
  • 网络uga;the university of georgia
  1. 摩德纳岛是斯基达韦岛(SkidawayIsland)的一部分,岛上有一座由佐治亚大学的海洋学研究所和一座大型州立公园。

    Modena Island is a part of Skidaway Island , which has an oceanography research facility operated by the University of Georgia and a large state park .

  2. 佐治亚大学的科学家TomAdams说,动物油脂产热率大约是传统燃油的90%。

    University of Georgia scientist Tom Adams says the animal fats produce about 90 percent of the heat that traditional fuel oils produce .

  3. 这项研究的带头人、美国佐治亚大学(UniversityofGeorgia)的詹娜•简贝克表示,流入海洋的塑料垃圾总量正在迅速增长,速度正在赶上全球的塑料生产量。

    The amount of plastic going into the oceans is increasing fast , keeping pace with global plastic production , said the study leader Jenna Jambeck of the University of Georgia .

  4. 佐治亚大学(UniversityofGeorgia)食品安全及质量提高中心教授兼主管多伊尔(MichaelDoyle)表示,这将引发对美国食品加工商的普遍质疑。

    ' It will raise questions about U.S. food processors in general , ' said Michael Doyle , professor and director of the Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement at the University of Georgia . '

  5. 是佐治亚大学法学院种族隔离后的第一批黑人.

    One of the first people to integrate the university of Georgia law school .

  6. 佐治亚大学用大型的蒸气锅炉为房屋供热和生产热水。

    The University of Georgia uses large steam boilers to heat its buildings and produce hot water .

  7. 然而佐治亚大学发言人汤姆?杰克逊表示,这所拥有3万学生的大学并不想在此排名中做“领头羊”。

    However , Georgia spokesman Tom Jackson said the list is not one the school wants to lead in .

  8. 罗恩·邓肯博士是佐治亚大学的草地研究者,也是海滨雀稗方面的领先专家。

    Dr. Ron Duncan is a turf researcher at the University of Georgia and a leading expert on seashore paspalum .

  9. 正是通过实施这样一种战略管理,佐治亚大学的办学绩效和质量获得了制度保证。

    Thanks to strategic management , the performance and quality of education offered by the University of Georgia is guaranteed institutionally .

  10. 索尼娅阿尔塔泽是佐治亚大学奥德姆生态学院的副教授,同时也是这项研究的第一作者。

    Sonia Altizer is an associate professor at the University of Georgias Odum School of Ecology and lead author of the study .

  11. 理查德?沃森是佐治亚大学管理信息系统系主任。

    Waston ( Richard Watson ) is the acting head of the department of management information systems at the University of Georgia .

  12. 近年来美国许多城市洪水肆虐,而强降雨并非其中唯一的成因,佐治亚大学气象学家马歇尔谢泼德如是说。

    Heavy rains we 're not the only cause of recent urban flooding , according to University of Georgia research meteorologist Marshall Shepherd .

  13. 在本次美国派对大学排名中,佐治亚大学击败了宾夕法尼亚州立大学、西弗吉尼亚大学和佛罗里达大学,他们分别是过去3年美国大学派对冠军。

    Georgia kicked aside Pennsylvania State University , West Virginia University and University of Florida & which were the top party schools over the last three years .

  14. 或许这不是一见钟情,但是却和它非常接近。我和基思相遇时我们都是佐治亚大学的新生。

    Perhaps it wasn 't love at first sight , but it came mighty close , Keith and I were freshmen at the University of Georgia when we met .

  15. 这份报告也质疑了美国得克萨斯大学和佐治亚大学是否应该为一种治疗日光灼伤的产品申请专利。该产品是用罗望子的果实萃取物制成的。

    The report also questions whether the US-based universities of Texas and Georgia should have been able to patent a product for treating sunburn that is based on extracts of tamarind seeds .

  16. 因此,在佐治亚州立大学午夜截止日期的当晚11点,我进行了网上申请。

    And so , at 11pm on the night of Georgia State University 's ( GSU ) midnight deadline , I applied online .

  17. (我谨慎地使用了“低层次”这个词,因为佐治亚州立大学是一所备受赞誉的研究机构,吸引了来自全国各地的优质教授和教师。)

    ( I use the term " low-tier " cautiously , because GSU is a well-regarded research institution that attracts high quality professors and faculty from all over the country . )

  18. 佐治亚摄政大学(GeorgeRegents)的理查德・托波尔斯基(RichardTopolski)及其同事最近在《人与动物》期刊(Anthrozoos)上发表的论文指出,人类与宠物的这种关系到了令人吃惊的程度。

    A recent paper by Richard Topolski at George Regents University and colleagues , published in the journal Anthrozoos , demonstrates this human involvement with pets to a startling extent .

  19. 但那些研究使用的是较为陈旧的数据,且没有审查这些家庭的育儿情况,新研究的主要作者,佐治亚州立大学(GeorgiaStateUniversity)的社会学助理教授丹尼尔·L·卡尔森(DanielL.Carlson)说道。

    But those studies used older data and did not examine child care , said Daniel L. Carlson , an assistant professor of sociology at Georgia State University and the lead author of the new study .

  20. 对于美国佐治亚州立大学市场教授助理杰弗里帕克来说,餐厅菜单为测试顾客决策提供了极佳的条件。

    To Jeffrey Parker , an assistant professor of marketing at Georgia State University , the restaurant menu provides the perfect conditions for testing decision-making .

  21. 美国小学教师标准与小学教育专业的课程设计&以佐治亚州立大学早期儿童教育专业为例

    The American Elementary School Teacher Standards and the Curriculum Design of Elementary Education Program & Taking the Case of the Early Childhood Education Program at Georgia State University

  22. 该研究由美国国家心理健康研究所与佐治亚州立大学共同主导,基于一项常识性前提下&每位家有儿女初长成的父母都知道:当孩子进入青春期后,他们的注意力会发生巨大变化。

    The study , conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health ( NIMH ) and Georgia State University , begins with a premise that every parent of a tween knows : as kids emerge into puberty , their focus changes dramatically .

  23. 佐治亚大南方大学一名20岁的大三学生告诉BuzzFeed新闻,她一般在课程的访问上代码花费500美元至600美元。

    A 20-year-old junior at Georgia Southern University told BuzzFeed News that she normally spends $ 500 - $ 600 on access codes for class .

  24. IBM公司研发出的这款名为吉尔·沃特森的机器人,自今年1月起,就开始帮助美国佐治亚理工大学的毕业生们解答设计项目中的问题。

    Jill Watson , an IBM-designed bot , has been helping graduate students at Georgia Institute of Technology solve problems with their design projects since January .

  25. 卡洛斯·德尔里奥博士任职于佐治亚州埃默里大学。

    Dr. Carlos del Rio is with Emory University in the state of Georgia .

  26. 阿布杜拉希•安•那依姆目前是佐治亚州埃默里大学的一名法学教授,他以一名美国绿卡持有者的身份返回他土生土长的苏丹。

    Abdullahi an-Na ' im is now a law professor at Emory University in Georgia & and when he returns to his native Sudan , it is as an American passport-holder .

  27. 30名三年级中国英语学习者、30名美国佐治亚州奥古斯塔州立大学的学生参加了实验。

    30 Grade 3 Chinese learners of English and 30 College students from Augusta State University in the city of Augusta , Georgia , in the USA participated in the experiment .