
  • 网络Jiulong;jiulong county
  1. 九龙县珍稀濒危植物多样性快速评估

    Rapid Assessment on the Biodiversity of Rare and Endangered Plants in Jiulong County

  2. 森林生态效益现实补偿费的计量&以川西九龙县为例

    Measurement of Amount of Forest Ecological Benefit Legitimate Compensation & Take Jiulong County , West Sichuan as an Example

  3. 3S技术在川西干旱河谷退耕还林(草)监测与生态还林决策中的应用&以甘孜州九龙县为例

    Application of RS , GIS and GPS in Survey of Returning Farmland to Forest or Grass Land and in the Making Decision in the Dry Valleys of the Western Sichuan , China

  4. 在3县中,石棉县的栖息地面积最大,占小相岭大熊猫栖息地的54.48%,冕宁县大熊猫栖息地占小相岭山系的41.12%,九龙县最少,仅占4.40%。

    Habitats of the giant panda in Shimian are the largest with 54.48 % of total area and that of Jiulong County the smallest with 4.40 % .