
  • 网络The Five
  1. 我们给了这五个孩子每人均等的一份。

    We gave each of the five children an equal share .

  2. 五个孩子回家了,但是他们停下来休息了几次。

    The five children went back to the house , but they paused to rest several times .

  3. 她一个人养活五个孩子。

    She reared a family of five on her own .

  4. 她的母亲刚又生了孩子,她的第五个孩子。

    Her mother had just given birth to another child , her fifth .

  5. 《第五个孩子》TheFifthChild这是诺贝尔文学奖得主多丽丝·莱辛的一个经典故事。

    This is a classic tale from Doris Lessing , winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature .

  6. 该书出版于1988年,讲述了由于第五个孩子本的出生,哈里特和大卫·洛瓦特一家的幸福生活发生的变化。

    Published in 1988 , the book describes the changes in the happy life of Harriet and David Lovatt , as a result of the birth of their fifth child , Ben .

  7. 在考试监察机构表明每五个孩子的SAT成绩有一个人的分数是不正确的情况之后,相应的措施也即将出台。

    The move is being considered after exam watchdogs said as many as one in five children is given incorrect SATs marks .

  8. Harrison是一个澳大利亚家庭五个孩子中最年幼的。

    Harrison is the youngest of five children in an Australian family .

  9. 她的丈夫托德(Todd)也是运动员出身,他们有五个孩子,长子名叫特瑞艾克(Track,也有径赛项目的意思),因为他出生的时候正值径赛季。

    She and her husband , Todd , also an athlete , named their first son Track because he was born in that sport 's season .

  10. DeloresClemens老师是五个孩子的母亲,还是一位祖母。

    Teacher Delores Clemens is a mother of five and a grandmother .

  11. 篇章二三年前,PunchaMaya和她丈夫,以及他们的五个孩子都住在尼泊尔南部摇摇欲坠的房子里。

    Passage Two Three years ago , Puncha Maya , her husband and five children lived in a shaky flat in Southern Nepal .

  12. 幸亏有了该项目,León总算可以将五个孩子中的四个留在学校上学,即便在资金紧张的时期也不例外(老大今年22岁,不符合项目的补助条件)。

    Thanks to the program , she managed to keep four of her five children in school ( the oldest , age22 , isn 't eligible for the subsidy program ) even during a financial emergency .

  13. Hawa在20天前带着五个孩子来到这里。

    Hawa arrived here 20 days ago with her five children .

  14. MarionWilliams今年45岁,曾生过五个孩子,其中两个在分娩后夭折。她说:“我怀着胎儿的时候,喝了很多酒,大部分是在周末”。

    " When I was pregnant with my son I drank a lot – mostly on weekends ," says Marion Williams , a45-year-old mother who lost two of her five children in childbirth .

  15. 这是Bounlid,27岁的竹筐编织者。在照片中,她已怀孕5个月,是第五个孩子,但她仍在努力工作。

    In this photo she is five months pregnant with her fifth child , and still working hard .

  16. 这里也的确有生儿育女的女性在科技业步步高升的杰出案例。梅耶尔成为雅虎首席执行官的时候怀有身孕,而YouTube的首席执行官苏珊·沃西基(SusanWojcicki)不久前产下了第五个孩子。

    There are prominent examples of women with children who have climbed the corporate ladder in tech. Mayer was pregnant when she became chief executive of Yahoo , and Susan Wojcicki , chief executive of YouTube , recently had her fifth child .

  17. 产妇可能会出现幻听,或者有去制造伤害的冲动,比如2001年将自己的五个孩子淹死在浴缸里的安德烈娅·耶茨(AndreaYates),以及2004年砍掉婴儿双臂的德娜·施洛瑟(DenaSchlosser)。

    women may hear voices or feel compelled to inflict harm , like Andrea Yates , who drowned her five children in a bathtub in 2001 , or Dena Schlosser , who in 2004 cut off her infant 's arms .

  18. 裁缝的家人住在楼上的三个房间,一个厨房,卧室,Lifschnitz和他的妻子和五个孩子睡觉,一客厅。

    The tailor 's family lived upstairs in three rooms ; a kitchen , a bedroom , where Lifschnitz and his wife and five children slept , and a living-room .

  19. 那个临终的妇女把她五个孩子托付给孩子们的阿姨。

    The dying woman commended her five children to their aunt .

  20. 他结婚,替全人口添增五个孩子。

    He was married and added five children to the population .

  21. 珍妮普尔的母亲生了五个孩子-全都是女儿.

    Jeyne Poole 's mother had five children-all of them girls .

  22. 身为五个孩子父亲的斯特林当场死亡。

    Sterling , father of five , died at the scene .

  23. 一个人照看五个孩子使她忙得没有时间社交。

    Caring for five children single-hand leave her no time for socialize .

  24. 她一个的要照顾五个孩子。

    She alone had take care of her five children .

  25. 在所有的五个孩子中,他是最高的。

    He is the tallest of all the five boys .

  26. 去年她丈夫死了,给她丢下五个孩子。

    Her husband died last year , leaving five children with her .

  27. 自从她丈夫去世后,她一个人把五个孩子扶养成人。

    She raised five children all by herself after her husband died .

  28. 于是四乘轿子带走了王氏和她的五个孩子(倩儿和带淑芳的杨奶妈也跟去了)。

    Madam Wang and her five children quickly departed in three sedan-chairs .

  29. 他挑起赡养妻子和五个孩子的担子。

    He was saddled with a wife and five children .

  30. 她是家里唯一的女儿,也是五个孩子中年龄最小的。

    She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five .