
  • 网络premium rate;insurance rate;Rate
  1. 公众利益理论等构成了保险费率监管的理论基础。

    The Public Interest Theory constitutes the theoretical foundation of premium rate regulation .

  2. 关于商场建筑火灾风险评估与保险费率相关性的探讨

    Discussion of correlativity between fire hazard assessment and insurance premium rate of the business building

  3. 保险费率信息采用XML文档的形式。

    The insurance rate information comes as an XML document .

  4. 联邦紧急事务管理局(FederalEmergencyManagementAgency)的洪水区域重新勘测工作仍未确定,而新的保险费率也导致买家们暂时退避三舍。

    Uncertainty around the Federal Emergency Management Agency 's flood zone remapping and new insurance rates also caused buyers to temporarily back off .

  5. 在AIG的第一笔此类交易中,保险费率仅为每年0.02美分/美元。

    In the first such deals with AIG , the fee had been just 0.02 cents for every dollar of risk insured each year .

  6. 本周,健康与公共事业局(HealthandHumanServices)局长凯瑟琳瑟比列斯(KathleenSebelius)给所有州写了封信,鼓励各州调查其他的保险费率提高问题并叫停保险公司在保险系统中钻空子的行为。

    And this week , our Secretary of Health and Human Services , Kathleen Sebelius , wrote a letter to all states urging them to investigate other rate hikes and stop insurance companies from gaming the system .

  7. 这意味着,不但要向查询传递customerid,还要传递保险费率。

    This means that you have to pass to the query not only the customerid but also the insurance rates .

  8. 取而代之他们提出只需要银行拿出60亿美元(通过提高存款保险费率),其余资金通过提前关闭问题资产援助项目(TARP)来解决。

    They proposed instead that only $ 6 billion come from banks ( from higher deposit-insurance fees ) and the rest from winding down the Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) early .

  9. 佳达全球产险业务总监劳拉莫厄里(LaraMowery)表示,由于提高主保险费率受到地方监管机构的限制,以及企业过去几年的盈余已经缩减,财产保险公司正在承受压力。

    Lara Mowery , head of global property speciality at Guy Carpenter , said property insurers were being squeezed as primary insurance rate increases were restricted by local regulators , and companies ' surpluses from previous years have shrunk .

  10. 资本资产定价模型在洪水保险费率厘定中的应用

    Capital asset pricing model and its application to flood insurance ratemaking

  11. 土石坝工程地震保险费率厘定和保险模式研究

    Research on Earthquake Insurance Rate and Insurance Mode of Earth-rockfill Dams

  12. 财产保险费率市场化的生成机制研究

    The formation mechanism for premium rate deregulation for property insurance industry

  13. 零膨胀广义泊松回归模型与保险费率厘定

    Zero-Inflated Generalized Poisson Regression Model and Its Application to Insurance Ratemaking

  14. 原则上,保险费率是随保险货物的不同而变化。

    In principle , the rates vary with different insured cargoes .

  15. 什么是超时工作的当地法律的保险费率?

    What is the local legal premium rate for overtime work ?

  16. 保险费率监管是保险监管的重要内容。

    Insurance rate supervision is an important part in insurance supervision .

  17. 非比例再保险的保险费率由双方当事人议定。

    The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed .

  18. 保险费率将根据货物种类而定。

    Insurance brokers will quote rates foralltypes of cargo and risks .

  19. 论我国保险费率市场化

    On the Marketization of the Rate of Insurance Fee in China

  20. 灾害损失率计算是农作物保险费率确定的基础。

    Calamity loss rate is the base for calculation of insurance premium .

  21. 中国粮食产量保险费率的订定方法和保险费率区划

    The Formulation of Premium Rate and Its Division in China

  22. 建筑火灾风险评估及火灾保险费率厘定探讨

    Discuss on Fire Risk Assessment of Building and Commercial Fire Insurance Rating

  23. 此种险别的保险费率是百分之一。

    This risk is coverable at a premium of1 % .

  24. 如果你方认为我们的保险费率可以接受,请告知。

    If you find our rate acceptable , please let us know .

  25. 基于地震危险性特征分区的建筑物地震保险费率

    Earthquake insurance premium rate of buildings based on seismic hazard characteristic zone

  26. 您能查一下瓷器的保险费率吗?

    Could you find out the premium rate for porcelain ?

  27. 建筑物火灾损失统计计算和保险费率的确定

    The Estimate of Building Fire Damages and Determination of Its Insurance Rate

  28. 农业自然风险评估及区域农业保险费率的确定方法

    The methods of agricultural natural risk evaluation and regional insurance premium calculation

  29. 中国保险费率管理制度的变迁与改革

    Evolution and reform of the premium rate system in China

  30. 我们需要了解陆(海、空)运的现行保险费率。

    We require the current insurance rates for land transportation .