
  • 网络2d animation
  1. 应如何在网络课程中对二维动画进行设计?

    How to design 2D animation in the network course ?

  2. 把活动的电影胶片和二维动画电影片段结合起来是当时的发展趋势。

    It was a common trend at the time to combine live action film footages with 2D animation .

  3. 二维动画CASE工具的生成方法

    Generation Method of 2 D Animation CASE Tool

  4. 在学院里,我辅修了一门叫做二维动画的课。

    In college I took a side subject called 2-D animation .

  5. 计算机二维动画中一种快速动画变形方法的研究

    Research on fast animation morphing technique in producing 2D computer animation

  6. 定格动画的创作形式也不是孤立存在的,它可以与二维动画、三维动画和真人影像相结合。

    Form of stop-motion animation production is not solely existed .

  7. 如何对网络课程中的二维动画进行学习需要分析?

    How to analyze studying demand of 2D animations in network courses ?

  8. 基于认知的网络课程中二维动画学习效率的研究

    A Study of Cognitive-based Learning Efficiency of 2 D Animation in Web-based Courses

  9. 《一个夏天的回忆》二维动画短片的实现

    《 The Memory of One Summer 》 in 2D Cartoon Short 's Printmaking

  10. 网络课程中的二维动画又怎样的发展前景?

    What developing foreground do 2D animations have in network courses in terms of ?

  11. 然后分别以单线平涂二维动画是什么,为什么和怎么样的思路进行逻辑性论述。

    And then it goes with logical discourse by WHAT , WHY and HOW .

  12. 尤其是实现二维动画制作自动化,更具有研究价值。

    In particular , the realization of two-dimensional animation automation has more research value .

  13. 维纳斯和安切塞斯(绘画)传统扑灰年画造型样式与二维动画形象设计

    Venus and Anchises Gray Paintings of Traditional Flutter Modeling Style and Two-Dimensional Animated Image Design

  14. 分析图像、声音、视频,以及二维动画和三维动画的构成。

    Examines the structures related to image , sound and video , including2D and3D animation .

  15. 电路原理图理解及二维动画自动制作技术研究

    Research on * A Thesis in Circuit Theory Understanding & Technology by 2D Computer Animation Automaker

  16. 最后,阐述了自己利用二维动画进行环保类公益广告的设计心得。

    Finally , the experience of using two-dimensional animation to design the publish interest advertisement about environment advisement was stated .

  17. 通过对三维动画与传统的二维动画的艺术表现形式、制作方式的系统描述,阐述了三维动画艺术在视觉艺术传达、媒体设计制作中的高效率、无可替代的技术优势及独特的艺术效果。

    By describing the way of production , the thesis also clarifies the high efficiency , unreplaceable technical superiority and special art effects .

  18. 然后,研究了二维动画在公益广告创作中的作用,通过二维动画能够使公益广告有效地传达信息,引起人们的关注。

    The information of the publish interest advertisement could be expressed correctly through applying the two-dimensional animation , and raised concerns from people .

  19. 动画场景设计在整个动画作品的创作过程中,无论是作为三维动画还是二维动画都是不可或缺的关键环节。

    Animation scene design is an essential part in the whole production process of the animation work , either in 3D or 2D animation .

  20. 论文最后总结了全文主要内容,强调顺应动画领域变革、打破陈旧观念发展二维动画。

    The article concluded by the main contents of that conform to changes in the field of animation , breaking stereotypes development of 2D animation .

  21. 将这些运动规律运用在传统二维动画制作中,丰富充实了角色运动形式与动作设计方式。

    By using the law of beasts movement in the traditional two-dimensional animation , the role 's movement form and design pattern can be enriched .

  22. 本文根据动画地图表示内容和常用动画技术的特点,对二维动画地图的表示方法进行了探讨。

    According to the characters of animated map expressive contents and common animated technologies , this paper re-searched the expressive methods of planar animated map thoroughly .

  23. 研制二维动画地图视觉感知测试系统,用测试的手段对动画地图的视觉感知进行评测,通过对测试结果的统计分析,进一步改进动态符号的设计和动画地图的制作。

    By analyzing of the result of visual perception test , we can ameliorate the design of dynamic symbols and the produce of planar animated map .

  24. 本文在对三维动画的艺术特点进行分析的基础上,认为三维动画并不足以成为传统二维动画的替代品。

    This article analyses the artistic characteristic of three dimensional animation , and it states that three dimensional animation could not wholly replace the traditional two-dimensional animation .

  25. 软件的标准控件完成参数输入和数值显示,二维动画代替模拟指针。

    The parameter setting and displaying are implemented by the standard software resource and the mechanical pointers on the dial are replaced by the two dimension moving pictures .

  26. 传统二维动画与其它形式动画的结合他把工笔与写意结合起来,把中国传统画法与西洋画法结合起来,把文人画与民间绘画结合起来。

    His painting style combined fine brushwork with freehand brushwork , traditional Chinese skills with Western skills , and the work of the Chinese literati with folk paintings .

  27. 虚拟轧机主要包括五部分:液压系统、张力系统、速度系统、变形系统和铝箔轧机的二维动画显示。

    The virtual rolling mill includes five parts : hydraulic system , tension system , speed systems , deformation system and two-dimensional animation display of the aluminum foil mill .

  28. 二维动画电影起源于上个世纪初,在上个世纪中叶,在美国迪斯尼达到了繁荣的高峰。

    Two-dimensional animation film is originated from the beginning of last century , and in the middle of last century , it reached a peak in Disney of America .

  29. 本文研究了数字二维动画制作流程,并着重分析了数字二维动画中的两个核心技术环节,数字上色和数字合成。

    This paper introduces a execution flow of2D Animation making , and focuses on the analysis of digital tinting and digital composition , which is two essential part of2D Animation .

  30. 通过把复杂的褶皱冲断系统分解成一系列迭加的滑脱层系,可以模拟复杂的楔体构造,并提供这些构造演化的二维动画。

    By decomposing fold and thrust systems into superposed detachment systems , it is possible to simulate extremely complex wedge structures and to do animation of the evolution of the structures .