
  • second- hand house
  1. 最后提出构建二手房中介PPP模式(公私伙伴关系),从而达到减少交易成本、稳定二手房交易市场的目的。

    The final proposal of building a second-hand housing intermediary PPP model ( public-private partnerships ), so as to reduce transaction costs , the purpose of stable second-hand housing market .

  2. 此外,本文还通过分析整合营销传播理论下的4C理论框架,重新认识4C理论中的沟通策略(Communication),并将促销组合策略引入到二手房中介公司的营销传播活动中。

    In addition , though explaining the framework of the IMC theory , we may refresh our understanding of the communication strategies in 4C theory and introduce the sales promotion combination strategy into the marketing spreading activities of the second-hand house trading agents .

  3. 为了反映评估过程的非线性,合理确定二手房价格,通过分析传统评估方法的不足,提出了基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的二手房价格评估模型。

    To reflect the nonlinear nature of appraisal process and determine the reasonable price of second-hand housing , a novel price appraisal model of second-hand housing based on radial basis function ( RBF ) was put forward through analyzing the shortcomings of the traditional appraisal methods .

  4. 本文通过应用Box-Cox变换来选取适合杭州二手房的具体函数形式,有效的减少人为固定函数形式所带来的各方面的误差,可以有效地改善模型结构,使得模型的拟合效果更好。

    The paper that use the Box-Cox transformation form can effectively improve the model structure and effectively reduce various errors from the man-made form function , make the model fit better . 3 .

  5. 犹他州盐湖城的一名男子JoshFerrin前些天买了一幢二手房,举家搬进去之后,他开始审视旧房,在阁楼上,他发现了一堆塞满了钞票的盒子和罐子。

    A man in Utah discovered $ 45000 ( £ 28000 ) stuffed into tins and boxes in the attic of the new home he had just bought - and gave the money back to the previous owner 's six children . Josh Ferrin was exploring the house he had just bought when he made the discovery .

  6. 律师在线外地人也能办二手房贷款吗?

    Outsiders can do the secondary counsel on the housing loan ?

  7. 购买二手房要交纳土地出让金吗?

    Housing land sold to pay the purchase of second-hand gold ?

  8. 二手房占比偏低的同时,新的住房和公寓不断还在不断被修建。

    Meanwhile , new houses and apartments continue to be built .

  9. 私产公产企业产二手房的区别在哪里?

    Private enterprise off public property used in the Housing distinction ?

  10. 这让二手房的中介明显感觉到了寒意。

    The agencies to run second-hand houses feel " chilly " .

  11. 首先,是一个很大的传播二手房。

    First , there is a big spread second-hand housing .

  12. 首先,需求的增加二手房市场。

    First of all , the increased demand for second-hand housing market .

  13. 一二手房交易比例逆转上海房产市场成熟了?

    Housing transactions a second-hand property market in Shanghai reverse proportion mature ?

  14. 二手房买卖业务一直是银行利润的重要来源。

    Second-hand house trading has been an important source of bank profits .

  15. 中国城市二手房市场高价柠檬悖论

    On the High Price Lemon in the House Market in Chinese Cities

  16. 在中国,二手房没有多大市场,雷蒙德表示。

    There is no secondary market in China , Mr Hau declares .

  17. 网上交易已经成为二手房市场的共识。

    Net trade becomes a common view of second-house markets .

  18. 二手房经纪市场博弈及其效率分析

    Second-hand House Brokerage Market Game and Effect on Efficiency

  19. 购买尚有抵押贷款的二手房有哪些办法?

    There are mortgages to purchase second-hand housing options ?

  20. 申请二手房组合贷款需要提供哪些材料?

    Housing loan portfolio for secondary materials needed what ?

  21. 二手房对商品房价格的影响

    Impact on price of commodity apartment of second-hand house

  22. 广州市二手房市场发展现状与前景分析

    Study on the Status and Prospects of Second-handed Housing Market in Guangzhou City

  23. 购买二手房可否共同申请公积金贷款?

    Can jointly apply for the purchase of second-hand housing provident fund loans ?

  24. 您好!我购买了一套二手房。

    Hello , I have purchased a second-hand house .

  25. 广义的按揭房屋还包括了如今市场盛行的二手房按揭。

    Broad mortgage housing also includes used house mortgage that is prevailed today .

  26. 最新发布:上海二手房区域价格抽样报告!

    The latest release : Regional Housing prices in Shanghai secondary sample report !

  27. 他在河边买了一套二手房。

    He bought a second-hand suite near the bank .

  28. 从二手房角度来看不动产占有制度。

    In the third chapter from secondhand the room perspective real estate possession system .

  29. 目前,该模式的二手房市场已经基本形成。

    At present , the pattern of second-hand housing market has been basically formed .

  30. 二手房交易税调控效果及税收调控策略研究线性控制器正比控制器

    Regulation and Control Effects of Tax on Transaction of Second-Hand House and Taxation Strategies