
  • 网络Journal of Asian Studies;Asian Survey;Asian Study
  1. 如果我是日本人,我会看好我的钱包,天普大学(TempleUniversity)亚洲研究所的杰夫·金斯顿(JeffKingston)教授说。

    If I 'm the Japanese , I 've got my hand on my wallet , says Jeff Kingston , professor of Asian Studies at Temple University .

  2. IftekharAhmedChowdhury是新加坡国立大学亚洲研究学会的成员。他说,此次会晤表明缅甸乐意与美国交涉。

    Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury , a fellow at the Institute of Asian Studies at the National University of Singapore , says the meeting appears to signal Burma 's willingness to the United States .

  3. 蒂姆·康登是ING投资银行在新加坡办事处的总经济师和亚洲研究部负责人。

    Tim Condon is chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING .

  4. 渣打银行(StandardChartered)亚洲研究主管尼古拉斯•关(NicholasKwan)表示:那些制定了产业政策的政府遇到了需要关注整个产业的问题。

    Nicholas Kwan , head of Asian research at Standard Chartered , says : Those governments with an industrial policy have encountered the problems of looking at whole industries .

  5. 天普大学东京分校的亚洲研究教授JeffKingston称,许多投票者批评自民党导致经济增长不景气。

    Jeff Kingston , Asia studies professor at the Tokyo campus of Temple University , says many voters blamed the defeated Liberal Democratic Party for the nation 's growth .

  6. 英国外交部亚洲研究小组前负责人RodericWye称,对华为公司业务运营的担忧存在已久。

    The former head of the Foreign Office 's Asia research group , Roderic Wye , told the paper there had long been fears about the firm 's operations .

  7. 英国外交部亚洲研究小组前负责人RodericWye称,“对华为公司业务运营的担忧存在已久”。

    The former head of the Foreign Office 's Asia research group , Roderic Wye , told the paper " there had long been fears about the firm 's operations . "

  8. Bianchi表示,各种各样的亚洲研究显示出,这样的公司结构致使股东价值减少了15%到25%,其中部分也是由于投资者对公司自动折价,因为这些公司可能出现不透明的、甚至是胡乱的关联交易。

    Mr Bianchi said various Asian studies showed such corporate structures reduced shareholder value by 15-25 per cent , in part also due to the automatic discount applied by investors to companies that leave themselves open to the possibility of opaque or even abusive related party transactions .

  9. 在兰里的亚洲研究所检验为中国人。

    Asian Studies at Langley identified it as a Chinese character .

  10. 亚洲研究中心以融合亚洲文化为目标。

    The Institute for Asian studies aims to integrate asia .

  11. 这也是我为什么来到微软亚洲研究院工作的原因。

    That is why I work at Microsoft Research Asia .

  12. 首先由赵进师兄以自己的亲身经历向我们介绍他在微软亚洲研究院作实习生的生活。

    First , Zhao Jin introduced his exercitation life in Microsoft Asia academe .

  13. 她现在亚洲研究学院学习。

    She 's at the school of Asian studies .

  14. 斯堪的纳维亚亚洲研究协会;

    Scandinavian Institute of Asian studies ;

  15. 一支国际性科学家队正在亚洲研究沙尘和污染问题。

    An international team of scientists is studying the problem of pollution and dust in Asia .

  16. 同时我也支持亚洲研究院的研究人员对微软总部及其他研究院进行回访。

    I also encourage researchers from Microsoft Research Asia to spend time in Redmond and other labs , as well .

  17. 位在首尔的亚洲研究所国际法与冲突解决中心主任申昌勋(音译)同意这样的说法。

    Shin Chang Hoon , director of International Law and Conflict Resolution at the Asan Institute in Seoul , agrees .

  18. 当各大新闻媒体还在报道“比尔盖茨进京后行踪神秘”的时候,比尔昨天在微软亚洲研究院出现了。

    While the news medias reported Bill Gate went to Beijing and didn 't leave any whereabouts , Bill appeared in MSRA yesterday .

  19. 一些微软总部的研究人员也将在微软亚洲研究院利用更长的时间,更深入地了解那里的项目流程。

    Some of the Redmond researchers are going to spend extended periods of time at Microsoft Research Asia to learn more about projects there .

  20. 张亚勤博士是微软亚洲研究院的创始人之一,并曾经担任的院长及首席科学家。

    Zhang is one of the founding members of the Microsoft Research Asia lab , where he served as managing director and chief scientist .

  21. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部首届平面设计大赛闪亮启动!本次大赛由微软技术俱乐部举办,并得到微软亚洲研究院的鼎力支持。

    The first Ichnography Design Competition in South China University of Technology initiated by MS club and sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia debuted stately .

  22. 尽管和微软总部相距尚远,但是微软亚洲研究院在建构方面已经非常成功,并且影响着微软产品群的发展。

    Microsoft Research Asia has been quite successful in building things and having impact on Microsoft product groups , despite its distance from Redmond .

  23. 日本坦普尔大学亚洲研究主任杰夫·金斯顿表示,菅直人的努力过程将增加政府瘫痪的风险,进一步破坏政治系统的信任度。

    Jeff Kingston of Temple University in Tokyo says the whole process will add to political paralysis , further undermining faith in the political system .

  24. 天普大学日本校区亚洲研究部主任杰夫金士顿说:有意思的是,这些公司率先做出改变,的确引人注目。

    What 's interesting is that these companies really stand out as pioneers , Jeff Kingston , director of Asian Studies at Temple University 's Japan campus .

  25. 我目前是一名专业为计算机信息系统的学生,还有,辅修国际商务、汉语言研究和亚洲研究。

    I 'm currently a student pursuing a degree in Computer Information Systems , as well as minors in International Business , Chinese Studies , and Asian Studies .

  26. 微软亚洲研究院负责搜索的一名技术专家说:75%的内容通用搜索引擎搜索不出来,仅仅能够获取互联网中的一小部分信息。

    A technical expert of Microsoft Research Asia responsible for the search said , " The general search engine does not come out 75 % of the contents " .

  27. 如何管理两位数增长的公司、或如何向位于金字塔底部的人群营销等问题是亚洲研究的核心。

    Questions such as how to manage companies with double-digit growth , or how to market to the base of the pyramid , are central themes of Asian research .

  28. 马毅是微软亚洲研究院视觉计算组的主任研究员。他的研究兴趣在于视觉认知背后的数学原理以及对视觉数据的理解。

    Ma , research manager of the Visual Computing Group at Microsoft Research Asia , is interested in the mathematical principles behind the processing and understanding of visual data .

  29. 加入港大以前,雷教授是澳洲国立大学亚洲研究学院中国研究教授及中韩研究所所长。

    Prior to hku , Professor Louie was the professor of Chinese and head of the China and Korea centre , Faculty of Asian studies , the Australian National university .

  30. 美国天普大学东京分院的亚洲研究教授金斯顿说,很多选民指责败选的自民党为日本经济的停滞不前负有责任。

    Jeff Kingston , Asia studies professor at the Tokyo campus of Temple University , says many voters blamed the defeated Liberal Democratic Party for the nation 's stagnant growth .