
  • 网络mapping;graphic method;CIM;ICIM;MIM
  1. 用CAD软件作图法设计椭圆齿轮

    The graphic method of designing ellipse gears with a universal CAD software

  2. 理想溶液气-液平衡与NTP的直线作图法

    Vapor-liquid equilibrium of ideal solution and a straight-line graphic method of NTP

  3. 细分生成B样条的几何作图法

    Geometric Construction Method of the Generation of B-splines by Using p-nary Subdivision Scheme

  4. 纯作图法求鲍耳点及其CAD

    Graphical method for construction of ball - point and its CAD

  5. AUTOCAD环境中作图法对平面连杆机构运动分析的探讨

    The Kinematical Analysis of Planar Linkage by Using Drawing Methods in Auto-CAD System

  6. 用作图法按γ(min)综合双曲柄机构

    Synthesizing Double Crank Mechanism According to the γ( min ) by Graphic Method

  7. 介绍用二维CAD软件作图法设计渐开线齿轮、摆线齿轮的方法。

    Method is introduced to design involute gear and cycloid gear with 2 D CAD software and graphic method .

  8. 利用改进的复合区间作图法和F1代群体进行杉木的QTL作图

    QTL Mapping in Chinese Fir Using Modified Composite Interval Mapping Method and F_1 Population

  9. 利用复合区间作图法,对各性状进行QTL定位。

    The composite interval mapping was used mapping each trait .

  10. 由作图法计算流程时间Fi,得到最大流程时间Fmax。

    By graphing to calculate the flow time F_i , the maximal flow time F_ ( max ) can be determined .

  11. 应用复合区间作图法分析抗病QTL及基因效应。

    The QTL relevant to disease resistance and effects were analyzed with composite interval mapping .

  12. 用复合区间作图法进行基因组QTL扫描,共检测到5个效应值较大的QTL。

    Based on composite interval mapping , a total of 5 greater effect QTLs were detected .

  13. 在IL-2活性单位的计算方法上,比较了直接作图法、直接回归分析及正概率分布法,并对这些方法进行了讨论。

    The calculations for units of IL - 2 activity were also compared and discussed among linear regression analysis .

  14. 以该导入系后代75个BC5F2:3株系为材料,分别利用单标记分析法和复合区间作图法对穗粒数等穗部性状进行QTL分析。

    Single marker analysis and composite interval mapping were used to detect QTL for three spike characteristics .

  15. 用双倒数作图法确定Pb(NO3)2对该酶的抑制类型。

    The inhibition type of Pb ( NO_3 ) _2 on PLAP was determined by using the double reciprocal plot .

  16. 用双倒数作图法,确定PCP对PLAP的抑制类型并求其抑制常数(K1)。

    The inhibition type and inhibition constant Ki of PCP were determined by using the double reciprocal plot .

  17. 利用复合区间作图法,对盐碱胁迫下芽期耐盐碱相关性状及苗期叶片盐碱伤害级别进行QTL定位。

    QTLs controlling saline-alkaline tolerance related traits of the germination and the seedling stages were detected based on the composite interval mapping method .

  18. 应用Vn作图法获得了它们的主要孔结构参数,利用MpWp和D-RWp的组合方法获得了它们的孔分布数据。

    Some of their pore structure parameters were obtained by V-n plot and their pore size distributions by Mp-Wp and D-R-Wp methods .

  19. 抑制常数Ki值抑制机制用Lineweaver和Burk的双倒数作图法测定。

    The K , value was determined by the plotting method of Lineweaver and Burk .

  20. QTL效应与有利等位基因来源采用MQM作图法,共获得88个种子物理性状QTLs。

    QTL effect and favorable allele origin Based on MQM mapping , eighty-eight QTLs were identified for seed physical traits .

  21. 在同步方式下,基于多边形磁链轨迹法的思想,用作图法求得三相电压型逆变器的PWM波形序列;

    In the synchronous ' model , based on the idea of polygonal flux linkage locus , by means of constructing the switch state period table of three phrase voltage inverter is required .

  22. 采用复合区间作图法,在6种环境下对14个大豆产量相关性状进行了QTL定位,共检测到154个QTL,分布于21个连锁群中。

    A total of 154 QTLs for 16 yield related traits under 6 different environments were identified by using the composite interval mapping ( CIM ) method .

  23. 分析了Harker作图法中在几何上不可分辨的双解的对称性。

    The geometric symmetry of the unsolvable ambiguity in Harker construction is analysed .

  24. 利用已构建的包括138个分子标记的不结球白菜分子遗传图谱,采用复合区间作图法(CIM)对不结球白菜叶片Vc性状进行了QTL定位和遗传效应分析。

    With composite interval mapping ( CIM ) method , a molecular genetic linkage map of non-heading Chinese cabbage were adopted to map and analyses QTL controlling the vitamin C trait .

  25. 文章概述了晶体X射线衍射理论的发展过程,介绍了不同形式的衍射几何理论、劳厄方程、布拉格方程与埃瓦尔德作图法,讨论了它们之间的异同之处。

    A brief survey of the theory of X-ray diffraction in crystals is given . Different forms of geometrical diffraction theory , i.e. , the Laue equation , Bragg equation and Ewald diagram are introduced and their similarities and differences discussed .

  26. 以复合区间作图法(LOD3.0),对两种环境下的5个耐旱相关性状进行QTL检测。

    By composite interval mapping ( LOD3.0 ), 28 QTL were detected for 5 traits under two water regime .

  27. 利用区间作图法在第2和第5染色体上检测到2个与每序花数有关的QTLs,其贡献值分别为5.22%和8.39%。

    Two QTLs for number of flowers per truss on chromosomes 2 and 5 were detected , accounted for 5.22 % and 8.39 % of the phenotypic variation , respectively .

  28. 提出迭代作图法,用以计算油脂氢化反应速率常数,进而计算三烯酸(酯)、二烯酸(酯)的选择性比(SR)。

    By Sketchy Method Alternately ( SMA ) rate constant of oil and fat hydrogenation reaction was calculated , and furthermore Selectivity Ratio ( SR ) of linoleate and linolenate was calculated respectively in the paper .

  29. 本文利用Aitken插值,介绍一种过已知三点的抛物线的几何作图法。

    Making use of the Aitken interpolation , we offer a method for the drawing of parabola passing through three given points .

  30. 本文提出了正弦波电压对时间积分与PWM波形电压对时间积分相等原理,使用作图法、逐次积分比较法计算PWM波形的换相点。

    This paper presents the equal theory of the sine wave voltage and PWM waveform in the integration of time . Using the graphic method as well as the comparison method of sequential integration the PWM control pattern is calculated .