  • extend;stretch
  • from
  • 空间和时间上延续不断:横~。绵~数千里。~古(整个古代,终古,如“~~未有”、“~~奇闻”)。


(延续不断) extend; stretch:

  • 横亘

    lie across;

  • 绵亘

    extend in an unbroken line;

  • 联亘

    be interconnected


(从; 由) from:

  • 亘古以来

    from ancient times


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 亘宽

    Gen Kuan

  1. 他实为品格高尚能力超群的行政官。陆亘的官品人格也颇具现代意义。

    His official integrity and moral quality have modern significance .

  2. 绝知芳誉亘千乡。

    Her virtue is known in every household .

  3. 我觉得亘的系列“哺乳动物组成”特别好做。

    I find Wataru 's series " Composition of Mammals " particularly well done .

  4. 亘的插图也不例外。

    Wataru 's illustrations are no exception .

  5. 本文试图对《亘史钞》作系统地梳理,揭示其在文学研究上的价值。

    This article attempts to tidy Gen Shi Chao systematically and strives to reveal its value .

  6. 沧桑沈园,亘久的爱情。

    We love therefore we are .

  7. 爱情的亘古恒唱

    Eternal Song of Love

  8. 如果我们采取措施在亘利的基础上恢复业务关系,对我们都是有利的。

    It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit .

  9. 一亘到对方翻身跳下战马,发出熟悉的大声呐喊,然后一把抱住他,差点把他全身骨头拆散,他才认出来者是谁。

    until he vaulted off the back of his warhorse with a familiar roar , and crushed him in a bone-crunching hug .

  10. 亘要的不是你认识多少人,而是在你离开后,别人会认为是个永远的损失。

    What will matter is not how many people you knew , but how many will feel a lasting loss whenyou re gone .

  11. 摆动控制使摆从垂亘向下运动到近似垂直向上位置,采用双闭环控制策略,内环控制小车的位移,而外环采用正反馈控制器由摆的角位移和速度来确定出小车期望的位移。

    The outer loop , which is a positive feedback loop performs position control of the cart based on the position and rate of the pendulum .

  12. 条件适宜时分生孢子或厚亘孢子萌发产生侵入丝由伤口侵入寄主表皮细胞,侵入后菌丝在表皮细胞间分枝蔓延,形成大量分生孢子和厚垣孢子,进行再侵染。

    After invasion , the hypha form a spread of branches between the epidermal cells , produce a large number of conidia and chlamydospores which can infect hosts again .

  13. 但同时,电大应该在师资队伍、资源开发、设备设施的利用、形成性考核和师生亘动等方面进一步加强建设。

    But simultaneously , Radio & TV University requires further construction in many aspects such as teacher group , resource exploiture , the using of equipments , formative assess and the interaction between teachers and students .

  14. “深有万丈,遥亘千里,中无舟楫可通”江河湖泽给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。

    " It 's a hundred thousand feet deep and a thousand li wide , and there is no boat to ferry you across . " Rivers and lakes provide us with water transport and irrigation .

  15. 在这部作品中,作者运用自然主义与现实主义相结合的手法,透辟地阐述了人类的孤独这一亘久而普遍的主题,至今仍能引发人们沉重的社会与道德思考。

    In this novel , the writer combined the naturalist and realist styles in order to give a thorough exposition of the everlasting and universal theme of the solitariness of mankind , which still leads to people 's social and moral reflections .

  16. 凌氵蒙初在创作或改编戏曲小说中侠义题材的作品时,十分重视吸取宋明笔记小说乃至民间传说中的素材,尤其重视《剑侠传》、《亘史》这两部著作。

    In creating or adapting opera novels bearing chivalric types of literature , he paid much attention to absorbing materials from literary sketches and folk legends in the Song and Ming Dynasties , especially from the two works of Legends of Swordsman and History of Eternity .
