
cè bǎi
  • Platycladus orientalis;oriental arborvitae;Chinese arborvitae;Chinese arbor-vitae
侧柏 [cè bǎi]
  • (1) [Chinese arborvitae]∶亚洲的一种常绿乔木,为绿化而广泛栽培

  • (2) [Oriental arborvitae]∶亚洲灌木或小乔木,小枝垂直面扁平

侧柏[cè bǎi]
  1. 根系呼吸的Q(10)为1.09~3.66,且侧柏>油松>白皮松。

    Q10 of root respiration ranged from 1.09 to 3.66 , and species order in Q10 value was Platycladus orientalis > Pinus tabulaeformis > Pinus bungeana .

  2. 用多效抗旱驱鼠剂(RPA)对飞播用油松、侧柏种子进行拌种处理,室内外做发芽及生长试验。

    The seeds of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis were dressed with special repellents ( RPA ), and the germination and growth test were conducted indoor .

  3. PV技术在油松侧柏苗木抗旱特性研究中的应用

    An Application of PV Technique to Study Drought Resistance of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Seedlings

  4. 目的用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)法对新疆地产侧柏叶挥发油成分进行分析。

    ObjectiveThe chemical constituents of the essential oil from Cacumen Platycladi in Xinjiang were analyzed by GC-MS.

  5. 在CO2浓度倍增条件下,研究了油松、侧柏、元宝枫和刺槐的苗高、地径、叶生长和养分含量等方面的变化。

    The growth of Pinus tabulaeformis , Platycladus orientali , Acer truncatum and Robinia pseudoacacia under doubled CO2 concentration and contrasts were investigated and compared .

  6. 根据TWINSPAN分类结果结合野外调查情况可将侧柏群落划分为12个群丛。

    P. orientalis communities were classified into 12 associations by TWINSPAN .

  7. DCA排序结果表明制约侧柏群落不同群丛分布的主要因素是坡度和坡向。

    The results of DCA ordination indicated that the main factors that restricted community distribution were aspect and slope .

  8. 刺槐和侧柏苗木叶片中的SOD和POD活性随着土壤水分胁迫的加剧呈上升趋势,均高于对照水平。

    With the aggravation of soil water stress both activities of SOD and POD in leaves of R.pseudoacacia and P.orientalis seedlings went up and were higher than the control treatment .

  9. 侧柏叶不同炮制品中槲皮苷与槲皮素的含量测定自然降温对侧柏叶抗氧化物酶活性及MDA含量的影响

    Determination of Quercitroside and Quercetin in Different Preparations of Cacumen Platycladi by RP-HPLC Effects on Activities of Defensive Enzymes and MDA Content in Leaves of Platycladus orientalis under Naturally Decreasing Temperature

  10. 应用PV技术对油松、侧柏等8种针叶树的抗旱生理指标进行了研究。

    The physiological indexes of drought-resistance to eight species of conifer ( Pinus tabulaeformis , Platycladus orientalis , etc ) have been studied by means of PV technique .

  11. 结果表明,在陕北和关中林区遭受草兔危害的面积约为12.61万hm2,平均被害株率6.71%,危害的主要树种有山杏、沙棘、刺槐、侧柏、油松等;

    The result shows that the forest damaged by Lepus capensis is 126 100 hm ~ 2 , and the average rate is 6.71 % .

  12. 刺槐和侧柏复水后,水势值开始出现下降,2h后开始回升,复水24h后,幼苗的水势值基本回升到对照水平。

    The water potential of Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis began to decline after rewater , then it began to recovery after 2h , water potential rose to the control level after 24h . 2 .

  13. 用高效液相色谱(HPLC)分别测定不同季节古侧柏和古桧柏树叶片槲皮苷的含量,根据测得数据分析古柏树叶片槲皮苷含量的季节变化与树木生长势强弱的关系。

    The quercitrin content in leaves of the old Platycladus orientalis and the old Sabina chinensis were analyzed by HPLC in different seasons . The interrelationship of the of the growing momentum and the quercitrin content exchanges of the old Cypress leaves was studied on the basis of the data .

