
yà má shā
  • line;linen
亚麻纱[yà má shā]
  1. 前纺车间影响亚麻纱质量的几个因素

    Factors of Affecting Linen Yarn Quality at Preparatory Spinning Workshop

  2. 以纯亚麻纱为经纱与氨棉包芯弹力纬纱交织成的麻棉弹力布,由于其纬向具有弹性的特殊性,在生产上质量较难控制。

    Stretched fabrics of linen and cotton are woven with linen in warp and spandex cotton in weft , it is more difficult to control in the production for the quality because of the weft stretch .

  3. 亚麻纱化学改性与活性染料的染色性能

    Chemical Modification of Flax Yarns and Dyeing Properties with Reactive Dyes

  4. 针织用亚麻纱捻系数的选择

    The Selection of Twist Factor on the Flax Yarn for Knitting

  5. 浅谈如何控制和提高亚麻纱条干均匀度

    Talking About How to Control and Enhance the Flax Yarn Evenness

  6. 超声波技术在直接染料染亚麻纱中的应用

    Applying Ultrasonic Technique to Linen Yarn Dyeing with Direct Dyes

  7. 恒温恒湿对亚麻纱试验的影响

    The Test Result of Linen Yarn Affected by Constant Temperature and Humidity

  8. 丙烯酸酯接枝改性亚麻纱性能研究

    Study on the Properties of Yarns Grafted by Acrylate

  9. 本文对活性翠蓝K&GL染料在接枝改性亚麻纱上的应用性能进行了研究。

    Application properties of modified flax yarns with Reactive Blue K-GL was studied .

  10. 活性染料在接枝改性亚麻纱上的应用

    Application Study of Modified Flax Yarns With Reactive Dyes

  11. 亚麻纱染色工艺的研究

    A Study on Dyeing Process of the Linen Yarns

  12. 果胶酶在亚麻纱前处理中的应用

    Application of pectinase enzyme in pretreating linen yarn

  13. 浅谈亚麻纱染色工艺

    Talking About Dyeing Technics of Linen Yarn

  14. 本文对丙烯酸酯接枝改性亚麻纱的拉伸性能及染色性能进行了研究。研究表明丙烯酸酯接枝改性可以提高亚麻纱的拉伸性能;

    The tensile property and dyeing property with reactive dye of Acrylate grafted flax yarns was studied .

  15. 亚麻纱丝光整理工艺探讨

    Mercerizing of Flax Yarn

  16. 经纤维素酶整理的亚麻纱解决了普通亚麻纱不能用于针织的难题。

    The flax yarn arranged with cellulase has solved the difficult question that the common flax yarn could not be used for knitting .

  17. 用不同活性染料对接枝改性亚麻纱进行染色,我们发现接枝改性亚麻纱不仅保留了其自身的硬度和光滑特性外,还克服了其耐水性差的弱点。

    By grafting flax yarn 's dyeing test with different dyestuff , we find that grafting flax yarn not only retains its stiff and smooth style , but also overcomes its dyeing weakness .

  18. 根据亚麻纱的特性分析亚麻织布应采用浆纱织造的必要性,阐述亚麻纱浆纱的作用机理、浆液配方的选择以及上浆率和上机工艺参数的设计和控制

    The paper analyses the necessity of the sizing for weaving linen fabric according to the characteristics of the linen yarn , and expounds the linen sizing function mechanism , choices of the sizing ratio , technological design of the linen sizing and control measures

  19. 为了使亚麻纱顺利上机织造,分析了捻度对纱线强度、断裂伸长、体积、直径、布面风格的影响以及捻度的大小对亚麻针织织造的影响。

    In order to knit smoothly for flax yarn , analyzing twist has influence on the breakdown intensity , breakdown elongation , volume , diameter and the quality of cloth , and studying the number of twist has influence on the flax yarn for knitting .

  20. 大豆蛋白复合纤维/亚麻混纺纱的过氧乙酸漂白工艺

    Bleaching process to soybean / linen blended yarn with peracetic acid

  21. 亚麻针织纱煮漂工艺的探讨

    A Study on Process of Kiering and Bleaching of Linen Knitted Yarn

  22. 在棉纺设备上开发亚麻混纺纱的实践

    Practice of Developing Flax Blended Yarn in Cotton Spinning Machine

  23. 用灰色理论预测亚麻成纱质量

    The Grey Theory for Prediction of Quality of Flax Yarn

  24. 细旦涤/Modal/亚麻混纺纱工艺实践

    Technological practice on fine count polyester / modal / flax blended yarn

  25. 亚麻针织纱清纱工艺参数的选择

    The Selection of Parameter on the Flax Knitted Clearing Process

  26. 毛/亚麻混纺纱的生产新工艺

    New technology of producing wool / linen blending yarn

  27. 天丝/亚麻混纺纱工艺的研究

    Research on Process of Tencel / Flax Blended Yarn

  28. 亚麻针织纱柔软处理工艺研究

    Study on the soft technology of flax yarn

  29. 亚麻混纺纱用中频转杯纺纱机的工艺实践

    The Technology Practice of the Blended Linen Yarn by the Medium Frequency Rotor Spinning Machine

  30. 通过清纱试验,探索出亚麻针织纱清纱的最佳工艺参数及适合条件。

    Selecting the optimized clearing process parameter and the suitable condition for the flax knitted yarn by the experiments .