
wō kòu
  • Japanese pirates
倭寇 [wō kòu]
  • [Japanese pirates] 指元末到明中叶多次在朝鲜和我国沿海抢劫骚扰的日本强盗

倭寇[wō kòu]
  1. 宋代后,日本倭寇侵入海南,进行掠夺活动;

    After the Song Dynasty , Japanese pirates invaded and looted in Hainan .

  2. 倭寇之乱就是其中影响程度较深的一种,也是有明一代对中国沿海地区扰乱较深的事件。

    It was the most that the Japanese pirates harassed the littoral of China in the Ming dynasty .

  3. 但是,我不希望在建的PLA海军几十年后具有与美帝、倭寇、棒子同样的规模和技术。

    However , I wouldn 't expect a PLAN on-par with the size or technology American , Japanese , or South Korean navies for quite a few decades .

  4. 在“中国版推特(Twitter)”新浪微博(Weibo)上,博主们经常将日本人称为“倭寇”,这是明代中日交战时对日本人的一种蔑称。

    Microbloggers on Weibo , the " Chinese Twitter , " often refer to the Japanese as " dwarf bandits " - a wartime ( and Ming-era ) insult .

  5. 倭寇现象是明代重大的历史事件。

    Ming pirate phenomenon is a major historical event .

  6. 从建国开始,明朝一直深受倭寇的侵扰。

    Since building up the country , Ming Dynasty had always suffered the Japanese pirates'invading and harassing .

  7. 高丽与明嘉靖时期的倭寇问题比较&兼谈戚继光剿倭

    The Comparison of the Japanese Pirates Problems during the Korean Koryo dynasty and the Jia-Jing Period of Ming Dynasty

  8. 公元1556年,年轻的将领戚继光被派到浙江东部沿海地区抗击倭寇。

    In1556 , he was assigned to deal with the problem of Japanese pirates in the coastal areas of Zhejiang Province .

  9. 明初洪武时期的海防与防御倭寇、海盗侵扰密不可分。

    The coastal defense during the Hongwu Period is in close connection with the defense against the invasion of Japanese invaders and pirates .

  10. 面对明初政府所建立的完备海防体系,倭寇及方国珍、张士诚余党的骚扰活动受到极大遏制,并逐渐消弭。

    Greatly curbed the face of a complete coastal defense system established by the Government in the early Ming Dynasty , Japanese pirates harassment activities .

  11. 到了明朝中期,倭寇与中国海盗勾结在一起走私抢掠,杀人放火,无恶不作,对沿海人民的危害越来越大。

    Finally , the Ming court resolved to bolster the coastal defenses , and ordered Qi Jiguang to put an end to the pirate menace .

  12. 这期间的海禁主要是针对明政府的敌对势力、倭寇以及对前来朝贡的国家的使臣的检查与限制。

    During this period prohibition of sea trade mainly aimed at check up and restriction of the oppositional forees , Japanese bandits and the visiting foreign ministers .

  13. 由于明朝面临倭寇的侵扰,统治者在政策取向上选取了闭关,实行海禁政策。

    Due to facing the invade of the Japanese pirates , the rulers in the policy orientation select closing the border and carry out seafaring prohibition policy .

  14. 明嘉靖年间,中国东南沿海以中国人为主的“倭寇”猖厥一时。

    During Jia-jing period of the Ming Dynasty , " Japanese pirates " mainly made up of Chinese was rampant for a while in the coastal area of southeast China .

  15. 当然它也带来了消极影响:一方面,私商勾引倭寇引发倭乱,破坏了社会生产;另一方面,它也助长了贿赂腐化等不良的社会风气。

    Certainly it had also brought the negative effect : On the one hand , traders enticed the Japanese pirate to rebel and destroyed the social product ; On the other hand , it also encouraged the bad social ethos such as bribe and putridness .