
cè piàn
  • Sidepiece;pleurites
侧片[cè piàn]
  1. 右边及左边侧片。

    Right and left side panel .

  2. 所有病例均经X线脊椎正、侧片检查,除外其他骨科疾病,并判断其是否存在有骨质疏松性脊柱骨折并分析误、漏诊率。

    And all cases were confirmed that there were no orthopedics diseases other than osteoporosis and fracture .

  3. 前中鬃强壮,后背中鬃3,小盾不带黄色,背侧片、前胸基腹片和后气门前肋裸;

    Acr strong , post dc 3 , scutellum without any yellow coloration , notopleura , prosternum and beret bare ;

  4. 其生物学特性与罗氏沼虾和日本沼虾相比有许多相似之处,但在体色、额角、头胸甲和腹甲侧片等形态特征上差异十分明显。

    Though there are many similarities in their biological characteristics , there are also many differences in body color , rostrum , carapace and sternite pleurons , which can be obviously identified .

  5. 81例以鼻部外伤为主诉,经鼻骨拍摄X线侧位片(62例加做鼻部CT扫描)检见有鼻骨骨折的患者,进行法医临床学鉴定分析。

    1999 were analyzed . Patients were examined by lateral X-ray test . CT-scan was carried out in 62 cases .

  6. 所有病例均照胸部正侧位片,5例行CT扫描,1例作断层摄影。

    All patients were taken front and lateral chest radiographs , 5 patients by CT scanning and 1 patient by tomography .

  7. X线侧位片与高分辨率CT对鼻骨骨折的对比研究我打算安排照颅骨侧位的X线照片。

    Comparison of X-ray Radiate Side Photograph and Computerized Tomography for Nasal Bone Fracture I would order a lateral skull film .

  8. 图3,左侧颈动脉DSA侧位片显示左侧后交通动脉瘤。

    Fig.3 Lateral view of left carotid DSA shows the PComAA .

  9. 目的:应用胸部正侧位片,及普通CT薄层扫描图象研究小肺癌的影像学征象。

    Purpose : To evaluate imaging manifestation to use chest film and CT thin scan for diagnosis peripheral type small pulmonary carcinoma .

  10. 方法:45患者就诊时均行鼻窦内镜检查、鼻骨侧位片和鼻窦CT检查。均在鼻窦内镜下行鼻骨骨折复位术和鼻中隔成形术。

    Methods : 45 patients were examined with nasal endoscope and X-ray or CT before the nasal bones repositioned and nasal septoplasty .

  11. 所有病人均行胸部正侧位片和CT平扫检查,13例病人还行CT增强扫描。

    All patients underwent anteroposterior and lateral position films and CT plain scans , and 13 of them underwent contrast enhanced CT scans .

  12. 全部病例均摄喉侧位片,32例作喉正位体层。22例作CT检查。

    Lateral views of larynx were obtained in all cases , frontal tomogram in 32 cases , and computed axial tomography in 22 cases .

  13. 方法对45例胸腰椎爆裂性骨折的X线正侧位片和CT轴扫的影像学进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The features of the frontal and lateral X-ray films and CT in 45 cases of burst fracture of thoracolumbar spine were reviewed .

  14. 牙弓长度的改变在模型和X线头颅侧位片的测量结果中,两者的正相关性有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Model and cephalometric X ray films result of changes in arch length had a positive correlation ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 图5,左侧颈总动脉造影(DSA)侧位片显示轻度颈总动脉狭窄。

    Fig.5 Lateral view of left carotid DSA shows a mild stenosis of common carotid artery .

  16. 材料与方法:10例中,5例被动体位下摄颈椎侧位片,4例摄正侧位片,1例直接CT扫描。

    Materials and Methods : 10 cases 9 were performed the cervical vertebra side position photographs under passive body posture , 4 entopic position photograph and one direct CT scanning .

  17. 材料与方法:分析9例腰椎小关节真空现象的CT片及腰椎侧位片的表现。

    Materials and Methods : The CT features with vacuum phenomena within the lumbar intervertebral joint of 9 cases were analyzed and compared with lateral views of the lumbar spine .

