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  1. 结果表明,EOW组有效率是83.33%,2%氯亚明及3%双氧水组有效率是90%,两者无显著性差异。

    The result demonstrated that efficient rate was 83.33 % in EOW group and 90 % in 2 % chloramine solution . 3 % H2O2 group . There was no significant difference .

  2. 内装镇流器技术参数同飞利浦、亚明,强烈建议用户配置飞利浦、亚明光源。

    The technical parameter of inner ballast as compared to Philips and yaming , we strongly suggest the users confesting the illuminant of Philips and yaming .

  3. 面向新世纪,再创新辉煌,亚明人竭诚欢迎国内外新老朋友惠顾与合作。

    Face new century , create refulgence again . We are happy to meet new and old friends of home and overseas and cooperate with all our hearts .

  4. 第五章对飞利浦亚明照明有限公司供应链业务流程进行了再造研究,并对由此引起的核心业务流程的再造和组织结构的调整进行了试运行。

    Chapter V Discussion about remaking the work flow of P & Y supply chain management , the result of test running of the nuclear work flow remaking and adjustment of organizational structure .