
  • 网络Kyushu;Kyushu Island
  1. 古老的萨摩省位于日本九州岛最南端。

    The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu .

  2. 最近,一位名叫友吉中元寺的九州岛老人被列为世界上最长寿的男人。

    Recently , another Kyushu resident was hailed as the world 's oldest man .

  3. 九州岛配件供应短缺迫使丰田(Toyota)在全日本的汽车工厂启动了临时的停产措施。

    A shortage of parts out of Kyushu forced Toyota to begin temporary shutdowns at car plants across the country .

  4. 位于九州岛南部的川内核电厂的两座反应堆,被原子能管制委员会(NuclearRegulationAuthority)首批认证为足够安全、可以重启,该委员会成立于两年前,旨在恢复公众对核监督的信心。

    The two reactors at the Sendai power plant on the southern island of Kyushu are the first to be certified as safe enough to restart by the Nuclear Regulation Authority since the agency was created two years ago to restore public confidence in nuclear oversight .

  5. 中国媒体称,船长和两名船员已被带至九州岛上的鹿儿岛市(kagoshima)接受讯问。

    Chinese media said the captain and two crew had been taken to Kagoshima City on Kyushu Island to be questioned .

  6. 譬如,普天间的直升飞机可以移往庞大的冲绳嘉手纳(Kadena)空军基地,或者日本四主岛之一的九州岛。

    Futenma 's helicopters could , for example , be moved to the huge Kadena air force base on Okinawa , or to Kyushu , one of Japan 's main islands .

  7. 日本九州岛北岸港市。香港港岛石油气代理商商会有限公司

    A Japanese city on northern Kyushu . Hong Kong Island LPG Dealers Association Limited

  8. 日本九州岛北岸港市。

    A Japanese city on northern Kyushu .

  9. 繁荣的南部岛屿九州岛,日本的第三大居住地,有着1400万人口。

    Take the lush southern island of Kyushu , Japan 's third-largest and home to 14m people .

  10. 百岁老人主要集中在日本南部的冲绳岛、四国岛和九州岛等地区。

    Japan 's southern regions of Okinawa , Shikoku , and Kyushu are home to the highest concentrations of centenarians .

  11. 鹿儿岛日本九州岛南部一城市,位于鹿儿岛湾濒临中国东海的一个海湾。

    A city of southern Kyushu , Japan , on Kagoshima Bay , an inlet of the East China Sea .

  12. 九州岛新干线高速铁路暂停运营,两条主要的高速公路因山体滑坡有多处阻断。

    The island 's shinkansen high-speed railway was suspended and its two main motorways were cut in several places by landslides .

  13. 调查显示,目前日本年龄最大的老人是来自日本南部九州岛的一位名叫米子皆川的老太太,今年113岁。

    The oldest person is a woman , Yoneko Minagawa , 113 , from the main southern island of Kyushu , said the survey .

  14. 日本气象局表示,这次地震的震中在日本海,在九州岛海岸外大约70公里。

    Japan 's Meteorological Agency says the quake was centered in the Sea of Japan , about 70 kilometers off the coast of Kyushu .

  15. 官员们说,在日本南部的主要岛屿九州岛,很多城市的电力、煤气和自来水的供应受到影响。

    Officials say electrical power , gas and water services have been disrupted in many cities on Japan 's main southern island of Kyushu .

  16. 日本九州岛西北部一城市,位于东中国海沿岸,长畸市的西北偏北方向。1886年在此建立了海军基地。人口250635。

    A city of northwest Kyushu , Japan , on the East China Sea north-northwest of Nagasaki . A naval base was established here in1886 . Population , 250,635 .

  17. 田锅获得吉尼斯世界纪录的认证后,日本便同时拥有了全世界寿命最长的男性和女性,目前全世界寿命最长的女性是114岁的皆川米子,她也住在九州岛。

    With the recognition , Japan boasts having both the world 's oldest man and the oldest woman & Yone Minagawa , 114 , who also lives in Kyushu .

  18. 他是香港管弦乐团首位驻团作曲家,并曾指挥该团首演他的第五交响曲《三国志》、第六交响曲《九州岛同》及其它管弦乐。

    He was for three seasons Resident Composer of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra with which he has conducted the premiere of his Symphonies No.5'The Three Kingdoms'and No.6'Reunification ' .

  19. 上周日,多起余震在位于日本南端的整个九州岛不断扩散。此前,一场里氏7.3级的地震导致41人丧生,并让该地区的高科技制造业陷入停顿。

    Aftershocks rippled across the southern island of Kyushu on Sunday after a magnitude 7.3 disaster killed 41 people and brought the area 's high-tech manufacturing industry to a halt .

  20. 据该发言人透露,包括在九州岛部署防暴战斗直升机在内,该项计划旨在增强日本在西南部份的防御能力。

    The plan , designed to enhance defense capabilities in southwestern Japan , also includes the deployment of an Apache fighter helicopter on the island of Kyushu , according to the spokeswoman .

  21. 他奢华的生活方式一直是日本电视媒体关注的焦点,麻生在日本最南端的九州岛拥有大片私人土地,而且在东京高档住宅区有一幢大别墅。

    Japanese TV channels have been focusing on his luxurious lifestyle , with huge family lands on the southernmost main island of Kyushu and a large home in an exclusive part of Tokyo .

  22. 日本福冈九州岛的岛崎教授及其同事在《牙周病学》期刊中提到,除了勤刷牙和用牙线清洁牙齿外,能够有效缓解这一疾病的方法比较有限。

    Outside of regular brushing and flossing , effective measures to allay this disease are limited , Shimazaki , of Kyushu University in Fukuoka , Japan , and colleagues note in the Journal of Periodontology .

  23. 上周,日本西南部九州岛遭遇两次强震,导致至少42人罹难.超过1千人受伤,楼房屋宇和道路桥梁大面积损坏.

    Two powerful earthquakes hit thesouth-western island of Kyushu last week killing at least 42 people . More than1000 people are injured and there has been widespread damage to buildings , houses , roads and bridges .

  24. 丰田已关闭了位于九州岛的三家工厂的运营。该公司表示,由于配件短缺,该公司会在4月18日到23日之间,分阶段暂停其他日本国内装配厂的生产线。

    Toyota , which has already halted operations at three plants in Kyushu , said that , due to parts shortages , it would suspend production lines at other domestic assembly plants in stages between April 18 and 23 .

  25. 来自九州岛南部宫崎县的田锅生于1895年9月18日。当时,日本在世界上还未占据一席之地,澳洲还未独立、莱特兄弟也还没有发明出第一架飞机。

    Tanabe , from Miyazaki prefecture on the southern island of Kyushu , was born on September 18 , 1895 -- before Japan became a world player , Australia became independent or the Wright Brothers created the first plane .

  26. 鸟粪面膜的价格和肉毒杆菌注射的费用相当,其中的鸟粪是从日本九州岛采集而来,然后和米糠及清水混合搅拌,铺在面膜贴上,再把鸟粪面膜在面部敷一个小时左右就可以了。

    Billed as an alternative to Botox injections , the droppings - which are collected on the Japanese island of Kyushu - are mixed with rice bran and water before being applied as a mask and left to soak into the pores for an hour .

  27. 北九州日本九州岛北端一城市,位于连接濑户内海和朝鲜海峡的海峡边。

    A city of northern Kyushu , Japan , on the channel connecting the Inland Sea with the Korea Strait .