
  1. 对采用溶液结晶法制取五水偏硅酸钠进行了研究。

    The preparation of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate using aqueous crystallization method is studied .

  2. 研究了由蛇纹石提镁残渣制备五水偏硅酸钠的方法,分析了制备过程中的各种影响因素,用实验确定了主要工序的最佳工艺条件。

    The method is presented for preparation of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate from residue after extracting magnesium from serpentine ore . Various factors affecting the process are analysed and optimum operating conditions of main processes are studied .

  3. 利用氧氯化锆副产稀碱液制备五水偏硅酸钠

    The preparation of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate from dilute lye of

  4. 五水偏硅酸钠新产品开发与应用

    Development and Use of the Product of Sodium Silicate

  5. 五水偏硅酸钠结晶特点及生产控制

    The Characteristic and Production Control of the Crystallization of the Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate

  6. 溶液结晶法生产五水偏硅酸钠溶液结晶法制取五水正硅酸三钠

    Manufacture of Sodium Metasilicate Pentahydrate by Liquor Crystallization . Preparation of sodium silicate pentahydrate by aqueous crystallization method

  7. 介绍了以水玻璃为原料,利用溶液结晶法生产五水偏硅酸钠的放大试验。

    This article introduces the pilot experiment of producing pentahydrate sodium metasilicate by water glass with the method of crystal in solution .

  8. 研究了工业生产条件下杂质含量对五水偏硅酸钠产品质量的影响,提出了保证结晶质量的方法和措施,实际生产证明具有良好的作用,产生了良好的效益。

    The influence of impurities for quality of crystals in the process of producing the sodium metasilicate pentahydrate is studied and the maximum of impurities is proposed in this paper .

  9. 介绍以铝矾土提取硫酸铝废渣和氧氯化锆副产废碱液为原料生产泡花碱,然后利用一次造粒法生产五水偏硅酸钠新工艺确定影响产品质量指标工艺因素。

    A new process in which a foam alkali can be produced by taking aluminum sulfate residue and waste alkali liquid of zirconium oxychloride as its raw materials , and then sodium metasilicate pentahydrate being made by one shot slag forming is introduced .