimatter in the Universe .
The studies concerned about AB effect clearly show that charged particle or the particle with dipole moment moving in an electromagnetic field can produces the AB phase .
First we investigate the relative stabilities and electronic structures of various stacking configurations for ZnO bilayer , which reveals that only the electrostatic attraction and the dipole moment interaction exist between the two single ZnO layers .
RESULT : 5-LO inhibitory activity was correlated positively with difference of LUMO and HOMO , and molecule dipole moment .
The electric field reduces the HOMO-LUMO gap and increases the dipole moment .
According to the QSAR of our experiment , the compound with low acute toxicity may be obtained when the molecular dipole moment is small and hydrophilicity is high .
The analysis indicates that the H_2O whose molecule electrical dipole moment distributing along the direction of electrostatic field gets in the most stable state with the maximum energy distribution function .
A lower transition energy with a larger oscillator strength and a larger transition moment will lead to a larger second-order NLO response in alkali-metal carborane .
The time evolution properties of higher order squeezing of atomic dipole and its producing conditions in the nonlinear two photon Jaynes Cummings model are studied .
The Calculation of Dipole Moment by MEEM Molecular Selection
The external EF decreases the LUMO-HOMO gap and increases the molecular dipole moment .
The result showed that upon excitation compound C3 could form its intramolecular charge transfer state easily and furthermore transform to a twisted intramolecular charge transfer state accompanying with a very large change of dipole moment .
The present paper is to provide the calculated results of equilibrium geometry , energy , dipole moment , force constants and vibration frequencies for the ground state free radical N_2H ( ~ 2A ' ), from which an analytical potential function has been derived .
Usually it is suggested that all pulsar 's rotational braking only comes from the radiation Wd of normal magnetic dipole moment in rotational frequency ( We refer it to the POG hypothesis ) .
Motel WTX-1 Dipole Moment Meter
The dipole moment difference between excited state and ground state for 2-TC-VA was estimated as 18.8 D.
With increase of electric field intensity , dipole , total system energy , LUMO and HOMO energy level of C60 molecule decrease . However the energy gap between LUMO and HOMO decrease firstly , and then increase .
Energy levels of HOMO-1 and LUMO + 1 change limit , but huge difference in moment of dipole ;