
fánɡ huǒ qiánɡ
  • firewall; firewall;internet firewall Internet
  1. 防火墙为计算机网络提供了基本安全保障。

    A firewall provides an essential security blanket for your computer network .

  2. 如果在网络中增加新计算机,可能就得重新设定防火墙。

    You may need to reconfigure the firewall if you add a new machine to your network .

  3. 新技术应该能提供安全可靠的防火墙抵御黑客袭击。

    New technology should provide a secure firewall against hackers .

  4. 不幸的是,这个计划似乎不太可能奏效:我们连能够抵御普通人的防火墙都还没发明出来,更不用说超级智能机器了。

    Unfortunately , that plan seems unlikely to work : we have yet to invent a firewall that is secure against ordinary humans , let alone super intelligent machines .

  5. 一些研究人员认为,我们可以将机器密封在一种防火墙内,用它们来解答难题,但决不允许它们影响现实世界。

    Some researchers argue that we can seal the machines inside a kind of firewall , using them to answer difficult questions but never allowing them to affect the real world .

  6. 您可以选择为internet安全启用防火墙。

    You can select to enable a firewall for Internet security .

  7. Internet安全和防火墙技术:现状与分析

    Internet Security and Firewall Techniques : Overview and Analysis

  8. 附录B:按应用程序列示的防火墙端口

    Appendix B : Firewall ports by application

  9. 基于Click系统的包过滤防火墙软件路由器

    Software Router with Packet-filtering Firewall Based on Click System

  10. 更为先进的Web应用程序防火墙甚至能识别非法流量,针对未知的零日攻击提供保护。

    More advanced web application firewalls can even provide protection against unknown , zero-day threats by identifying illicit traffic .

  11. 因此,以为在Internet入口处部署防火墙系统就足够安全的想法是不切实际的。

    Therefore , thinks in the Internet entrance deployment firewall system will result in enough security idea is impractical .

  12. Internet防火墙及其Linux实现

    Internet Firewall and its Linux Implementation

  13. WEBService技术,以其跨平台性、自描述性、模块化、跨防火墙的优点,在互联网领域迅速发展。

    Web service , with the advantage of cross-platform , self-description , modularization , and cross-firewall , is growing rapidly on Internet .

  14. 这可以称为防火墙II:续集。

    It will be Firewall II : the Sequel .

  15. 防火墙支持:开发者可以根据IP地址限制对数据库的访问。

    Firewall Support : Developers can limit access to their databases based on IP address .

  16. 动态PC防火墙系统结构的研究

    Research of Dynamic Configuration of PC Firewall System

  17. 基于P2P的语言IP穿越网络地址转换和防火墙的统一模型

    Unified model for VoIP traverse of NAT and firewall based on P2P networks

  18. 为定义定制的TCP防火墙配置文件提供一个集中的管理框架。

    Provide a centralized management framework for defining custom TCP firewall profiles .

  19. 这些都是公共标准,并且可以直接与当前的web基础结构结合使用,而无须担心其他的代理或防火墙问题。

    These are public standards and can be used immediately with current web infrastructures without worrying about additional proxy or firewall issues .

  20. 为SQL服务器服务防火墙创建一个例外情况

    Create an exception for the SQL server browser service the firewall

  21. 点击Windows防火墙设置。

    Click Windows Firewall Settings .

  22. 注意:即使你是积极的Windows防火墙被禁用,再次检查。

    Note : Even if you 're positive that the Windows firewall is disabled , check again .

  23. 同时,Web服务技术可以解决跨平台通信、穿越防火墙等复杂问题。

    At the same time , the technology of Web Services can solve the problems of cross-Platform , going-throgh-firewall , and so on .

  24. 校园网络租用电信的100M光纤接入Internet网,连接设备选择了防火墙。

    Campus network hire 100M fiber which from telecommunications access to Internet by firewall .

  25. SPI截获Windows个人防火墙系统设计

    System Design of Personal Firewall System on Windows Using SPI

  26. 基于ASP的页面防火墙

    The Firewall of Web Pages Based on ASP

  27. 基于CORBA代理防火墙研究与实现

    Investigation and Implementation of Proxy Firewall Based on CORBA

  28. 基于防火墙和VPN技术的网络安全架构研究与应用

    Research and Application of Network Security Architecture Based on Firewall and VPN

  29. 你甚至能够发现你的广域网IP如果你在NAT或防火墙后面。

    You can even discover your WAN IP if you 're behind a NAT firewall .

  30. IBM防火墙内的“混合”SL网格

    " Hybrid " SL grid inside the IBM firewall