
fá gēn
  • stump
伐根[fá gēn]
  1. 利用I-69杨树伐根萌芽更新与植苗造林的效果

    The effect of the reproduction by sprout of the stump division and the planting trees of poplar I 69

  2. 利用伐根估算杨树立木材积方法研究

    Estimation Method for Standing Tree Volume of Poplar By using Stump

  3. 机械手采用全液压驱动、单片机系统控制,作业半径4~8m,最大可清理伐根直径550mm。

    Then the stump can be clipped and pulled out by the mechanical arm . The operating radius of the manipulator is 4 ~ 8 m , and the maximum diameter of stump which can be excavated is 550 mm .

  4. 杨树伐根嫁接毛白杨试验研究

    Experimental Research on Populus tomentosa Carr . Grafting on Poplar stump

  5. 伐根清理机器人设计理论与应用技术的研究

    The Research of Robot Design Theory and Practical Technique for Excavating Stump

  6. 杨树伐根嫁接法造林技术研究初报

    Primary Report on Forestation Technique of Poplar With Stump Grafting

  7. 青杨伐根嫁接新疆杨试验

    Test on Grafting Xinjiang Poplar on Cathay Popular Stumps

  8. 人工林白桦伐根腐朽程度对林隙内土壤温度的影响

    Influence of Decayed Stump in Betula platyphylla Plantation on Soil Temperature in Gap

  9. 林木伐根用途很广,但采掘相当困难。

    Tree stumps can be very useful but they are difficult to dig out .

  10. 伐根清理机器人液压系统的设计

    Design of Hydraulic System for Stump Cutter Robot

  11. 杨树嫁接苗生长量与伐根直径及嫁接株数关系的研究

    Study on relationship between the graft growth and the diameter of stump and graft amount

  12. 荒漠绿洲农田防护林伐根嫁接毛白杨更新技术

    Research on Stump Grafting Regeneration of Populus tomentosa in Shelter-belt on Farmland of Desert Oasis

  13. 调查显示真菌对所寄生的伐根具有一定的选择性,这是和不同真菌的酶活动不同相关的。

    All fungi parasite on the stump with the selectivity for they have different enzyme activity .

  14. 本文介绍了伐根清理机器人液压驱动与控制系统。

    The hydraulic drive and control system of stump cutter robot is introduced in the article .

  15. 伐根适宜高度的研究

    Study on Suitable Stumps Height

  16. 伐根研究进展

    Research Progress in Stump

  17. 分析在伐根分解的过程中,土壤动物的动态变化。

    Then the research analyze the dynamic state variety of the soil animal during the process of stumps decomposition .

  18. 在林业领域,木材采伐后的主剩余物是残留的伐根、木材枝丫、树皮等。

    In the field of forestry , the main residues are stumps , wood branches and barks after timber harvesting .

  19. 虽然伐根分解是在多方因素作用下进行的一个综合过程,但是土壤动物的参与起到了极其重要的作用。

    Although the process is a synthesizes one carrying on under many factors , the soil animal act as the very important function .

  20. 为了提高采掘伐根的效率,减小对地表的破坏,研制了林木伐根清理机器人。

    A tree stump excavation robot was developed in order to improve the efficiency of stump removal and to reduce damage to ground surface .

  21. 随伐根深度增加,土壤动物的类群和个体数均减少,土壤动物群落的多样性随之降低;

    Goning with the deeper , the group and individual of soil animal are reducing , as well as the diversity of soil fauna .

  22. 阔叶红松林红松伐根分解过程养分动态研究林恩有长而直的红发。

    The nutrient dynamic research of the Korean pine stump decomposition in the pine broadleaf forest Lynn has long , straight , red hair .

  23. 第一章讲述了生态环境措施,分别介绍了采伐方式、集材方式、更新方式、更新跟上采伐、伐根剥皮、伐后清理等;

    The first section introduced ecological harvesting measures , such as cutting system and skidding system , regeneration methods , stump debarking , slash disposal etc.

  24. 从1990年4月中旬开始定期调查、记载各伐根的萌芽情况和优势萌条的生长量,比较其优劣。

    From the second ten-day of April of the year 1990 , the state of stump sprouting and increments of dominant sprouts were regularly measured for comparison .

  25. 研究结果显示,不同树种伐根的分解过程不同,其分解时间不仅受环境因素的影响,也与伐根自身的物质组成特点相关。

    The investigation shows that different tree species stump has different decomposition process . The environmental factors and the material composed in the stump both affect stump decomposition .

  26. 通过清除伐根、严格管护、林间挖沟、补植等系列经营管理技术,才能达到复壮更新的目的。

    By elimination stump , forest management and guard , digging the hole in forest and reinforcement planting , the purpose of rejuvenation and reproduction by sprout should be achieved .

  27. 在对国内外典型伐根清理机械的设计理论及其技术研究的基础上,结合伐根清理机器人的应用特点,提出伐根清理机器人系统的结构设计原则及机构形式综合原则。

    On the basis of studying the design theory of typical internal and external mechanisms for tree stump excavating , combining with ' the characteristics of robots for tree stump excavating .

  28. 因此,在坡地上进行伐根催腐造林优于炼山造林。(4)林地炼山前后对土壤理化性质的影响(平地)。

    Stump rot minder management measure was better than burned on slope land . ( 4 ) The influence of soil physical and chemical properties for before and after burning ( flat ) .

  29. 林分保留郁闭度与伐根萌芽率,优势萌条径、高生长量呈反相关,故萌芽更新的林分保留郁闭度不能超过0.6,以0.5以下为宜。

    Therefore , the reserved closure should not be more than 0.6 and the most suitable closure is 0.5 . Superfluous sprouts on a stump should be removed timely to ensure the growth of dominant sprouts .

  30. 选择成熟树木意大利214杨的伐根作砧木,欧美107杨和荷兰3930杨作接穗,依据细胞再生原理,进行插皮法嫁接。

    Selecting the stump of mature Italian poplar 214 to be rootstock , using European and American poplar 107 and Holland poplar 3930 to be scion , we conducted stump grafting according to regenerated theory of cell .