
  • 网络King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table;King Arthur and His Knights;King Arthur and knight of round table;King Arthur and the knights of round table
  1. 亚瑟王和圆桌骑士是英国人最喜欢的传奇故事之一。

    King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is one of the favourite legends among British people .

  2. 杜嘉班纳(DolceGabbana,左下)借鉴传说中亚瑟王和圆桌骑士们所穿的华丽长袍,正如15世纪的一个手稿描绘的那样(左上)。

    Dolce Gabbana ( bottom left ) borrowed from the stately robes worn by the fabled King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table , as depicted in a 15th-century manuscript ( top left ) .

  3. 杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana,左下)借鉴传说中亚瑟王和圆桌骑士们所穿的华丽长袍,正如15世纪的一个手稿描绘的那样(左上)。

    Dolce & Gabbana ( bottom left ) borrowed from the stately robes worn by the fabled King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table , as depicted in a 15th-century manuscript ( top left ) .

  4. 嗯应该说是亚瑟王和圆桌骑士

    Well , actually , king Arthur and the Round Table

  5. 园内所有的景区都是按照亚瑟王和圆桌骑士生活的时代复制的。

    Every area of the park is modelled after life in the days of King Arthur .

  6. 这一时期风行一时的文学形式是浪漫传奇,流传最广的是关于亚瑟王和圆桌骑士的故事。

    The popular literary genre of this period was Romance , the stories about King Arthur and round table knights were the most widespread .

  7. 亚瑟王和圆桌骑士的故事千百年来一直活跃在各种文艺作品中。

    The legends of King Arthur and his Round Table Knights have always dominated a vital role in all kinds of literary and artistic works for more than a millennium .

  8. 汤姆使亚瑟王和圆桌骑士们很开心,被封为骑士。他得到一根针当佩剑,一只白鼠做马骑。

    Tom Thumb amused the King and the Knights of the Round Table so much that he was knighted and given a needle for a sword and a white mouse for a horse .

  9. 据说,在亚瑟王和圆桌骑士在卡米洛举行的新年宴会上,一位身着绿衣、骑着绿马的高大骑士走进大厅,手里拿着一把巨斧。

    According to the story , King Arthur and his Round Table Knights were holding their New Year 's banquet at Camelot when a tall knight dressed in green and riding on a green horse came in , holding a huge axe in his hand .