  18. 方法:31例腰椎退行性滑脱症(DS)均摄有标准的腰椎X线正、侧位片。并进行了CT扫描。

    Methods : 31 cases of lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis ( DS ) has been taken normal lumbar spine radiography in A-P , Lat position and CT scanning .

  19. 结论颌面DR全景片全口牙型32位编码和颌面DR侧位片中6项骨性指标可用于同一认定。

    Conclusion The method of coding full dentition in DR orthopantomogram and measuring six bony indexes in DR lateral cephalogram can be used to forensic identification .

  20. 方法对25例II类1分类拔牙矫正患者治疗前后的X线头影侧位片,分别以⑴功能性牙合平面(FOP);

    Methods Lateral cephalo-radiography was performed before and after treatment in 25 patients with class ⅱ division 1 of four premolars extraction .

  21. 方法:对70例上颌窦患者均摄有Water位、Caldwell位、部分患者加摄体层片、侧位片、颅底片及上颌窦造影片。

    Methods : All 70 cases were taken Water area and Caldwell area films , some added tomographic , profile , cranial base films and maxillary sinus radiography .

  22. 用数字化技术摄取头颅侧位片,应用NIHimage软件测定骨性结构、软组织结构、舌骨位置、咽部口径参数等23项。

    Cephalometric measurements were taken by computer software ( NIH Image ), 23 variables were used concerning bone structure , soft tissue structure , hyoid bone position and upper airway dimension .

  23. 方法:21例均照骨盆前后位平片,18例加照蛙式髋关节侧位片,15例作了CT、MRI检查。

    Methods Anteroposterior film were all screened for all 21 cases , among the 21 cases , 18 cases were added to screen with breaststroke and lateral X-ray , 15 cases were examined with CT and MRI .

  24. 术前和术后通过神经功能JOA评分,颈部轴性症状和颈椎动态侧位片,颈椎MRI进行比较临床疗效。

    Neural functionality ( JOA Scoring System ), cervical axial symptoms , and pre-and post-surgery dynamic cervical spine lateral x-ray films and cervical vertebra MRI were evaluated .

  25. 方法:分析62例经中西医结合疗效显著的腰腿痛病人治疗前后的腰椎正侧位片及椎间盘CT片,评估治疗前后的影像学变化。

    Methods : To analyze A-P and lateral plain film of lumbar vertebra and intervertebral discs CT scan of the 62 patients with lumbocrural pain before and after integrated traditional and western medicine therapy and to evaluate the radiological change .

  26. 方法通过胸部正侧位片及胸部CT片确定病灶部位后,对常规经支气管镜检查无法观察到病变的疑似周围型肺癌患者66例行经支气管镜肺活检。

    Methods Sixty-six patients , which were doubt as peripheral lung cancer and could not be viewed by normal bronchoscopy , were transbronchoscopic lung biopsy after determined the focus position by chest X-ray photo and computerized tomography ( CT ) .

  27. 结果:标准头颅侧位片定位耳点及眼耳(FH)平面的准确性、左右下颌角区的重叠均高于临床片。

    Results : The orientations of porion ? FH plane and the superimpositions of left and right gonion point on modified standard radiographs were more veracity .

  28. 结果:腰椎侧位片上测量的自关节突关节间隙下缘至椎体前缘距离乘以0.83即是螺钉长度,椎弓根CT扫描测量其长度更为准确。

    Results : The length of pedicle screw could be obtain accurately on CT and lateral X ray film , and the length was equal to multiply by 0.83 the distance from the anterior cortex of vertebral to the facet joint .

  29. 结果:X线全颌曲面断层片与头颅侧位片上的FHMP角(下颌平面角)、GoFH距对MeFH距比值呈高度线性相关;

    Results : Significant relationship of the FH MP angle and the ratio of distance from Go FH to the distance from Me FH was found between panoramic radiography and lateral cephalometrics .

  30. FMA和FHI的测量是从患者的头颅侧位片上获得的。

    The measurements for FMA and FHI were obtained from conventional cephalograms .