
  • 网络five-prevention;Fail-safe unit
  1. 十二五陕西电气化铁路供电规划研究五防系统在智能化变电站中应用分析

    Electrified Railway Power Supply Planning in Shaanxi during the Twelfth Five-year Period Application analysis of fail-safe unit in the intelligent substation

  2. 在介绍五防系统功能特点的基础上,结合五防发展历史,提出了智能化变电站一体化五防系统的思路。

    This paper puts forward an idea of integrated fail-safe unit of intelligent substation by introducing the functional characteristics of fail-safe unit and its history .

  3. 220kV升压站“五防”闭锁装置改进与探讨

    Improvement and Discussion of " Five-prevention " Interlock Devices in 220 kV Step-up Substations

  4. 变电站五防一体化在线监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of online substation monitoring and five-prevention integration system

  5. 书画收藏谈五防

    Five Precautions to Be Taken in the Collection of Calligraphy and Painting

  6. 调度遥控实现五防的方案探讨

    Discussion on Realizing Schemes of Electric Maloperation Prevention in Dispatching Remote Control

  7. 无五防装置的接地线,容易造成误操作。

    Earth lines without anti maloperation devices may easily cause fault operation .

  8. 大集中模式的变电站五防管理系统分析

    Analysis to Substation Five Major Management Systems in Anti-centralized Model

  9. 五防系统在智能化变电站中应用分析

    Application analysis of fail-safe unit in the intelligent substation

  10. 微机五防与电气五防相结合的应用分析

    The Application Analysis of Combined with Computer Five Preventions and Electronic Five Preventions

  11. 变电站五防装置配置探讨

    Improvement on Five Protection Devices for Integrated Automation Substation

  12. 微机五防闭锁系统的设计及应用

    Design and Application of Microcomputer Five Anti-latch up System

  13. 防止接地刀闸的误操作是“电力五防”之一。

    Prevention of grounding switch misoperation is one of " Five Electric Preventions " .

  14. 五防操作中规则转换软件的实现

    Realization of Rules Conversing Software During Five-Prevention Operation

  15. 变电站微机五防闭锁规则库自动生成器的设计

    The Design of Automatic Builder of the Rule Storeroom of Microcomputer Mis-operation in Substation

  16. 微机五防装置在潮州地区的应用与管理

    Application and Management of the Microcomputer Device for Protection from Five Accidents in Chaozhou area

  17. “五防”是防止电力系统出现误操作的可靠保证。

    " Mis-operation Prevention " system is a credible measurement to prevent power system from mis-operation .

  18. 根据“五防”和安全操作规程的要求,提出通用全面的防误策略。

    In order to improve the correctness of creating switching sequence a comprehensive safety strategy of operation specification was proposed .

  19. 一直以来,五防系统都是变电站的重要组成部分,是防止电气误操作的必备技术手段。

    ' Five Prevention'system has always been an important part of substation , and is essential to prevent electrical applicance misoperation .

  20. 在其它联锁机构的配合下,可为电器成套开关设备提供安全有效、全面的五防联锁解决方案。

    With coordination of other interlocking mechanism , it can provide electrical assemblies switchgear equipment with safe effective and all round " five-protection " interlocking solvable plan .

  21. 文章对该升压站的五防闭锁功能进行了分析介绍,并与国内采用的现代微机五防功能进行了比较。

    This paper analyzes and introduces the five-preclusion interlocks of the step-up substation , and compares with the functions of computer-based five-preclusion now used in our country .

  22. 另一方面,在开票过程中加入闭锁条件,达到五防要求,从客观上杜绝无操作事故的发生。

    On the other hand , in the process of make out an invoice to join artesian conditions , " five-protection " requirement , objectively eliminate no operation accidents .

  23. 对厨房器具温升试验中两个问题的理解它集开票、预演、操作等于一体,不但对一次设备满足五防要求,而且对二次设备实现了操作及操作任务的限制。

    Understanding Normal Operation and Operating Time of Kitchen Machines in Heating Test It not only meets the need of five-prevention operation , but also limit operation and operating task .

  24. 详细描述了脚本语言和脚本编译器的设计方法,在监控后台实现五防规则的编译和安全测试。

    The design of a script language and its virtual machine is explained in detail . The compiling and security test of the proofing rules are realized by the back-end system .

  25. 智能防误操作器是变电站防误系统的一个组成部分,是为了满足电力系统五防要求而设计的。

    The intelligent mistake precaution operator is one part of the mistake precaution system for transformer substation . It is designed to meet the need of five rules of electric department .

  26. 同时完善网门位置和临时接地刀闸位置的采集与控制,实现了在正常的操作过程中,监控五防一体化系统提供全程的、实时在线的五防逻辑闭锁和操作票顺序闭锁。

    In addition , the design improves the collection and control of net location and temporary ground disconnector location and in normal situation five-prevention integrated supervision system provides five-prevention logic lock and operation system lock for real time .

  27. 对微机开票系统中的核心即五防闭锁逻辑的实现进行了详细分析,并编写了车轴山站五防闭锁逻辑条件,对典型间隔的逻辑条件进行了解读。

    The core of the microcomputer system of make out an invoice is five-protection artesian logic realization are analyzed in detail , and has compiled the axle mountain stood five-protection artesian logic conditions , the logic of typical intervals .

  28. 本文参考了国内外变电站防误闭锁的经验,分析了新一代微机网络五防闭锁的工作原理和特点,提出了在间隔层保护测控装置中实现防误操作的方法。

    After absorbing the experiences of Substation Interlocking inside and outside and analyzing the theories and characteristics of New generation computer-based interlocking system , the paper brings forward a method that is implementation of mal-operation proof on platforms of relay and control units between bays .

  29. 文章论述了五步配套综合防突本系的内涵和指导原则,论述了合理采掘部署的内涵和原则要求,强调了区域性预测的重要性。

    This paper discusses the connotation and guiding principles of both the complex outburst-prevention system with five-step supporting measures and the rational winning and opening layout , and places the emphasis on the significance of the regional prediction .