
  • Zorro;ZORO
  1. 也许,具有男子气的男人毕竟不是什么21世纪的佐罗(Zorro),能及时的不期而至,送别女里女气的男人。

    Perhaps manly man has not , after all , dropped in like some 21st century Zorro , just in time to see off girly man .

  2. 我看见佐罗正在和一个坏蛋打斗。

    I saw Zorro fighting with the bad guy .

  3. 学生:,教授:佐罗的T?

    Etudiant : Prof : le T de Zorro ?

  4. 我为我们的小佐罗感到自豪

    I 'm proud of our little zorro .

  5. 过去2000年东南极佐罗托夫岛企鹅生态环境演变

    Environment and Penguin Ecology Evolution in Zolotov Island , East Antarctica in the Past 2000 Years

  6. 从天而降的侠盗佐罗之吻。

    The accidental KISS of Zorro .

  7. 根据同名电影改编,描述扶弱济贫的传奇人物佐罗在帮助加州的人追寻一个失去的宝物的冒险历程。

    A swashbuckling adventure in a daring journey to help the people of California recover a lost treasure .

  8. 佐罗传奇

    The Legend of Zorro

  9. 11至12赛季,科比遭受鼻梁骨折,在对阵活塞的比赛中,他戴着一副“佐罗式”的黑色面具出战。

    Bryant , who had suffered a fractured nose during the 2011-12 season , started a game against the Pistons wearing a black Zorro-inspired mask .

  10. 有很多来自其他较早的文学作品的英雄:吉尔伽美什,贝鲁武夫,大力神,佐罗(1919年首次出现)和兰斯洛特。

    Certainly many of the heroes from earlier literature : Gilgamesh , Beowulf , Hercules , Zorro ( appearing first in 1919 ) and Sir Lancelot .

  11. 慧慧:要说也是,谈到击剑,人们脑海里大概多半会闪现出阿兰德龙扮演的佐罗的形象,仗剑天下,匡扶正义。

    Aaron : yeah , but the modern fencing is not a patent of knights , it more or less used as people 's off-work entertainment .

  12. 我是对的,在第一部《佐罗》和第二部《佐罗》之间,已经有7年的空隙或期间了,而且在电影中。

    I was right , it 's been a7-year hiatus , or period , between the first Zorro and the second Zorro , and in the film .

  13. 这样的设定并不新鲜:佐罗为了掩饰他的身份而戴面具,亚瑟王花很多时间伪装成暗黑骑士。

    This idea is not exactly new either ; Zorro wears a mask to conceal his identity , and King Arthur spent time masquerading as the Black Knight .

  14. 佐罗是一只三岁的姜黄色猫咪,生活在敦提市。他腰部巨粗,腰围达63厘米,体型是正常猫咪身体的两倍大,体重有9.4公斤。

    Zorro , a three-year-old ginger Tom from Dundee , has a whopping 63cm waist and is double the size he should be , weighing a hefty 9.4kg .

  15. 虽然佐罗听起来可能像个普通的老派超级英雄,但是《佐罗的面具》依据的故事大部分来源于现实世界中,一个叫乔伊·穆里埃塔的亡命之徒。

    While Zorro might sound like a regular old-timey superhero , the story upon which The Mask of Zorro is based pulls heavily from legends surrounding a real-life desperado named Joaquin Murietta .

  16. 琳达说,佐罗的饮食习惯也很让人痛苦:他食欲很强,经常为了向主人要自己喜欢的零食、奶酪和洋葱薯片吃,而在深更半夜吵醒琳达。

    Linda says that his eating habits have also become a bit of a pain : he is very demanding and often wakes Linda in the middle of the night for his favourite snack , cheese and onion crisps .

  17. 我也曾为一些影片中的主角配音,比如:《钢铁侠》、《沉默的羔羊》、《灵魂歌王》、《国家宝藏》、《阿甘正传》、《本杰明·巴顿奇事》、《佐罗传奇》等等。

    But I have dubbed the main character in movies such as Iron Man , Silence of the Lambs , Ray , National Treasure , Forrest Gump , The Curious Case of Benjamin Button , The Legend of Zorro and many others .

  18. 在现下这些超级英雄还未成气候之前魅影侠就已存在,不难猜测他这一影子人物——连同佐罗和独行侠——都可能是黑暗骑士的灵感来源。

    As the Shadow existed before superheroes were really a " thing , " it 's not hard to see how this shadowy figure - along with Zorro and the Lone Ranger - may have served as one of the primary inspirations behind the Dark Knight .