  14. 在促进成苗率的同时也促进了苗木根系的生长,RPA使油松根系生长比对照提高了34.6%50.0%,侧柏根系生长提高了13.9%36.1%。

    At the same time , the root growth was also promoted by RPA . After treatment , the root growth of the two species increased by 34.6 % 50.5 % and 13.9 % 36.1 % , respectively .

  15. 2a生油松和侧柏定植3a后,苗木保存率比对照分别提高80.8%和73.2%,综合预防效果分别为83.7%和90.7%。

    The preserving rate of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings 2 years after planting and that of Platycladus orientalis ones 3 year after planting increased by 80.8 % and 73.2 % respectively , and the comprehensive prevention effects were 83.7 % and 90.7 % respectively .

  16. 室内用多效抗旱驱鼠剂(RPA)对小麦、黄豆、油松、侧柏种子进行浸种、拌种处理。

    This paper deal with the effect of RPA , a compound agent with multiple functions of drought resistance and mouse repellence on seed germination and seedlings growth , such as wheat , soybean , Chinese pine and arborvitae .

  17. 30cm以下刺槐和侧柏林地土壤水分的变化趋势相似,随着土层深度的增加,含水量有极小幅度的增加,同一土层刺槐和侧柏林地的土壤含水量相近。

    In the soil layer deeper than 30 cm , R. pseudoacacia and P. orientalis have a similar trend in soil moisture content which increases slightly with soil depth , and also similar moisture content values in same soil layers .

  18. 所以,处理c-16为侧柏试验的最佳处理,有较高的生根促进作用,可以缩短缓苗期,提高成活率。

    Therefore , processing c-16 is the optimal treatment for arborvitae , the role of a higher rooting , you can shorten the recover period , improve the survival rate .

  19. 采用系统分析法,组建了刺槐、油松、侧柏被害模型和飞播造林30d种子损失模型,并以国家及地方标准的最大允许损失指标偶联求得林区啮齿动物群落管理中的生态阈值模型。

    Injuring models of silver chain , Chinese pine and arborvitae and seed losing models of aero-afforestation in 30 d were constructed . The ecological threshold model for managing rodent community in artificial forest ecosystem was established by coupling the local and state permeable maximum losing indices .

  20. 本研究主要研究结论如下:1.在生长初期,随着土壤相对含水量(RSWC)的降低或胁迫历时的延长,刺槐苗木可溶性糖含量逐渐升高,侧柏则先升高后降低。

    The main result was as follows : 1 . In early growing stage , with the decreasing of RSWC or prolonging of stress duration , soluble sugar of R. pseudoacacia had increasing trend , and that of P . orientalis increased early and decreased later .

  21. 侧柏人工林地土壤呼吸及其影响因子的研究

    Soil Respiration Variation of Platycladus Orientalis Plantation and Its Affecting Factors

  22. 中药侧柏时黄酮成分指纹图谱分析方法的研究

    Studies on Fingerprint Analysis of Flavones in Cacumen Platycladi by HPLC

  23. 侧柏水土保持林密度调控

    Regulation Density of Soil and Water Conservation Forest of Platycladus orientalis

  24. 人工侧柏群落结构及生物量

    The Community Structure and Biomass of the Artificial Platycladus orientalis

  25. 油松和侧柏人工林适宜灌溉定额的研究

    Study on Suitable Irrigation Norms of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Plantation

  26. 干旱沙漠区侧柏苗木生物量的研究

    Studies on the Biomass of Platycladus orientalis of Seedling in Arid Zone

  27. 中国侧柏地理种源核型分析与进化趋势

    Karyotype Analysis and Evolutional Trend of Geographical Provenances of Arborvitae in China

  28. 干旱胁迫对侧柏幼树某些生理特性的影响

    The Effect of Drought Stress on Some Physiological Characters of Platycladus orientalis

  29. 侧柏雌球果及其胚珠的发育(英文)

    Cone and Ovule Development in Platycladus orientalis ( Cupressaceae )

  30. 侧柏籽核糖体失活蛋白的分离及作用机制研究

    Investigation on isolation and functional mechanism of ribosome-inactivating protein from arborvitae seeds