
  • 网络Andromeda;The Andromeda Galaxy
  1. 每个都是一个星系,类似我们的银河系或仙女星系。它们看似微小和暗淡是因为它们发出的光经历了上百亿光年才到达这里。

    Each is a galaxy , fully like ours or Andromeda , which looks so small and faint because its light has taken 10 billion light-years to get to us .

  2. 介绍了本星系群中最大的旋涡星系M31(仙女星系)的基本观测性质。

    Observational properties of the largest Local Group spiral M31 ( Andromeda galaxy ) are presented .

  3. 仙女星系(M31,NGC224)是本星系群中最大的旋涡星系,而且离银河系并不遥远,无疑为我们提供了有利的观测条件。

    Andromeda galaxy ( M31 , NGC224 ) is the biggest spiral in the Local Group . Since it is not far from Galaxy , it provides us a unique candidate that the galaxy structure and morphology can be observed carefully .

  4. 事实上,几百万年以后,当地球和仙女星系碰撞时,具有双黑洞的星系会等待银河系。

    In fact , that same double black hole future might await the Milky Way when we collide with our neighboring galaxy , Andromeda , in a few billion years .

  5. 我们的星系刻正移向与仙女座星系碰撞之途。

    Our galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy .

  6. 更别说穿过仙女座星系的双核心了。

    Not to mention negotiating around the twin cores of the Andromeda galaxy .

  7. 现在的最新结论得出我们只有仙女座星系的一半。

    Now a new formula suggests we 're only half the mass of Andromeda .

  8. 中间偏右方的星空背景中是银河,也能见到暗淡的仙女座星系。

    The starry backdrop includes the Milky Way and even the faint Andromeda Galaxy , right of center .

  9. 北半球的人可以看到仙女座星系,离我们约有200万光年。

    People in the Northern Hemisphere can see the Andromeda Galaxy , which is about 2 million light-years away .

  10. 近来,银河系以每秒100英里的速度正在接近其附近的仙女座星系。

    Currently , the Milky Way is approaching the nearby Andromeda galaxy at a rate of 100 miles per second .

  11. 当我们的银河系黑洞和邻居仙女座星系相碰撞时,可能会发生同样的命运。

    Our own Milky Way 's black hole could be in for a similar fate when we collide with our neighbor , the Andromeda Galaxy .

  12. 影像中还突出了加那利群岛上质朴而又黑暗的天空,明亮的金星(左下方),遥远的仙女座星系(位于中央),以及可爱的昴星团(顶部中央)。

    Also out to play in the pristine , dark skies over the Canary Islands , are brilliant Venus ( lower left ), the distant Andromeda Galaxy ( near center ), and the lovely Pleiades star cluster ( top center ) .

  13. 环绕着的是内外环行星、柯伊伯带、奥尔特云、半人马座阿尔法星系、英仙座星系、银河系,其它附近星系包括有仙女座星系,还有宇宙网、宇宙微波辐射,以及最边缘大爆炸产生的夸克胶子等离子体。

    the Kuiper belt ; Oort cloud ; Alpha Centauri star ; Perseus Arm ; Milky Way galaxy ; other nearby galaxies including theAndromeda galaxy ; the cosmic web ; cosmic microwave radiation ; and , at the very edges of the image , quark-gluon plasma produced by the Big Bang .

  14. 注意这个星系的巨大椭圆轮廓,下面标有仙女座大星系。

    Note the large " oval " of the galaxy , with the name " Andromeda Galaxy " below it .

  15. 那些最亮的深空天体还有常用“俗名”,比如“仙女座大星系”、“北美洲星云”、“闪耀星云”等等。

    Many of the brightest deep sky objects also have " popular names " by which they 're often referred to , such as " Andromeda Galaxy "," North America Nebula "," Blinking Planetary ", and so on .

  16. 去自仙女座战其他星系的兄弟姐妹正召唤您,提降自祭灾章可动频次战他们正在更下维度见面。

    Your brothers and sisters from Andromeda and all other star systems of this universe are beckoning you to raise your vibration to meet with them in the higher dimensions .