
  • Arthur;Usher
  1. 亚瑟王的故事成为口头传说的一部分。

    The story of King Arthur became part of oral tradition .

  2. 亚瑟王亲自捉住怪物,并砍下它的头。

    King Arthur himself captures the beast and cuts off its head

  3. 亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。

    Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold .

  4. 在梅林的建议下,亚瑟王创建了圆桌骑士团。

    At Merlin 's instigation , Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table .

  5. 最近几次发掘证实了亚瑟王时期这座山上有农耕人口居住过。

    Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period .

  6. 亚瑟王将他的财宝藏在这里,墨林对洞穴施了魔法,这样永远不会有人找到那些财宝。

    King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them .

  7. 你读过《亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士》的故事吗?

    Have you read about King Arthur and Knights of the round table ?

  8. 出国计划向亚瑟一提出,立刻得到了那位先生的欢迎,他非常乐意,欢欣鼓舞。

    When the plan of going abroad was proposed to arthur , it was received by that gentleman with the greatest alacrity and enthusiasm .

  9. 亚瑟王的侄子高文爵士(戴夫·帕特尔饰演)接受了挑战并砍下了这个巨人的头。

    King Arthur 's nephew , Sir Gawain ( Dev Patel ) , accepts the challenge and decapitates the giant intruder .

  10. 研究人员希望继诺贝尔奖获得者詹姆士。华特森,弗朗西斯。科里克,亚瑟。科恩伯格之后在DNA的结构和复制领域有所重大发现。

    The researchers built on fundamental discoveries on the structure and replication of DNA made by Nobel laureates James Watson , Francis Crick and Arthur Kornberg .

  11. 我有一本《2019年7月20日:生活在21世纪》(July20,2019:Lifeinthe21stcentury)——该书为亚瑟?C?克拉克(ArthurCClarke)所著,1987年出版,被人遗忘已久。

    I have a copy of a long-forgotten 1987 book by Arthur C Clarke : July 20 , 2019 : Life in the 21st century .

  12. •9.7英寸iPad销售不畅【富邦证券(FubonSecurities)分析师亚瑟•廖】

    • a slowdown in 9.7-inch iPad sales ( Fubon securities analyst Arthur Liao )

  13. 其一是制作自家品牌的游戏,比如《亚瑟王国》(KingdomsofCamelot)等。

    One is to create its own games , like kingdoms of Camelot .

  14. 第一款特别成功的游戏是通过Facebook分销的《亚瑟王国》(KingdomsofCamelot)。

    The first game to become a runaway success was Kingdoms of Camelot [ distributed over Facebook ] .

  15. 上世纪70年代初,在时任美国总统的理查德•尼克松(RichardNixon)的压力下,当时的美联储主席亚瑟•伯恩斯(ArthurBurns)就是这么做的。

    That is what Arthur Burns , then Fed chairman , did in the early 1970s , under pressure from Richard Nixon , then president .

  16. 亚瑟小子,广为人知的是他2004年的专辑Confessions,作为世界上最畅销歌手之一的亚瑟小子的作品在全球有6500万销量并获得7次格莱美奖。

    Usher , best known for his 2004 album Confessions , is one of the world 's best-selling artists with global sales of 65 million record and seven Grammy awards .

  17. 日本运动鞋生产商亚瑟士(AsicsCorp.)的一位管理人员证实说,这家工厂是其供应商之一。亚瑟士品牌很受美国等国运动员的欢迎。

    An official at Asics Corp. , a Japanese sneaker company whose brand is popular among athletes in the U.S. and elsewhere , confirmed that the factory is one of its suppliers .

  18. 这个老巫婆想同兰斯洛特(Lancelot)爵士结婚,这位最崇高的圆桌武士,亚瑟最亲密的朋友!

    The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot , the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur 's closest friend !

  19. 我发现,当和一个伙伴分享生命的经历时,我会变得更快乐也更充实,亚瑟这样说道。如今这位叫Moe的女人经常来岛上看望他。

    Ive learnt that I am much happier and more fulfilled when sharing lifes adventure with a partner , he said , adding that the woman named Moe visits him on his island frequently .

  20. “我见到Justin的第一眼,就发现者孩子有股只有明星才有的自信范。”美国R&B歌手亚瑟小子向时代周刊这样介绍他的朋友JustinBieber。

    " From the minute I met Justin , I knew this kid possessed a certain confidence that only a star could have ," Usher told Time of his friend and pop prot é g é, Bieber .

  21. 根据凯尔特神话和亚瑟王传说,我们读者确实知道(即便是在仔细研究之后),Hallows是遗物(即物品)。

    We as the readers , do know ( or at least after careful research ) that Hallows are relics ( a.k.a.objects ), due to their role in Celtic mythology and Arthurian legend .

  22. 杜嘉班纳(DolceGabbana,左下)借鉴传说中亚瑟王和圆桌骑士们所穿的华丽长袍,正如15世纪的一个手稿描绘的那样(左上)。

    Dolce Gabbana ( bottom left ) borrowed from the stately robes worn by the fabled King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table , as depicted in a 15th-century manuscript ( top left ) .

  23. 亚瑟士在销量上不及耐克(Nike)等全球巨头,并且愈发依赖亚洲其它地方低成本的制造伙伴,2008年以来,该公司一直在将重点转移至夺取海外市场份额,特别是美洲市场份额。

    Asics 's sales are smaller than a global heavyweights like Nike , and it has become increasingly reliant on low-cost manufacturing partners in other parts of Asia . Since 2008 , the company has shifted emphasis toward gaining market share overseas & especially in the Americas .

  24. 亚瑟士发言人长谷川雅代(MasayoHasegawa)说,听到发生了这样一起可怕事故,我们都深感震惊和悲痛,安全生产对亚瑟士来说是最重要的。

    ' We are deeply shocked and saddened to hear of this terrible accident , ' Asics spokeswoman Masayo Hasegawa said . ' Safety is of paramount importance for Asics . '

  25. 塞纳克里布的孙子亚瑟巴尼帕尔确实在公元前670年攻克埃及。

    Sennacherib 's grandson Assurbanipal did actually conquer Egypt in670 BC .

  26. 亚瑟死后,圆桌骑士各奔东西。

    The Round Table broke up following the death of Arthur .

  27. 这幅画描绘了亚瑟王法庭的一个场面。

    This picture represents a scene at King Arthur 's court .

  28. 我真希望它们会是亚瑟的后代。

    I like to believe they may be Arthur 's descendants .

  29. 布什:亚瑟尔?你是说阿拉法特在中国?

    George : yassir ? You mean Arafat is in china ?

  30. 亚瑟希望他和史蒂夫会成为好朋友。

    Yaser hoped that he and Steve would become good friends .