
  • 网络algebraic curve
  1. 设p是次数为m的不可约C~μ分片代数曲线F的亏格。

    + : Let p be the genus of an irreducible C ? piecewise algebraic curve F with degree m.

  2. 代数曲线上的Lagrange插值

    On Lagrange Interpolation Along an Algebraic Curve

  3. 以n次代数曲线为不变集的平面二次系统

    Quadratic System in Plane with N degree Algebric Curve as its Invariant Set

  4. 圆弧曲线的有理五次Bézier表示及代数曲线胀开采样方法

    Rational Pentagonal B é zier Representation of Circular Arcs and Blowup Sampling of Algebraic Curves

  5. Riccati方程的代数曲线解及其单值群

    Algebraic Curve Solutions and Single Valued Group of the Riccati Equation

  6. 应用代数曲线的偏Zeta函数去构造代数几何码。

    The partial Zeta-function of algebraic curves is applied to construct an algebraic !

  7. Riccati方程的二次代数曲线解

    Second order algebraic curve solution of Riccati equation

  8. 代数曲线上的Hadamard定理

    A Hadamard Theorem on Algebraic Curves

  9. 实例分析表明,灰色代数曲线模型的拟合精度好于灰色GM模型,用灰色代数曲线模型预测交通量是可行的。

    The example shows that grey algebraical curve model has better fitting precision than grey model . It is feasible to use grey algebraical curve model to forecast traffic volume .

  10. 探讨沿代数曲线进行二元Lagrange插值时有关插值适定结点组的递归构造理论问题,所得结论推广了这一问题的以往结果。

    The problem of bivariate Lagrange interpolation along an algebraic curve is studied deeply and the conclusion in the paper popularizes the main result in reference .

  11. 本文研究了三次微分动力系统(E)3具有两条处于一般位置的双曲型代数曲线解时其极限环的存在性。

    In this paper we have studied the third order differential dynamic system ( E ) _3 , which has the solution of two hyperbolic algebraic curves in general positions and the existence of their limiting cycle .

  12. 本文主要研究代数曲线和曲面的设计与控制问题,具体包括代数曲线不同构造形式的性质分析和应用、代数曲面的构造、分片代数曲面blending问题中的自由参数选取等内容。

    The thesis concentrates on algebraic curves and surfaces design and modeling , specifically on the analysis and applications of different forms of algebraic curves and surfaces , and determining free parameters in piecewise algebraic surface blending .

  13. Cayley-Bacharach定理在沿平面代数曲线插值问题中的应用

    The application of CAYLEY-BACHARACH theorem to Lagrange interpolation along an algebraic curve

  14. 通过对回转抛物面与圆柱面相交的研究,得出交线的水平投影曲线为四次代数曲线Perseus座曲线的结论。

    Through studying the intersection of paraboloid of revolution and cylinder , the author concluded that the horizontal projection of the intersecting lines & , is the famous Four-order algebra curve-Perseus curve .

  15. 将它们推广到分片代数曲线上也有重要的理论与应用意义。王仁宏等对于分片代数曲线的Bezout定理多了大量的研究工作。

    To generate them to piecewise algebraic curves is important for studying the piecewise algebraic curves and the bivariate spline interpolation problems .

  16. 应用Riemann面和代数曲线的理论,给出构造Abel-Jacobi坐标和拉直各种流(连续流和离散流)的统一方法。

    Using the theory of Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves , a unified way is given to construct the Abel-Jacobi coordinates and to straighten out the various flows , both the continuous and the discrete ones .

  17. 依据管克英、雷锦志在IntegrabilityofSecondOrderAutonomousSystem一文中给出的二阶多项式自治系统可积的充要条件,通过复域上二元多项式函数整除定理,判定了Brusselator方程不存在代数曲线解。

    By means of the sufficient and necessary condition of the second order polynomial system 's integrability and the division theorem of polynomial functions in two variables in the complex domain , we obtain some criterion for the non_existence of Brusselator equation algebraic curve solution .

  18. 其弱形式是:两条交点有限的代数曲线交点上界不超过其次数的乘积,我们将两条代数曲线次数的乘积称为其Bezout数。

    Its weak form says that two algebraic curves will have infinitely many intersection points provided that the number of their intersection points more than the product of their degrees .

  19. 具有直线解微分系统的代数曲线环

    The algebraic curve cycle of a differential system with line solution

  20. 应用灰色代数曲线模型分析初始地应力场

    Analysis of initial in-situ stress field using grey algebraic curve model

  21. 同时,代数曲线在计算机辅助设计中也经常碰到。

    Besides , the algebra curve is often met during CAGD .

  22. 射影空间中代数曲线与超曲面的一些新的性质

    Some new properties of algebraic curves and Hypersurfaces in projective space

  23. 提出了基于采样的平面代数曲线样条逼近方法。

    Propose the method of approximating planar algebraic curves with splines .

  24. 分片代数曲线与分片代数簇的若干研究

    Some Researches on Piecewise Algebraic Curves and Piecewise Algebraic Varieties

  25. 具有四次代数曲线解的二次系统的拓扑结构

    Topology of two systems which has four algebraic curve solution

  26. 分片代数曲线的实交点数;

    The number of real intersection points of piecewise algebraic curve s ;

  27. 文章论述了与给定切线多边形相切的三次代数曲线;

    This paper discusses cubic algebraic curves with the given tangent polygon .

  28. 平面三次代数曲线射影构成、分类及作图

    Projective Construction , Classification and Drawing of Plane Cubic Curves

  29. 分片代数曲线交点的结式求法

    Resultant Algorithm for the Intersection Points of Piecewise Algebraic Curves

  30. 多元样条、分片代数曲线及线性丢番图方程组

    Multivariate Splines , Piecewise Algebraic Curves and Linear Diophantine Equations